Message: #352332
Ольга Княгиня » 07 Jun 2018, 01:25

Children’s dog – what are we talking about… Vladimir Isaevich Krukover

is largely influenced by smells.

He barks, bites, doesn’t let him into the house - who is this?
Housekeeping is an ancient profession for many dogs. And there is almost no need to teach them. And they protect not only private apartments, but also warehouses, shops, military installations, plants and factories ...

The desire to be close to a person, the unwillingness to be alone, the protection of all family members from "strangers", a distrustful or unfriendly attitude towards strangers, an obligatory welcome ceremony when a family member enters - these and many other things are the customs of the pack. You must reckon with these customs, cultivating a tolerant attitude towards them.

The “territory of the pack” to which the dog belongs should, with proper education, coincide with the “sovereign territory” of his owner and his family.

room, apartment, house, a garden, a farm that includes a yard, or a park may be the territory of the pack. The dog considers this territory “its own” and, in fact, protects it. In this territory, she runs along the same paths, hides or buries bones, tolerates a cat as a pack companion (sometimes!) and limits this territory, the territory of her pack, putting odorous marks on trees, stones, fences, poles, columns. Thus, the dog designates the area of ​​his dominance in relation to other people's dogs, and he defends this territory with conviction.

Who runs faster?
Чемпионом по бегу на короткие дистанции является, как известно, гепарd. It can reach speeds of more than a hundred kilometers per hour. In second place is a greyhound dog. There are even running competitions, almost the same as racing competitions among horses.

Despite the fact that today we are well aware of the ancestors of dogs, the prehistory of which begins 50 million years ago, the time of the appearance of the first breeds of dogs is still shrouded in obscurity.

Sometimes one can hear a judgment about greyhounds, as if in the case of them we are talking about an artificial, modern extreme form. Generally, the short-legged, short-tailed, and stocky species are considered their forerunners and physically healthier. Contrary to these misconceptions of contemporaries torn away from nature, it can be argued that greyhounds belong to the most ancient representatives of the canine family. In any case, in the person of greyhounds we have the oldest of such identified types, which has retained its original appearance for thousands of years, which is also confirmed by a direct comparison of the current species with prehistoric images. In fact, slender, long-legged and athletic species are the oldest. Being hardy, faster than others, these qualities were needed by groups of ancient people who, hunting and gathering, had to be on the road all the time.

Approximately 8000 years before the birth of Christ, man was a nomad and a hunter. For obtaining food, animals in the wild, hounds were indispensable assistants to the hunter. Сегодня можно предположить, что одомашнивание волка состоялось около 15 000 лет назаd. The oldest still skeleton of a domestic dog was found in the cave of Palegavra in northwestern Iraq. Radiocarbon dating has shown this skeleton to be approximately 12,000 years old (Olsen in: Science, 1977). Thus, the dog is generally the most ancient domesticated animal.

What is the position of a companion?
Very often a dog is taken to escape loneliness. Elderly lonely people sometimes literally humanize their dog, their companion, pamper him in every possible way. At the same time, they forget that the owner and the dog should be like each other.

This, however, should not be taken literally, as the "correspondence" to each other cannot be explained. Let's explain this with examples: a hunter and a hunting dog, a policeman and a German shepherd, a movie star and an Afghan, a monk and a St. Bernard, an old lady and a Maltese, a butcher and a Rottweiler, an athlete and a greyhound.

The opposite of one's own "I" is chosen in most cases simply out of vanity or in order, at least with the help of a dog, to be noticeable (noticeable) among other people. Often this is due to an inferiority complex or, conversely, when others do not recognize someone's "exclusivity" and a dog is required to confirm it. In all these cases, I sincerely feel sorry for both the owner and the dog.

What is unusual about Christie's career?
In 1965, the press talked about the extraordinary career of the German Shepherd Christie from Frankfurt an der Oder. She was enrolled in her staff by the directorate of the city gas network for the position of inspector. Christie's detection of a gas leak from an underground pipeline was better than any device. Later, dogs with such newfangled qualifications appeared in the service of the Warsaw Gas Network Administration and in the municipal service of Talin.

Among the four-legged who have mastered new specialties, there are their own discoverers, champions, celebrities.

Sheepdog Lari enjoyed the reputation of the world's first dog-geologist. Her training for the purpose of mineral exploration began in 1962, and two years later she successfully discovered pyrite, either on the surface or shallow underground (Finland).

The history of military service goes back thousands of years, and for many thousands of years the tribes and peoples of Europe - the Gauls, the Greeks - used dogs in battle. The Greeks bred for these purposes a strong breed of Melas dogs (probably a modern dog.).

Dogs trained in martial arts were used in the 9th century BC during the invasion of Mesopotamia and the Chaldeans. Before the attack, heavy metal collars with open curved knives were put on the dogs.

The Romans were pretty surprised when, in a war with the Celtic tribe of the Gauls, they discovered that this people was letting dogs into the battlefield. The dogs were large, predatory, aggressive and gave the Roman legionnaires a lot of trouble.

How did dogs serve in the military?
В тяжелое военное лихолетье (1941—1945 гг.) собаки взрывали вражеские танки, были случаи, когда при виде четвероногих подрывников гитлеровские вояки поспешно поворачивали свои машины назаd.

Dogs went on reconnaissance, brought ammunition, communication dogs laid so many kilometers of wire that it is difficult to calculate. Near the city of Nikopol in 1944, a dog named Jack delivered almost three thousand combat reports. At the same time, he maintained communication between the units of the Soviet Army stationed on different banks of the Dnieper, and for this, of course, he had to swim across this far from narrow river every time.

However, the record number of reports on the account of Dick, a "private" Leningrad front, is about twelve thousand.

Ambulance teams took out the wounded from the battlefield. And when the retreating invaders began to mine houses, factories, cities, roads, dogs also came to the aid of the sappers. At the final stage of the war, they participated in the clearance of cities that were liberated by the Soviet Army. How many human lives have been saved thanks to them! With the use of dogs, more than 300 enemy tanks were knocked out, 200,000 combat reports were delivered, 680,000 seriously wounded were taken out of the battlefield, hundreds of tons of ammunition were brought in, more than 15,000 square kilometers of mined territory were examined, more than 4 million mines were found.

The vast majority of the four-legged soldiers of the Great War were East European Shepherds. However, ordinary mongrels coped with this difficult service no worse.

Dogs are still serving. And not only in the army.

If we note the behavior of animals during the natural tragedies that broke out on the territory of the former Soviet Union, then perhaps the most famous is the story of the journalist V. Peskov about the Ashgabat earthquake. He recalled: “On the train, a neighbor in the compartment took out family photographs. Among the portraits, I saw a picture of a sheepdog. «Почти как человек, дорога эта собака, — сказал сосеd. — My wife and I worked in Ashgabat. That returned home late at night. They didn't go to sleep right away. I dug through the papers. The wife was reading. The baby was sleeping in the stroller. Suddenly - which had never happened before - the dog rushed from its place and, grabbing his daughter by the shirt, rushed through the door. Lost! I'm for the gun. Went out with my wife. And then it collapsed behind us. And the whole city collapsed before our eyes.

Why is Dick famous?
For many years, a shepherd named Doke worked in the Roman detective police. Doke surpassed in his art his famous colleagues from the English Scotland Yard and the Parisian criminal police.

Doke detained four hundred intruders, participated in one hundred and fifty deadly fights, received seven gunshot wounds. Four gold and twenty-seven silver medals were received by the champion.

Perhaps the most phenomenal in Dox's many years of career was the sensational "case of the lost button." A robber entered one of the jewelry stores in Rome, but was discovered by a night watchman. After a short fight, the criminal managed to escape, although with nothing. Dox was called to the scene. The dog carefully sniffed the watchman's clothes and led the policemen to the basement of a building on the other side of the city. The door was opened by the sleepy owner, who, having learned about the reason for the visit of the police, provided a convincing alibi: he, they say, was sleeping and did not know anything about the robbery attempt.

Next, let's give the floor to the direct participant in the operation, Sergeant Maimona:

“I was ready to believe him, especially when the watchman did not recognize him as a bandit who attacked him in a jewelry store. I then signaled

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