Message: #352332
Ольга Княгиня » 07 Jun 2018, 01:25

Children’s dog – what are we talking about… Vladimir Isaevich Krukover

was stealing pieces from their bowls. At the sight of such lawlessness, they only flattened their ears in embarrassment and turned away - they endured.

K. Lorenz believes that “... dogs, even avid hunters, surprisingly easily learn that they should touch other animals living in this house. The most inveterate cat-haters who, despite no punishment, they continue to chase cats, they learn without difficulty not to encroach on cats or other animals in the house ... "

How does a dog talk?
Barking, grumbling, rumbling, squealing. And also - ears, tail, lips, teeth, the whole body. The mood of the dog and the expected behavior in connection with this can in most cases be determined by its appearance.

The erect tail and ears, the ruffled coat, and the raised head are the "impressive" posture that every dog ​​displays towards an unfamiliar or hostile brethren. If she lowers her head forward, presses her ears, and at the same time her tail hangs, then she, without entering into a fight, recognizes herself as a subordinate. A yielding or weaker dog also behaves, in response to which another, stronger one, immediately leaves it alone. In this case, the submissive display consists of the weak dog lying on its back, as young dogs predominantly do. Some adult dogs, mostly dachshunds, adopt this position when they want to show their owner their devotion or play with him.

The tail of a dog is a barometer of its mood at the moment. A tail between the legs is an unfriendly reaction of rejection. The tail is drooping, motionless - the behavior of uncertainty. Straightened tail - the situation can change quickly. Weakly wagging tail - the situation is improving. A vigorously wagging tail is a beautiful, joyful setting. The highest stage of dog euphoria: the tail does not wag, but literally beats, while the back of the body sways, the ears are pressed down - the highest degree of bliss - the beloved owner is walking.

If you guess aggressive intentions in the dog's stance, you need to immediately step back.

Precisely back, so that when retreating, keep an eye on the dog, which in itself deters the attack, precisely slowly, so as not to awaken in the dog the innate instinct of persecution. Defending is pointless. A person does not have the ability to resist the attack of a biting dog, even if it is of medium size. Sticking a hand into an open mouth is the privilege of only brave policemen.

How to translate dog language?
You must learn to understand the dog's language and recognize when it barks, grunts, howls and whines.

Greeting a family member, the arrival of a stranger, protection or the attack of one of the relatives, the discovery of a shot or a message about the found killed game, pain, discontent, fear - your dog notifies you of all this and much more with the help of his dog's tongue. Over time, you will learn to correctly understand all these sounds. Then you, even without seeing the dog, will know what excites it and what determines one or another of its actions. Knowing the dog's language is especially important when the dog has to protect something or help in the hunt.

When evaluating a dog's sense organs, we must always bear in mind that the nose and ears play a decisive role in it.

You should not be naive, thinking that your dog at a considerable distance recognizes you as the owner.

A small dog, for example, a dachshund, at a distance of 20-30 meters will be in the dark who is approaching it, the owner or a stranger (of course, if the wind blows in your direction, and not in the direction of the dog). This is evidenced by alternating tail wagging and grumbling. The ability to recognize, visual acuity are individual and vary depending on the breed of dog. The maximum distance a dog can recognize people is 110 meters when people are still and 150 meters when they are moving (data from Dr. Frido Schmidt).

Much of your dog's actions will become clear only if you remember that he is a member of the pack.

What is the right way to talk to a dog?
The reaction of the dog is based on reflexes and instincts. If you know how your dog behaves on a particular occasion, or which of his behaviors are instinctive, you can use this to both train your dog and maintain a friendly relationship with him.

Despite all the reflex and instinctive actions of the dog, we must never forget that there is something more to the dog than mere intelligence.

Anyone who is really on friendly terms with a dog knows that he sometimes shows feelings, which, no doubt, are something more than simple reflexes or instinctive actions. Many dogs feel the mood of the owner, although it does not appear outwardly, and react accordingly. Sometimes just a little noticeable friendly gesture is enough for a dog to immediately understand everything.

A dog should never be required to understand the difference between "good" and "bad" in the purely human sense of the word. Dog distinguishes between "permitted" and "prohibited". This should be fundamental for you in her upbringing. The one who punishes his dog, if he acted badly according to human concepts, falls into the delusion resulting from his humanization. The owner must educate his dog in such a way that such an action falls into the category of prohibitions known to her.

You must clearly understand that the dog does not understand your language. Dog, вероятно, воспринимает лишь звуковую окраску вашей речи, ее тон. However, this is enough for her to understand your intentions and your desires, if you back up your words with gestures. Dog обнаруживает удивительную чуткость к вашему «языку жестов». Hand movements, gestures, the language of your eyes, your posture - everything that you often unconsciously connect with words, the dog understands correctly. The intonation of your words tells her exactly what should be taken as an order and what is an act of kindness.

Praise and condemnation should be clearly distinguished by the tone in which they are pronounced. Intonation is extremely important for a dog.

When we praise a dog, our voice takes on soft, friendly tones, and when we condemn it, it becomes harsh and harsh, the phrases are jerky, and they are pronounced in a lower tone than usual. You don't need to speak loudly, the dog hears 16 times better than we do.

Both praising and scolding do not need to cross the border of the permissible.

Does a dog need an alphabet?
Yes, sure. Only the alphabet for dogs is not letters, but commands. There are commands of general obedience: sit, lie down, come to me, fetch, forward, place, walk, you can’t (or - fu), you can ... And there are more complex commands: search, trace, guard, guard, take (face), etc. d.

There are also schools for dogs. These schools teach not only correct behavior, obedience, discipline, but also various specialties. There are, for example, schools for fire dogs, for rescue dogs in the water or in snowy rubble, for dogs for geologists, and for police dogs. It is clear that geological dogs look for useful minerals, police dogs look for criminals, and rescue dogs help people out of trouble.

In Estonia, there is a special school for fixing gas leaks. Dog находит трубу, где произошла эта утечка, а люди трубу ремонтируют. In France, some dogs are trained to look for tasty mushrooms growing under earth.

How is training different from education?
Dog training starts from the day you bring the puppy into your home. Let's analyze the psychological subtleties of education (you can use the term "training", although education and training, in my opinion, are more suitable for a four-legged family member).

The main thing that the owner should remember is that the dog in your family should not be an idler and a parasite.

It doesn't matter what breed your friend is. Let it be a small toy terrier or a huge Irish wolfhound. Each dog should have its own professional duties, its own duty, its own service, responsibility.

Notice how your puppy looks for opportunities to be helpful. He barks at strangers, trying to be a watchman; brings you slippers, makes you laugh with his pranks, pretending to be a companion; makes a stand on a dove, hinting that he is ready to take part in the hunt.

You taught the dog to give a paw. Perhaps this process is mutual - he also taught you to give a “paw”, and even give a treat for it. The puppy is the same child: he tries to participate in the dynamics of his pack, and the pack is your family.

His attempts at cooperation are often thwarted by you out of ignorance. The dog barked at night - you sharply pulled him up. But he deliberately slept "with half an ear", he guarded your sleep, heard a suspicious rustle in the front door and warned of a possible danger. And instead of gratitude, he received a rude remark.

The dog rushed off somewhere on a walk, into the garbage, into the mud, where the devil would break his leg. You caught him, scolded him. And he is completely at a loss: he, after all, followed the trail of a large rat, wanted to destroy it, he is from the terrier family - it is in their blood ...

The category of numerous prohibitions turns the dog into a passive toy.

Why is the dog not listening?
On the run and at home, in any situation, the dog tries to realize hereditary professional abilities. Watchdog - guard, security, shepherd - to maintain order in the flock or


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