Message: #321496
Heavy Metal » 05 Mar 2018, 19:34

Diving terms

Current dive time
The total time in minutes from the start of the descent to the start of the ascent.

Described as a state of lack of oxygen in the tissues, which prevents their normal functioning. Brain cells are damaged when they lack oxygen. Read the Anoxia section for more information.

Caused by the difference in pressure between the air space in or near the body and the environment. This is a serious health risk, usually affecting the eyes, lungs, skin, and ears.

buddy system
It is usually practiced to assist drivers to each other, especially if necessary in an emergency. Read our Dive Training Basics – Buddy Systems section for more information.

A body immersed in water or gas is pushed up. This force allows objects to float, or at the very least, float more easily. You can learn more about this by visiting the Beginner’s Guide – Diving Physics Principles section.

Buoyancy compensator
Scuba divers use to maintain position at a certain depth and control buoyancy during descent or ascent. Read our Gear and Equipment – BCD section for more information. Cupcake slot machine play right now

C-CARD/Certification Cards
Serve as proof of driver training and experience.

CPR (Checkpoint)
Receptions for cardiopulmonary resuscitation. They are used on an unconscious victim whose pulse and breathing cannot be detected. Read the Diving Safety – CPR section for more information.

decompression buoy
Also called marker buoy. An instrument on the surface that a driver uses to indicate their position during a decompression stop.

decompression sickness
It is caused by the formation of nitrogen bubbles in the blood and in the tissues of the body. Посетите наш раздел «decompression sickness» для более подробной information.

Decompression stop
This is the time when the diver is in shallow water to get rid of inert gases, which saves him from decompression sickness. Visit the Dive Planning Skills section for more information. information.

dive computer
This is an electronic device that is used to determine important information for diving, such as current depth, dive time, maximum depth, water temperature. For more information, visit the Equipment and Equipment – Instruments section.

DIVE flag
Used on a boat to indicate that the driver is at the bottom.

One who works underwater, equipped with a breathing apparatus and special clothing.

Diving SHOT
Surfaces of an instrument that marks the diving site and guarantees its safety during ascent or descent.

DYE markers
Bright colored waterproof markers used as a surface tool. They are mainly used to increase the visibility of the diver from the air.

direct immersion
A more or less standard dive in which the diver descends into the water and turns forward towards the water.

The last part of the driver’s approach, during which he or she jumps with one foot off the stern of the boat and lands on both feet in the water.

The term is used to describe an elevated pressure of one atmosphere.

Occurs when an organ or part of the body is not provided with enough oxygen. Посетите наш раздел «hypoxia»для более подробной information.

Diver’s list of dives to confirm experience.


Usually a waterproof seal around the eyes and nose, containing a clear coating for use by those underwater.

nitrogen narcosis
Occurs when there is a high concentration of nitrogen in the blood. Для получения дополнительной информации посетите раздел «nitrogen narcosis».

Closed chain scuba
An apparatus used in recreational diving in which exhaled air is released into the water in the form of bubbles.

oxygen poisoning
Occurs when a diver breathes high partial pressure oxygen for a significant period of time. Для более подробной информации посетите раздел «oxygen poisoning».

System for the Professional Association of Diving Instructors. This is the largest and most famous diving group in the world. Visit our Guide to Beginners – Diving Certification Bodies” to learn more about PADI and other diving associations.

One of the devices that converts exhaled air into a gas that the diver can breathe again is general gas recirculation and processing. If you want to know more, please visit the Underwater Sets section.

Pressure chambers
Used to treat drivers suffering from a specific disorder, such as decompression sickness.

Recreational diving
One of the types of diving that is used for entertainment and pleasure. For more information, visit the Diving Variations – Recreational Diving section.

Bands or ridges of rocks, sandy, coral, which rise from the water or are close to its surface.

Repetitive dives
Dives between which the time does not exceed 10 minutes and does not exceed 12 hours.

Residual nitrogen time
Time to get rid of excess nitrogen.

Safety stop
A certain amount of time spent at a given depth to release excess nitrogen.

Saturated diving
immersion occurs after saturation of the body with nitrogen.

SCOMBROID fish poisoning
There is a type of food poisoning caused by eating fish that has high histamine levels. For more information, visit the section on dangerous marine organisms.

Stands for autonomous underwater breathing apparatus. They allow the diver to breathe underwater for extended periods of time. Visit our website and get acquainted with the types of scuba gear.

This is a form of diving that allows a person to breathe underwater and stay underwater for extended periods of time through the use of a self-contained breathing apparatus. For more information, visit the section of our website “What is diving?”.

Shallow water BLACKOUT
It is characterized by a sudden loss of consciousness as a result of hypoxia, also called latent hypoxia.

Single diving
A dive that occurs more than 12 hours after the last dive.

skin diving
Diving without the use of underwater equipment, this is called breath-holding.

These are hollow curved tubes any rubber or plastic with a mouthpiece that allows you to breathe when you are on a face down surface. For more information, visit the Gear and Equipment – Snorkels section.

A movement in which the diver’s body rotates about an imaginary horizontal axis through the hips.

Surface spacing
This is the time between dives.

marker buoys
A floating marker with a thin, strong thread wound on a spool and attached to the diver. This buoy allows you to see where the diver is from the boat. Читайте наш раздел «Водолазное снаряжение — поверхностные инструменты» для получения дополнительной information.

It is caused by barotrauma of the inner ear and a fistula of the lymph, sometimes requiring surgical intervention.

A common problem among divers is loss of balance.

Wet suit
Skin-tight suit made of special cold water material to keep the diver warm.

A surface instrument used by a diver to draw attention to himself.

Diving to sunken ships
This type of diving, which includes the exploration of sunken ships. Visit our Diving Variations section for more information on this type of diving.

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