Message: #413535
Кристина Бергамотовна » 20 Nov 2018, 22:07

Childhood vaccinations

If earlier childhood vaccinations were considered mandatory, today everything is different. Parents themselves decide whether to vaccinate their child or better not. However, even those who choose not to have childhood vaccinations still doubt whether they did the right thing. What if they made the biggest mistake of their lives.

So, in order to get rid of all doubts once and for all, I recommend reading this article to the end.

Childhood vaccinations – harm or benefit.
Before the baby was born, he was immediately given the first vaccination. A little later the second, third, etc. The children’s vaccination calendar has more than a dozen vaccinations! Is it necessary to test the child’s body in this way? After all, vaccination is the infection of the body with a virus, albeit a weakened one. This is what we learn from experts in this field.

What is a vaccination.

Vaccination is done with a vaccine. Vaccination is the modeling of viruses into a milder form. The child is given a vaccine with a weakened infectious agent, calling for the fight against the children’s immune system. As a result, the vaccinated child develops a strong immunity to the introduced infection.

Remember the 80s, when most parents refused to vaccinate their children with the diphtheria vaccine, and only then, after 10 years, such a decision backfired on the people with a diphtheria epidemic with numerous deaths. Here is your answer!

As a rule, parents refuse vaccinations, fearing that they can cause complications in the child. However, you should understand that such a pathology is quite rare. The most dangerous complication after vaccination is anaphylactic shock, which can occur even after using a drop from the common cold. It is because of anaphylactic shock that children are vaccinated in a special vaccination room, where there is everything for first aid in case of complications. It will be worse if the child becomes infected with a “real” virus.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Vaccines for childhood vaccinations must be kept in the refrigerator! Please pay attention to this! By the way, if you are so concerned about the health of your child, you can safely ask the doctors for instructions for the vaccine used. There is nothing shameful here. It is your right. And yet, if suddenly a child develops complications after vaccination, you should know that the doctor is fully responsible for this, who gave you permission to vaccinate and the nurse who gave you the shot.

Unfortunately, one cannot be 100% sure that no vaccine will have an adverse reaction. Most of the time, we, the parents, are to blame. We simply do not know how to properly prepare a child for vaccination and what to do after it.

How to prepare a child for vaccination and what parents should do after it.

First of all, you need to contact the pediatrician if your child:
• Has been taking a strong drug for a long time.
• Has congenital or chronic diseases.
• Was injured after giving birth.
• Hardly endured the previous vaccination.
• Has had a blood transfusion within the last three months.

What to do .

• Do not introduce new foods to your child two weeks before and after vaccination.
• On the eve of the vaccination, bathe the child, because after a couple of days he will not be able to wet the vaccination site.
• Do not leave the outpatient clinic immediately after the vaccination, or at least wait in the hallway for 15-20 minutes. This time is quite enough to make sure there will be adverse reactions or not.
• After vaccination, you can take a little walk outside, but only in dark places. The sun is contraindicated! Better yet, just sit at home in a relaxed atmosphere.
• If you notice that the baby has a reaction at the vaccination site, immediately apply a cold compress or make an iodine grid. It is strictly forbidden to use creams and ointments!
• Has the temperature risen above 37 degrees and the child has become lethargic and capricious? It’s time to call an ambulance!

Children’s vaccinations – for and against.
If you decide to refuse childhood vaccinations, you should know that you will have to go through a lot of paperwork, where the first place is an application addressed to the head of the children’s clinic. But that’s not the problem. Your biggest problem is getting into kindergarten and school, which rarely accept anyone without a vaccination card. This is where you have to fight hard. Although, you should not waste your strength, since it is unlikely that you will succeed. Moreover, an unvaccinated child will daily be among many very dangerous viruses. Therefore, it is better for him to go to home schooling. It turns out that by refusing childhood vaccinations, you deprive your child of communication with peers.

But there are also playgrounds and parks. You won’t always be at home. And we We know that in Russia many children are from dysfunctional families, which means that they can be carriers of the strongest viruses. You will not be able to completely protect your child from contact with viruses and microbes, so it is better to give your baby the required vaccinations and live in peace. And in order to fully make sure that your child will not be threatened with complications after vaccinations, you can make him a special examination at the immunological center. Of course, it is expensive, but you must admit that the health of the child is more expensive.

Children definitely need to be vaccinated. Just treat this procedure with full responsibility, namely, do not run for vaccination as soon as you have a free minute, but be guided by the state of health of the child.
Is it worth it to risk your baby by refusing preventive vaccinations? Still, sooner or later you will go on vacation to another city or even abroad, you will constantly use public transport, a store. Do you have any idea how many sources of infection are around, from which your child is not protected at all?!
There is much less risk if the baby is fully vaccinated. In addition, all vaccines used for routine vaccinations are of high quality, confirmed by the Russian Ministry of Health.

Unfortunately, not all vaccines are suitable for all children. Thus, the whooping cough vaccine (DTP) is prohibited for use in children with progressive damage to the nervous system, and live vaccines (against tuberculosis, rubella, measles, polio and mumps) are contraindicated in children with congenital immunodeficiency. By the way, in such cases, live vaccines and pertussis vaccines are replaced with safer analogues.

It is no secret that children in their first year of life who feed on their mother’s breast milk have strong immunity to many infections. This is due to the fact that along with breast milk, the baby receives mother’s antibodies. But after all, the child will not forever eat only milk, therefore, after transferring to normal nutrition, the child’s body is forced to develop its own immunity.

Immunity is formed during the fight against viral pathogens, i.e. the child needs to get sick so that his body can create antibodies. But this applies to the common cold, which most often does not go beyond high fever, runny nose and cough. But what about the more dangerous ones? diseases such as rubella, whooping cough, hepatitis, diphtheria, etc. After all, they can bring your child to the intensive care unit!!! And it’s not yet a fact that he will come out of there completely healthy. It is for this very reason that doctors decided to create a children’s vaccination calendar for 1.5 years, when the child is so vulnerable to viral infections.

As for secondary vaccination. Primary immunity, created after the first round of childhood vaccinations, can maintain its strength from 1.5 to 5 years. Therefore, after some time, in order to avoid infection, children are given a secondary vaccination, after which immunity becomes stable for the rest of their lives.

Vaccinations for children with allergies and for frequently ill children.

For frequently ill children and for children with allergies, the local pediatrician is obliged to draw up an individual vaccination plan, taking into account the physiological characteristics of the child. Also, before each vaccination, the pediatrician prescribes blood and urine tests, according to the results of which he already decides to vaccinate the child or not. All these precautions reduce the risk of adverse reactions.

So what should we do, refuse childhood vaccinations or not? There is no definite answer here. Both options have their truth and their risks. Therefore, dear parents, it is up to you to decide. Not a single doctor will take on such responsibility … He does not need it, because this is your child and his fate is only in your hands. One thing I can say for sure is that excessive curiosity and vigilance have never interfered. Remember this always!

Message: #2115237
Davilka Lion » 02 Feb 2022, 12:00

Reply To: Childhood vaccinations

Каждый родитель уже с первых дней рождения малыша сталкивается с вопросом вакцинации. Вакцинация детей необходима, ведь указанный способ профилактики позволяет защитить организм от целого ряда опасных инфекционных заболеваний.
Итак, что же делать родителям, которые боится делать прививки своему малышу? Разумеется, указанную манипуляцию выполняет медицинский работник, но ведь родителям приходится переживать за результат. Да и современное законодательство предусматривает возможность родителям отказаться от вакцинопрофилактики, поэтому перед ними возникает вопрос: прививать или не прививать малыша?

Какие действия предпринять родителю, который боится прививок?
В первую очередь необходимо успокоиться и проанализировать все моменты, связанные с проведением вакцинации или отказом от нее. Родитель, который говорит себе и окружающим: «Боюсь делать прививки ребенку», должен ответить на следующие вопросы:

Является ли заболевание, от которого врач рекомендуется привиться, смертельно опасным? Каким является риск заражения у ребенка, с одной стороны, и риск появления серьезных осложнений от прививки – с другой;
Здоров ли ребенок в данный момент, готов ли его организм справиться с нагрузкой, связанной с введением вакцины;
Качественным ли является препарат? Где он был закуплен? Эту информацию можно получить в медицинском учреждении у специалиста;
Примут ли ребенка в дошкольное детское учреждение без документа о прививках? Не возникнет ли впоследствии необходимость купить справку для этой цели?
Положительные и отрицательные стороны прививок
Плюсы прививок – общеизвестны. К ним относят:

Вакцинация является единственной возможностью защититься от таких серьезных заболеваний, как столбняк или полиомиелит;
Даже если привитый ребенок заболеет, к примеру, краснухой, болезнь у него будет протекать в более легкой форме;
Современные вакцины являются менее токсичными, чем препараты предыдущих поколений. Антибиотики, которыми пришлось бы лечить, например, коклюш, имеют намного больше побочных эффектов;
Массовый отказ от прививок может спровоцировать возникновение эпидемий тех болезней, о которых все уже давно забыли;
Риск осложнений от прививок гораздо меньше, чем риск осложнений болезней, от которых они защищают.
Минусы у прививок тоже есть. К ним можно отнести:

Вакцинация в некоторой степени снижает естественный иммунитет малыша;
Препарат не дает стопроцентной гарантии того, что человек никогда не заболеет в будущем.
Современная медицина использует совершенно новые вакцины, в которых опасные компоненты либо сокращены до минимума, либо полностью исключены. Часто болеющие дети больше всего нуждаются в иммунопрофилактике. Они наиболее подвержены инфекциям, и заболевания у них нередко протекают с осложнениями. Для ослабленных детей предусмотрены «добавочные» прививки по показаниям. Например, возбудитель пневмококка – причина 70% инфекций респираторной системы. Поэтому и разработана специальная вакцина для детей, подверженных респираторным заболеваниям. Даже частичная защита – это лучше, чем вообще никакой. У привитых детей, если даже они заболевают, болезнь протекает в более легкой форме и дает меньше осложнений. В современных вакцинах концентрация токсичных веществ сведена к минимуму. Антибиотики, которые придется принимать, если непривитый ребенок заболеет, могут нанести детскому организму больший вред.

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