Message: #337879
Кристина Бергамотовна » 17 Apr 2018, 15:40

Tongue piercing

Tongue piercing is a rather unusual decoration, which not everyone decides on. What does he represent?

The most common version of the vertical puncture, which is inserted into the bar with two nozzles placed on both sides of the tongue. But there are also different variations of tongue piercing.

For example, the bar may be horizontal, or it may be a ring located on the tip of the tongue. Some piercing fans make several punctures in the tongue at once.

Why do people get tongue piercings?

The main motive is to stand out, decorate yourself, make a certain impression. But there are other motives as well. For example, to achieve new sensations in sexual games, using piercing elements to stimulate a partner. In addition, sometimes it’s just a tribute to fashion or imitation of an idol.

How to do a tongue piercing?

The main thing you should know if you are considering getting a tongue piercing is that you can’t skimp on it, as it is a rather dangerous and complicated procedure that must be performed by a specialist. There are arteries on the underside of the tongue, and an inexperienced person can accidentally damage them. This will cause severe bleeding that is difficult to stop. Piercing must be done in salons that are licensed to carry out this particular procedure.

Tongue piercing is a rather painful procedure, because it is done without anesthesia. But if the puncture was successful, then the healing takes place without complications and the pain passes quickly. Immediately after the puncture, a long rod is inserted into the tongue. This is done taking into account the fact that the tongue will swell. But after the swelling subsides, the barbell is replaced with a shorter one. The barbell is a classic piece of jewelry for tongue piercings. But other jewelry can also be used: various stud earrings, bends, rings.

How long does a tongue piercing take to heal?

The piercing heals for about a month, depending on the characteristics of the body.

frenulum piercing under the tongue

Tongue frenulum piercing is a type of piercing in which a puncture is made through the tissue of the frenum located under the tongue in order to wear jewelry in it. This is a fairly simple and quick procedure, but, in some cases, the piercing is rejected over time. Some people cannot get this type of piercing due to anatomical features.

How to care for a tongue piercing?

Until complete healing The piercing wound must be carefully looked after. Rinse at least twice a day with an antiseptic liquid prescribed by a specialist, do not eat too hard, cold, hot, sour, bitter, spicy and salty foods.

Stay away from alcohol while you heal. It increases the healing time of the tongue piercing. Be prepared to lose some weight, because in addition to restrictions in the assortment, the process of eating itself will be difficult at first. In addition, there will be problems with diction. All inconvenience will pass as soon as the puncture heals. At first, do not get the bar yourself and do not turn it. This interferes with rapid healing. Follow the care instructions given to you at the salon.

Consequences of tongue piercing

Tongue piercings are associated with a number of specific health risks:

Transmission of infectious diseases. Oral piercings are associated with the risk of infection with the herpes simplex virus, hepatitis B and C.
Wound infection. This risk is aggravated by many factors: an open wound in the mouth after a puncture, a lot of bacteria that live in the oral cavity, the introduction of bacteria during the care of the jewelry.
Gum disease and tooth decay.
Violation of the natural functioning of the oral cavity.
Inhalation of a foreign body.
Allergic reactions to metal.
Nerve damage or prolonged bleeding.

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