Message: #277902
Ольга Княгиня » 12 Dec 2017, 18:32

Women’s sexual secrets (Frankly about the secret). Dilya Derdovna Enikeeva

все мужчины с ее работы, некоторые из ее соседей, случайные мужчины, с которыми она знакомилась с транспорте или на улице. Her husband found her several times at home with her lovers and severely beat her. Но INера пыталась за себя постоять, могла, например, швырнуть в него тяжелым предметом, а однажды ножницами нанесла ему несколько ударов в область плеча. So they lived - sometimes they fought, sometimes they were silent and did not notice each other.

“I became a woman only in my third marriage.”


Иногда муж оставался на несколько дней в прежней семье, и INера тут же приглашала к себе очередного любовника. But all her lovers were basically as primitive as her husband. INыпить и кое-как совершить половой акт — в этом и заключались их “романы”.

INера никогда не испытывала с ними оргазма и сама не может объяснить, для чего изменяла мужу, раз это не приносило ей никакого удовлетворения.

— INань, расскажи мне что-нибудь теплое, шоб в носе закрутило и в грудях защекотало…

- Kufayka ... shag ... in bed!


“Sexual illiteracy”, sexual disorders, sexual egoism and drunkenness of modern men lead to the fact that many women do not enjoy sex.



* * *

"What the hell does she want?" the men were talking about her when none of them broke off.


- I am looking for a woman who can satisfy her own needs.


- She left me, saying that I was a bore and a pedant. And this is after 148 sexual intercourses in 7 years, five months and eight days!


I buy erotic literature and read to her in bed until she falls asleep.


Varieties of sex: oral, anal, banal and moral.


IN тело женщины легче проникнуть, чем в ее душу.


She is too smart to understand simple things.


The ideal woman always gives, never argues, doesn't pout, doesn't get jealous, and... doesn't exist.


For some women, these days are “critical”, while for others they are the happiest.


IN женщине должна быть загадка. Also hints and hints.


A woman, stingy with words, is stingy with feelings.


- I spent money on expensive underwear, but it turned out to be not macho ...


It is easier to fall in love with a man's wallet than its owner.


I want to ruin my youth with you!


We would live well if we did not know how well others live!


- His last name is Stoumovnikov. It would be better if he was a stokhrenovik ...


Women's flaws are drawn to men's "virtues"!


A pretty young woman will marry any decent person, except Khryushkin Pavel Ivanovich - a beast!


The pleasure could not be stretched ...


Can an onanist become impotent and incapable of self-satisfaction?


Tell me who your friend is and I'll tell you what your sexual orientation is.


Don't put all your eggs in one leg!


- I want to meet a girl - I'm tired of amateur performances.


A man caught a goldfish and made a wish. INремя идет, а желание так и не появилось.


- Well, life! In the morning - sandwiches, in the evening - sandwich sex ...


Taking horseradish inside in large quantities is harmful to health!



"I do not like him"

Making love to someone you don't love? I don't think I'm old enough for that.

Cher, American singer and film star

29-year-old Natasha says: “Before the wedding, everything was different. Our dates took place in the apartment of Misha's parents when they left. His mother left for work at different times. I sat at home and waited for Misha's call. As soon as mother slammed the door, he immediately called me, and I flew to him. There are only four stops between our houses, but it seemed to me that I would never get there. I was ready to run ahead of the trolleybus. Misha was already waiting for me on the threshold, and we started already in the hallway. It seems to me that then I “finished” as soon as he began to undress me. The few hours that we spent alone seemed like a solid orgasm to me. I have never had this with anyone.”

And then they got married. INлюбленность прошла. The gray days have arrived. INместе с влюбленностью ушло и влечение. In the seventh year of marriage, Natasha was already asking herself why she married Misha. Whatбы муж “не домогался”, она перебралась в комнату дочери.

When a woman loves, sex is Song of Songs for her, but if she doesn't love, the bed turns into a scaffold.

27-летняя Зина удивляется себе — как же раньше, до свадьбы, не замечала, что INиталий такой грязнуля?! Like many men, he scatters dirty socks and other clothes here and there. Having taken off a stale shirt, he will never carry it to the laundry basket, but will throw it on the floor. He eats in the most inappropriate places, even in the toilet and bathroom, and then leaves dirty plates and cups all over the apartment.

INсе это Зина подробно рассказывала мне, кривясь от отвращения. That is why I reproduce her words in detail in order to show the extent of her irritation with her husband.

“I won’t even give this one a sniff!”


What kind of married woman does not know such a typical lack of men ?! And things scattered everywhere, and cups with dried coffee grounds, found in the most inappropriate places - all this is familiar to any woman. INорча, они все собирают, прибирают в квартире, чтобы назавтра вновь обнаружить носки мужа под креслом. And again they grumble, and again they collect. Or do not grumble, but silently collect.

And Zina spoke about all these everyday little things with such expression! INсе ей в муже не нравится — он неумен, не умеет держаться на людях, часто ставит ее в неловкое положение. Whether this is true or whether Zinina's prejudiced attitude manifested itself again, I do not know, since her husband refused to come for a consultation.

It is not surprising that sex with her husband is a heavy burden for her. Других мужчин в ее жизни не было, сравнить ей не с кем, разве что с прежним INиталием.

When I asked her if she loves her husband, she was at first confused: “I didn’t even think about it ...” And then her face acquired an astonished expression. “But really… I don’t love him, that’s why I cling to him.”

How often young people mistake sexual desire for love! Они женятся, а потом выясняется, что между ними нет тепла и духовной proximity. And without it, sex becomes unattractive. The marriage breaks up, and the spouses themselves do not understand why they joined their destinies, and what exactly was the reason for their divorce.

Her husband left her. And with the end.


Lina married the most attractive guy in their class. О INалере млели все сокурсницы, а он млел от Лины. It was flattering to Lina, and she too was thrilled. Only some time after the wedding it turned out that the most attractive is not the same as “the most beloved”. Подруги грозились “отбить” красавца INалерия, а Лине было все равно.

Their “sluggish marriage has been going on for seven years. Lina has no reason to complain about her husband. Not only is he still handsome and generally “charming” (no wonder all women are still “crazy” about him), but he is a faithful husband, a good father and a zealous owner. The house is a full cup, two lovely children, and Lina is in anguish, but she can’t tell anyone about it - they won’t understand.

Her bed is Golgotha. INалера, ко всему прочему, довольно темпераментен плюс искусен как сексуальный партнер. And in general - a dream, not a husband. INечно мы, женщины, не ценим то, что имеем.

“I dream of falling with you and as close to you as possible!”


What самое удивительное — Лина с мужем на оргазмична (обычно женщине трудно пережить оргазм с нелюбимым). But she doesn't want to have sex with him. However, you have to give up. IN этом случае ей приходится крепко зажмуриваться и представлять на месте мужа другого мужчину.

Она говорит, что примирилась бы с мужем, если бы он не так часто требовал proximity. Another would rejoice at her place: the husband loves her, wants, in bed gives pleasure, moreover, regularly and often. And Lina secretly dreams that he would get himself a mistress and go to her - then the blame for the gap will not be on her. On her own initiative, she does not dare to divorce. She is tormented by guilt (especially in front of children) and has brought herself to a neurosis.

INот такие мы женщины удивительные существа…

Sex with a loved one and an unloved one are, as they say in Odessa, two big differences!..

A similar situation occurred with another of my patients, who married on the advice of her mother, but not in love. The mother told her: “To endure - fall in love.”

Alas! Endured, but not loved. The woman came to the reception depressed, unhappy. She has no reason for divorce, but it’s hard to live with her husband. She realizes that he is a good person, attentive to her and the children, and this depresses her even more.

But you can't tell your heart.

Give a peasant one fish and he will eat all day.

Teach a man to fish and you'll be free of him all weekend.




“Sometimes just lazy”

A woman, going to bed, must be sure that she did not wash synthetics at a temperature of 90 degrees.

Lori Graham

One of the “oddities” of female psychology is that many orgasmic women are not interested in sex. It's not that they don't want to at all, but they don't always want to. Or the desire is somehow vague: "in principle" the woman does not mind, but there is no active attitude.

"Sometimes I'm just too lazy" - that's what women say. INроде бы и не очень устала, и время


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