Message: #277907
Ольга Княгиня » 12 Dec 2017, 18:33

A mysterious man. Why doesn’t he want to get married first, and then get divorced Olga Ivanovna Makhovskaya

обсуживает большое количество специалистов (адвокаты, воспитатели, женские организации, институты социального страхования), поэтому кажется, что не остается неосознанных проблем relationships. The popularization of psychology is developing rapidly, so that all categories of citizens outside the family and in the family receive enough knowledge to evaluate their feelings, their doubts, and their desires. It would seem that there are no longer any unconscious motives or unexpected problems, but the quality of the relationship, as intuition correctly tells the reader, does not depend on the mind, but on the ability to maintain, maintain mutual sympathy and delight, with which relationships between a man and a woman begin.

Family is a business, divorce is bankruptcy and division of assets
Today, wives increasingly provide socioeconomic status in the family. In conditions of social stratification, an atmosphere of competition and a struggle for position in society, marriage becomes one of the surest ways of social advancement, lifting, climbing the social ladder.

Despite the fact that misalliances have a difficult fate, we are increasingly meeting families consisting of spouses with large differences in age, income, culture, and religion.

I dare to suggest that no one expects a final and lifelong solution to the problems of their personal, professional, social growth from marriage. People are beginning to understand that the family is a business with high risks and low guarantees. And this is no longer a family setting, but a divorce setting.

In Russia, divorce is twice as common as in the United States (30–40 divorces per hundred marriages) and in France (20–40). During the years of perestroika, the number of couples who do not want to enter into a legal marriage has increased by 40%, and the number of those who divorce during the first five years has increased by the same amount.

Divorce and money. Garik Bogomazov from "Inveterate swindlers ”he lived for five years with the most beautiful girl in the world, Varya, whom he found in St. Petersburg. Now they are separated. In some miraculous way, the ex-wife managed to achieve a ban on meetings between the father and the child in court. Now, for each meeting with his son, Varya demands a tidy sum of two and a half thousand dollars. "Why not five thousand?" - the inveterate father is indignant, you can’t “estimate” your son so cheaply ...

Marmalade Katya Lel is known today more as a participant in one of the most expensive divorce proceedings with her former producer. Relations between Katya and her common-law husband (married meanwhile by a real legal marriage) deteriorated when they began to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars. There was something to share in front of the poor viewers and listeners who paid for this show as well.

Развод Романа Абрамовича с супругой ANDриной задал планку, которую трудно будет взять в ближайшее время. Five and a half billion pounds sterling - that was the amount of the claim brought against Mr. Abramovich in one of the London courts. London has a reputation as the divorce capital of the world - a city where divorce can become the most profitable or, conversely, the most unprofitable enterprise, bringing spouses who have forgotten about puritanical morality to bankruptcy. Roman Abramovich wisely translated the process into a domestic channel. The Russian court exacted five times less from him. They parted amicably, agreed on friendship.

Two writers with experience in divorces from oligarchs, Tatyana Ogorodnikova and Oksana Robsky, tell with pleasure, in detail, almost with accounting calculations, according to what financial scenario a divorce from the Rublev tycoon can go. Check sizes matter. On женщину из среднего класса они производят сильное впечатление – хотя бы из-за длины столбцов и количества нулей. “Yes, if I had at least a hundredth of what she got ...”

Social envy and a desperate belief that love, of course, cannot be sold for money, but for very good ones it can, create an unfavorable background for unequal (in property) marriages. The competition from pretty provincial women, who at first are ready for a modest ration, who do not rack their brains over thoughts about the sinfulness of the corrupt life of a kept woman, is so high that the most complete villain and criminal is wanted, but with money he can count on two hundred candidates to choose from. So says the well-known pimp, a man of the lowest dignity Listerman, who is called a klisterman behind his back.

For comparison: in marriage agencies, the proportion of foreign suitors and Russian women is 1:50.

The demand for girls with an overestimated level of claims, but low self-esteem greatly exceeds the supply. A failed kept woman without education often descends to prostitution. Atчиться идут немногие. They могут снизить планку требований, то есть начать охоту за более скромным доходом, но брак так и останется для них комплексным абонементом в другую жизнь.

AND только в отдельных случаях женщине удается отстоять и себя, и имущество, встать на ноги, поднять детей. The higher the pedestal, the harder it is to fall. The point is not only that the former spouse becomes a very dangerous enemy and persecutor, the point is also that you have to radically change your habits, circle of acquaintances. Psychologists believe that a sharp drop in status leads to a shock comparable to the trauma after the loss of loved ones. You won’t envy such women ... Maybe there is no one happier than the wife of an oligarch, but there is definitely no one more unhappy than the ex-wife of an oligarch, an exiled queen.

AND все-таки отношение к деньгам у мужчин и женщин различается и во время брака, и во время развода.

First. Women treat their marriage like a business—often forced hard work to serve men's desires and visions of life. A woman accepts the dominant role of a man if he promises her sufficient reward for her efforts. This is true not only for financial misalliances. Therefore, when divorcing, a woman counts on a good “severance pay”.

The man believes that the woman was not his housekeeper, but a significant expense item. He recalls with irritation unreasonable purchases, trips and other "whims" for which he would not spend a penny. Naturally, divorce, from a male point of view, should put an end to a woman's financial scams. That is, the woman has already received everything, and “for this”, and now it would be nice for her to work hard herself. If a wife sawed her husband for low wages, poor maneuverability, inability to negotiate with the right people, everything will return to her a hundredfold. “You all sang - this is the case, so go and dance!”

Second. When a woman makes financial claims, she is guided not strict, but figurative calculations. She argues something like this: love is priceless, my love is also patience, it is unlikely that there will be one that would endure his whims. This reasoning is followed by a randomly named large figure. «Onверное, это стоит двадцать тысяч евро!»

If a man is presented with such an argument, he will be indignant: “Well, where is her love? Why on earth would I buy love? If anything happened, then everything has already been paid for, and now she is a stranger to me. Therefore, I don't owe her anything."

Most men and women who are divorcing for the first time hope that they will be able to negotiate. “We are intelligent people!” But in reality, almost no one succeeds. A woman demands the maximum, a man does not want to pay anything. Compromise is impossible if the positions of the parties are too different. In the conditions of a quarrel, the former spouses begin to literally steal amounts from each other from under their noses. The prospect of a trial forces them to take immediate aggressive action before the property and accounts are described by the bailiffs. Whoever is first wins. Child Game….

Third. Real estate is the subject of litigation. AND хотя это юридический вопрос, скажу не без иронии, что и ее пытаются оккупировать. Whoever took it first, that it belongs to. The fact is that each of us really needs somewhere to live. AND хотя кодекс джентльмена предписывает мужчинам оставлять жилье бывшей жене и детям, но из-за того, что квартирный вопрос решается сегодня ценой колоссальных усилий, мужчины начинают судебные тяжбы вокруг жилья и пускают бывших по миру.

One of my clients, a seemingly decent person, a doctor of sciences, did not hesitate to sue half of the apartment from his housewife wife, despite the fact that the children stayed with her. Another even turned the legal scam in such a way that at the time of the divorce he turned out to be the owner of the housing, which he moved into after five years after the wedding.

Ostap Bender, who stole Madame Gritsatsueva's peace and one empty chair, now seems to be an angel, and not a marriage swindler.

Another fight struck me with its absurdity. Love triangle: he leaves his wife with two children for the woman he loves. The wife says: “Traitor! Atходи к ней голым!» Mistress: “You see what a bitch she is! All she wants from you is money! In the end, she agrees to accept him without a "dowry". But what does the husband do? He realizes that his mistress is just as stupid as his wife, does not appreciate male achievements and wants to knock the ground out from under his feet. He drops both.

A man often argues: there is no marriage, there will be no divorce. One problem breeds another. We just need to break this vicious circle.

Many men, having gone through a difficult divorce, refuse to marry. Bohemian artist Nikas Safronov was married to a French woman for a few weeks, then


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