Message: #248850
Ольга Княгиня » 05 Nov 2017, 20:39

Orgasm book. Katerina Yanush

Orgasm book. Katerina Janusz

Katerina Janusz - всемирно известный писатель, эксперт в области секса и взаимоотношений. A regular contributor to one of the most respected Swedish newspapers, Expressen. Column K. Janusz about sex has become a cult for tens of thousands of devoted readers.
"One day all women will be able to have orgasms and all families will be able to have a color TV and we will be able to concentrate on what is really important in this life."
Jong, author of "Fear of Flying"
Erica Jong[1 - American writer, author of Fear of Flying.]

Sex is great! Sex is great! Sex leads to orgasm! It would seem, what could be easier? But for some reason, millions of women have difficulty achieving orgasm. That's what the statistics say. The statistics are silent about male orgasms, but there are problems here too. If women cannot achieve orgasm at all, then men achieve it prematurely. Couples suffer from misunderstandings, not knowing how to properly caress each other, and dissatisfaction.

And yet, orgasm books are written for and about women, as if men had no difficulty at all. And no matter how many books on this subject are released, they do not solve the problem of the lack of orgasm.

Orgasm should not be left to chance. Orgasm needs to be trained and honed. This is an art that requires constant improvement. And we can master it. We can learn how to get all kinds of orgasms. After all, an orgasm is the simplest way to become happy. Pills of joy that do not require a prescription. Pills that you can take whenever you want, where you want. Tasty? Take more.

Orgasm is only good for our health. He teaches us to relax. Improves blood circulation. Makes us younger and more beautiful. The skin is smoothed out. The wrinkles disappear. We feel energized and full of energy. Research shows that orgasm relieves headaches, and I'm sure more orgasm benefits will emerge in the future. What could be better than an orgasm? What could be easier? Just need to relax and touch in the right place! And I'll show you how to do it.


Katerina Janusz

female orgasm
Woman, congratulations!
You can get the orgasm of your dreams, gushing orgasm, vaginal orgasm, clitoral orgasm, dot orgasm G, anal orgasm, V and U orgasm, combined orgasm and orgasm from touching the nipples. You can orgasm while fantasizing, having sex, and even satisfying your partner. And who is talking about one orgasm? You can easily have a whole cycle of multiple orgasms. Who would refuse, for example, multiple orgasms in the style of SOS (three short, one long, three short). And all this just because you are a woman.

You can turn into an awakened volcano. In a storm on the high seas. In a tornado in the steppe. You can sparkle like a diamond and flow like honey. An orgasm has more colors than a rainbow. It can be hot like lava, or cool like a sea breeze, or warm like a summer rain. Which one will you choose? The beauty of orgasm is that it is unpredictable and can be absolutely anything.

But most importantly, you can improve your orgasm. You can learn to have multiple orgasms. All you need is to explore your body and its erogenous zones in order to unlock your orgasmic potential. The more orgasms you get, the better they will be. When it comes to orgasms, the more, the better.

Explore your clitoris

Start over. The source of female pleasure is in the clitoris. It is the clitoris that is the king of a woman's orgasm, the focus of her pleasure. It is he who controls the orgasm (the brain; of course, too, but we'll talk about that later).

The word "clitoris" comes from the Greek "kleitoris", which, according to philologists, can mean both a mound and a key. The Chinese call the clitoris the golden tongue, the place of pleasure, and the jade terrace. In Latin, the clitoris is "navikula" (boat). In Japanese, "hoju" ("magic jewel of dharma"). But most of the words for the clitoris are in the language of the Maori people in New Zealand.

The clitoris, of course, is not just a small mound. It is bigger than a pearl, bigger than a pea, and much more interesting than a strawberry. I'm sure you've heard that the clitoris is compared to these things, although in fact they are all much smaller than it. I will dwell on this point in more detail shortly.

The male penis is the main reproductive organ, then what is the clitoris for? At first glance, it has no biological function. It seems that the clitoris was a gift of nature to women. The only function known to us of this organ is pleasure.

Unfortunately, science has paid little attention clitoris. One of the first American psychologists, Josephine Lown-Sevel, explained exactly how the clitoris works. She described this mysterious organ in detail in 1987 in her book Eve's Secret: A Revolutionary View of Human Sexuality.

The results of her research were confirmed by the discoveries of other scientists, such as Helen O'Connell from the Royal Hospital in Melbourne (Australia). She figured out the true anatomy of the clitoris and describes it as a fairly large organ. In fact, it looks like a penis, but is located inside the body of a woman, and the nerves from it diverge in all directions under the skin along the inner thighs. The clitoris consists of a head, a body, "legs" and has incredible orgasmic potential.

The head of the clitoris is located at the intersection of the labia, and this is just the “tip of the iceberg”. The head of the clitoris is like the crown of a tree that lies under the skin, deeply rooted in a woman's body. The clitoris has two "legs" made up of cavernous tissue. Touching them through the skin gives an incredibly pleasant sensation. The clitoris is a collection of nerves with about 8,000 nerve endings. Nowhere else in the body is there such a concentration of nerve endings. For comparison: in the penis they are two times less.

If you study the clitoris from an anatomical point of view, then it resembles the male penis in its structure. The clitoris in the same way is excited, lifted, hardened and increased in size. It can be stimulated from within and without, which is why the inner thighs become red and hot when a woman is aroused. Immediately after orgasm, the clitoris shrinks, and at this moment it is very sensitive, and it is better not to irritate it.

Unfortunately, books on sex don't talk much about it. The focus is not on the clitoris, but on the vagina. Penetrative intercourse is still the culmination of sex, despite the fact that for most women this is not enough to get an orgasm.

Most people still believe that the only true orgasm is an orgasm that occurs during "normal" intercourse. Cpitoral orgasms are considered the lowest category of orgasms, despite the fact that all orgasms are real and all depend on the clitoris.

It's time to make contact with your clitoris! This is the only way you can take your orgasm into your own hands!

Exploring the clitoris

In the seventies XX For centuries, women have been encouraged to examine the vagina with a speculum. This method was ridiculed by many later, but in fact there is nothing funny about it. It is enough for a man to look down to see his penis. A woman is incapable of this, so she will need a mirror for this purpose. Lie down on your bed or squat in front of a mirror.. Part your labia and look.

Many women worry about pubic hair, the size of the labia, or the color of the vagina. We are all individuals, and so are our vaginas. So whatever they look like, it's normal. The vagina is great. The vagina is sexy. The female genital organs are the source of our pleasure. The better you know your vagina, the better for your enjoyment. So watch carefully.

The clitoris in an unexcited state can be flat and inconspicuous. Its size varies from woman to woman. In some it is barely visible, in others it stands out sharply.

The clitoris in an excited state turns red, engorged and becomes hypersensitive. Look at him in an aroused state to know what he looks like.

How to caress the clitoris

1. Many people make the mistake of touching the clitoris too roughly and suddenly. The clitoris is stubborn, sensitive and "on its own": it likes to be flirted with, courted, admired from a distance before moving on to physical intimacy. If you have patience and wait, then you will be rewarded with a delightful orgasm.

2. Exposed clitoris is too sensitive. Contact with him may seem too intense. Try to caress through the thin fabric of panties - the effect will be simply explosive.

3. It is best to caress the clitoris not on the head, but around, touching those areas of the skin under which the nerve endings are located - on the inner side of the thighs and labia. Caressing the pearl itself is for inexperienced lovers. Professionals know that heads should be touched occasionally and very lightly. It is these touches that give the strongest effect.

4. The strongest pleasure a woman receives when stimulating the zones on both sides of the clitoris, along the inside of the labia and the zone between the vagina and the anus. Start caressing there, gradually approaching the clitoris, and you are guaranteed an orgasm.

5. For full stimulation, use index and middle finger. Put them on both sides of the clitoris. Now caress along


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