Message: #248857
Ольга Княгиня » 05 Nov 2017, 20:46

A book about sex. Eva Adam

still men who know too little about their partner's needs (and women are also to blame if they don't talk about it with their men).

Only 22% of women experience an orgasm. We are not talking about multiple orgasms - here the number reaches only 5%. Very, very sorry!

It must be said that someone who has never experienced an orgasm in his life should either change his sexual partner, or he should try to completely change the tactics of sex (maybe a glass of wine or champagne will help to be a little more relaxed), or you should use auxiliary means. (фаллоимитаторами, видео и т. d.), а может быть, обратить внимание на партнеров одного пола с ними... Иначе они рискуют упустить самые прекрасные моменты жизни.

Four phases of orgasm

1. Excitation phase

Muscle tension, pulse rate and blood pressure increase.

Women: The vagina becomes wet. The clitoris increases in size. Набухают chest, напрягаются и приподнимаются грудные соски.

Мужчины: Penis становится твердым.

2. The "plateau" phase

It comes to a "sexual blush" (reddening of the skin) on the face, neck, décolleté and abdomen. Breathing becomes rapid and in most cases louder.

Женщины: Breast достигает максимального размера. The vagina swells up. Мужчины: Penis теперь максимально твердый и большой.

3. Orgasmic phase

Breathing is very frequent and very loud.

Women: The outer third of the vagina contracts rhythmically. The vagina now swells the most and becomes very wet.

Men: Sexual organs contract rhythmically. There is jerky ejaculation (ejaculation).

4. Completion phase

There is a feeling of complacency and satisfaction.

Women: Rush of blood to the vagina shrinks. Body tension is relieved. Men: Erection disappears. Penis становится слабым, чувствительным и на некоторое время невосприимчивым для сексуальных соблазнов.

«Atбийцы» оргазма

1. Education / example of parents

Your parents talked about sex and erotica only negatively, if at all. They presented it as something indecent. As a result, you have not been able to develop any free and natural relationship with your body and your sexual demands.

Solution: Forget what your parents said about sex and live your own life. Your parents belong to a different, rather conservative generation. Do whatever you want. Don't make excuses to anyone! Be confident!

2. Reasons related to the partner

• You are unhappy with your sex life and unhappy in your relationship with your partner.

• You no longer find your partner's body erotic.

• Your partner doesn't have any feelings for you or doesn't care about your sexual needs.

• You often argue and quarrel...

Problem Solving: Talk to your partner about your needs and desires. If you see that nothing will change anyway, be consistent - change your partner.

3. Causes due to the situation

• At вас стрессовая ситуация на работе/в школе/ институте.

• At вас стрессовая ситуация в семье.

• You cannot find a quiet and secluded place anywhere.

• Compared to your partner, you have too high expectations and passions (or just different).

• At вас проблемы, с которыми вам сложно справиться... Решение проблемы: Найдите выход из ситуации, попытайтесь разобраться со своими делами и иметь больше времени для себя и своих потребностей. Atдовлетворяйте ваши потребности последовательно и, соответственно, требуйте того же от партнера.

4. You are an insecure/lack of self-confidence person

• You do not feel attractive and erotic.

• At вас недостаточный опыт общения с противоположным полом и небогатый сексуальный опыт.

• You only know a few positions and techniques.

• You can't relax and enjoy...

Solution: Please read this book carefully, it contains many valuable hints. Anyone can really learn sex, it does not require any special talents. Have sex as often as possible: only experience gives skill and self-confidence.

woman and orgasm

How does a woman experience an orgasm?

Orgasms vary in strength. It all depends on how a woman feels her partner's penis in various positions. Posture is crucial for a large and intense or small and less intense orgasm. Both types of orgasm, however, can be beautiful.

If a woman experiences an orgasm, she feels it all over her body. All her senses are saturated with such desire that she is able to perceive only herself. She полностью расслабляется, у нее возникает абсолютное доверие к своему партнеру.

At женщины существуют определенные эрогенные точки, которые особо восприимчивы и могут вызвать оргазм при самом незначительном и самом нежном прикосновении. But the center of desire in most cases is located in the vagina.

Женщина ощущает пенис (фаллоимитатор, палец и т. d.) в себе так сильно, что это чувство превосходит все остальные. Каждое движение, каждый толчок приближают ее к кульминации, к фейерверку сладострастия, к [ ощущению, словно взрывается все body. She учащенно 1 дышит и громко стонет. Her breasts and nipples enlarge and harden.

Her vagina swells even more and firmly encircles the penis. Due to intense irritation, the point: < G "becomes the size of a thumbnail, infinitely increases desire. What are the types of orgasms? Orgasm "plateau" She уже сильно сексуально возбуждена, влагалище очень влажное. For example, you have a very romantic dinner, and the waiter does not write out the bill quickly enough. You are already so excited that you can hardly contain yourself. At home (or in the car), after a rather short prelude, you get down to business, and a very strong explosion does not take long. Small multiple orgasm (small multi-orgasm) You organized a free evening for yourself, and you have time for each other. You stretch out the foreplay and really caress and seduce each other. But after some time, she breaks down and experiences orgasm after orgasm. Yes, this man is a master of his craft! Phase duration rest for approximately 2 to 10 minutes. Big multiple orgasm (big multi orgasm) He romantically aroused her. At the same time, he gently kissed her again and again and caressed her, softly and erotically, - her chest, inner thighs, neck ... Then they are very quickly in bed, and the first orgasm takes her as hot as a volcanic eruption. She возбуждена до такой степени, что очень скоро после этого оргазма следуют дальнейшие извержения. The lava of desire rolls in with an interval of several seconds until she is completely satisfied. simulated orgasm A relatively reliable sign of a real orgasm is certain redness on the neck, décolleté and abdomen. There is no other way to tell if a woman had a real orgasm. By what signs can a man know that his partner is on the threshold of orgasm? At каждой женщины перед наступлением кульминации есть собственный «знак»: кто-то кричит от желания, кто-то, наоборот, затихает и т. d. Большинство женщин перед наступлением оргазма учащенно и громко дышат. The second sure sign is the feeling that you no longer feel your partner's clitoris (it returns to its original state). The third sign is that the woman's vagina is very swollen. And fourthly, if both of you completely indulge in passion and lose all control over yourself, then your partner must have experienced an orgasm. men and orgasm What are the types of orgasm in men? "Dry" orgasm Men must learn to distinguish between orgasm and ejaculation. In fact, physiologically they are independent of each other. After ejaculation, the body must rest, the erection disappears. After the "dry" apogee, a man can continue sexual intercourse. So, a "dry" orgasm is an orgasm without ejaculation. Since there is no need for a rest phase, men can have multiple orgasms in an extremely short amount of time. And then, finally, an exceptionally intense ejaculation follows. Men who have already experienced it claim that it was their best and most intense orgasm. "Wet" orgasm This is an orgasm, which is accompanied by ejaculation. He comes home. She заводит его, прижимаясь к нему всем телом, целуя и на ходу массируя пенис hand He rips off her clothes, sees her wonderful erotic body and drags her into bed. He spreads her legs wide and penetrates her. He enters her wet hole several times and ejaculates. small multi orgasm There is a small but effective trick. As soon as a man feels that he is standing directly on the threshold of climax, he changes the type of movements. He no longer jolts. He is completely calm. At the same time, he still experiences an orgasm, ejaculation occurs, but he has the opportunity to repeat all over again after a very short period of time. He doesn't use much energy and is back in shape pretty soon. Thus, the love game can be enjoyed almost unlimited time. big multi orgasm At вас было время, у вас было желание, вы занимались этим снова и снова. You rented an erotic movie and settled comfortably at home with a glass of champagne. You kissed and caressed each other. You чувствовали тепло кожи, биение сердца своего партнера, его влажные губы, возбужденное body... You чувствовали любовь. The movie got you both so excited that you went from gentle kissing and loving caressing to demanding kissing and intense erogenous zone massage relatively quickly. You perfectly harmonized with each other in bed. In his favorite position, he culminated in a power he never imagined possible. She позволила ему маленькую передышку, однако несколько минут спустя снова начала целовать его сверху донизу. It made his weakened penis hard again. When she then took it into her mouth and massaged it with her lips and tongue, he grew even larger... While he was resting from his second orgasm, she brought some fruit, such as a bunch of grapes. They ate fruit straight from each other's bodies. Desire arose again, and he experienced an orgasm for the third time. By what signs does a woman know that her partner is close to climax? 1. A man, like a woman, makes various sounds, starting with groans, already during sexual intercourse and especially shortly before orgasm. 2. Shortly before orgasm, a man's scrotum shrinks. She становится совершенно плоской и еле ощущается. 3. Rhythmic and short contractions, especially in the genital area. Сокращения особенно заметны, если мужчину довести до оргазма ртом или hand. No, not at all Sometimes, no, average never 1 point 3 points 5 points Yes, Very, Always Test #8 Orgasm No, not at


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