Message: #248857
Ольга Княгиня » 05 Nov 2017, 20:46

A book about sex. Eva Adam

freely about sex? (You have no taboo on this subject.)

18. Can your partner talk freely about sex?

(He has no taboo on this subject.)

19. Можете ли вы утверждать, что никогда не отказываете партнеру в сексе из-за таких чувств, как ревность, недоверие и т. d.?

20. Do you trust your partner?

21. Do you sometimes have a sudden desire to be in an intimate relationship with someone you don't know at all, or with someone you just met?

22. Do you think you are still capable of impressing your partner in matters of sex?

23. Do you think you have had sex with enough men/women to be able to understand:

What would your partner like?

- What do you really like about yourself?

24. If you do not like something in your partner, will you tell him about it with all possible precaution, for example, as a wish? (Criticism is one of the sex killers!)

25. Do you listen carefully to your partner, do you try to figure it out if you think something is wrong?

26. Do you laugh a lot with your partner?

27. Do you have bisexual fantasies?

Calculate the number of your points and enter the result in the box at the bottom right. Now you can узнать, что мешает вашему сексу. Record your result in a table.

After passing all the tests and making the necessary calculations, you can find out your personal "coefficient of sexuality" and build your personal "contour of sex". As a result, you will get a visual representation of what your strengths are, and what you should improve on (if, of course, you want to).

Number of points: Killers of desire and sex............ Оценка =

Your количество очков между 32 и 74: Если вы хотите иметь действительно хороший секс, то должны обязательно отказаться от таких вещей, как ревность, грубые споры, обвинения, подчинение и критика. These are absolute sex killers. Try to get rid of them. Trust your partner more.

More focus on your partner and pamper him. Be more loving, full of fantasy and more open to new experiments.

Your количество очков между 75 и 117: You принимаете во внимание интересы вашего партнера и часто испытываете счастье сексуальной жизни. As a rule, you trust each other and often fantasize.

At вас много замечательных качеств. Appreciate yourself, despite the fact that sometimes things look a little different. You have enough sexual fantasies, you are open and free. This makes you a very good lover or a very good sweetheart.

At вас высокие требования к качественному и количественному сексу, и это делает вас привлекательными для других. Notобычайно сексуально не только ваше воздействие на других, но и ваша привлекательность в постели. You are desired.

You can experience wonderful foreplay, orgasms and hours of romance. Hearty congratulations - you have a wonderful sex life!

Your количество очков между 118 и 160: You просто, ах как хороши! At вас великолепная сексуальная энергия, и вы наслаждаетесь, проявляя ее, так что вам можно только позавидовать. You have wonderful fantasies, and it doesn't matter if you do them with your partner or if it happens only in your head. You are energetic and enjoy trying out new sex toys and positions. You are very open and inquisitive.

You provide yourself enough freedom, and you are trusted. And that's why you can be so wonderful in bed. You can completely immerse yourself in the situation and invest in a relationship with your loved one all your imagination, sensuality and devotion. Sex with you is simply unique.

Generalization: my "sexuality quotient"

Enter your points from all the tests above into the table. Затем суммируйте их и разделите полученную цифру на 11. Таким образом, вы получите ваш личный «коэффициент сексуальности".

1. Sex appeal........................

2. flirt .........................................

3. Kisses ...............................

4. Erotic choice of words и язык тела..

5. Romance...................................

6. Prelude ..................................

7. Sex.............................................

8. Orgasm........................................

9. Completion of love ....................

10. Sex fitness.............................

11. Killers of desire and sex ......


(Sum divided by 11)

Your "sexuality quotient" is: ..............................

Your "sex quotient" is between 30 and 63

Перед вами еще долгий путь к хорошему сексу и ко всему, что к нему относится, а именно: к прелюдии, романтике, оргазму и т. d. Обратите внимание на ваши слабые места и начинайте работать над собой. It's worth the effort! And the reward for you will be the most beautiful "secondary" thing in the world.

In your case, I can give you some advice. Everyone can be good in bed if they want to. He just needs to be brave and patient. Give free rein to your feelings. Be active and express your needs. Not стыдитесь высказывать их. Talk to your partner about your thoughts and fantasies - perhaps your partner will help you realize what has been going on in your head for a long time. Be in bed not restrained and passive, but open, curious and full of fantasies.

Do something for yourself to experience more desire and pleasure in bed. Read this book carefully and try something. Visit a sex shop and ask what you can buy there. If you don't dare yet, dig on the Internet. There you can find relevant pages from which you can get enough serious information.

Pay особое внимание на язык тела. Do whatever it takes to radiate more sex appeal. Измените вашу прическу, ходите прямо и сексуально, носите одежду, которая подчеркивает ваши преимущества, двигайтесь эротично и т. d. flirtуют обычно только с теми, кто излучает сексапильность.

Get your body in order and develop a good habit of exercising regularly. Being desired and receiving compliments is a pleasure. However, they need to be earned - nothing comes from nothing. Everyone can create everything he needs himself. Be confident and take the first step by saying to yourself, “Sex gives me pleasure. Я привлекателен/привлекательна и люблю быть желанным/желанной".

Pamper yourself more often partner with small gifts and compliments. Be romantic. Invent, invent, try new things. You can only have good sex when there is an appropriate mood between you and your partner that is not poisoned by quarrels, arguments or stress. I wish you happiness!

Your "sexuality quotient" is between 64 and 100

You are really good, but, nevertheless, in order to be accepted into the circle of "experts", you are missing a few touches.

You have an erotic radiance and are desirable. But this radiation could be a little more intense. You are still too often under the control of negative emotions, and this from time to time prevents you from establishing a relationship with an attractive flirting partner.

However, if you're in a good mood, you can flirt like a young god. You know the art of flirting and you know what women/men want. Just use it more often. Perfect the erotic body movements, add an attractive smile, charming facial expressions and gestures, make them a wonderfully harmonizing masterpiece.

You have the ability to be creative and set up with your partner as beautifully and romantically as possible. Having skillfully seduced a partner, you will enjoy many wonderful joint days, evenings and especially nights. Вследствие этого вы углубляете ваши отношения и переживаете неповторимые и объединяющие вас watch.

Discovering and experiencing new things gives you pleasure, so boredom in your bed is a rare guest. You have the gift of “hearing” your partner, which means you are able to stimulate and satisfy him. You are not shy about trying new positions or toys if you have a good understanding with your partner.

Добивайтесь еще больших страстей и фантазии More говорите с партнером о ваших сексуальных желаниях, и тогда ваша совместная сексуальная жизнь станет еще интенсивнее, сладострастнее, разнообразнее и прекраснее.

I wish you even more pleasure in discovering and enjoying new erotic worlds.

Your "sex quotient" is between 101 and 136. You are fantastic in bed! You можете удовлетворять вашего партнера различными способами и настолько чудесно, что интимные отношения с вами Always сладострастны, очень интенсивны и разнообразны.

You know what your partner wants and what his addictions are. Это дает вам возможность Always и полностью удовлетворять его. You превосходно можете возбудить его, вам знакомы различные техники и сексуальные вспомогательные средства.

You обладаете талантом соблазнять партнера, используя свою неповторимую фантазию и снова и снова поражая его. Thus, it is absolutely natural for you to try new positions all the time, arrange foreplay in various ways, etc.

You настолько виртуозно владеете своим телом, что у вашего партнера может просто закружиться голова от желания и страсти. Sex with you is intense to the point that it is like exploding a volcano. Having an orgasm with you is something unforgettably great.

С вами Always сладострастно, бесподобно и фантастично. You are evaluated as a passionate, active, selfless, receptive, sensitive, open to a new, temperamental and energetic sexual partner.

I heartily congratulate you on such a great sex life. Class!

"Contour of Sex"

Отметьте отдельные значения результатов тестов в «контуре секса". There are small white circles for your marks. When you connect all your marks together, you will get an outline - a more or less regular circle. Thus, you will get a complete and visual idea of ​​your capabilities and abilities and find out how and in what areas of sex you are good, what you need to pay attention to, what you need to work on. The larger the circle in diameter, the better you are in bed. I wish you a lot of fun!
Your personal "sex circuit"

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