Message: #277862
Ольга Княгиня » 12 Dec 2017, 17:57

100 different orgasms in a month. Leonid Petrovich Chulkov

move to the hips and calves.

So, having passed the whole body of your beloved, you will make her experience a whole bunch of pleasures, the memories of which will remain in her memory for a long time.

This type of orgasm can be achieved in an atmosphere of passion and romance. This setting is inspired by the best Hollywood films and is the following: the presence of a fireplace, animal skins, late evening hours, two Martini cocktail glasses on a small silver tray, erotic and slightly mystical music, beautiful lingerie scattered here and there. If it's summer, you can accompany lovemaking with the chirping of cicadas and grasshoppers.

The second option: his and her things are scattered all the way from the bathroom to the bedroom, and there are beautiful sheets, candles, the smell of expensive perfumes, maybe also furs.

The essence of your sexual activities is an exquisite alternation of the pace of movements, as a result of which the woman will be brought to the point of almost fainting.

At the same time, you can actively use light additional caresses of her erogenous zones, but do not forget that the onset of orgasm should be slow, so practice making the lightest touches.

Be sure to talk to your partner, tell her how much you love her, how beautiful she is, let her feel like the most beautiful woman in the world.

The beginning of this orgasm is a joint bathing in the shower or in the bath. Prepare water at the temperature that your partner likes, add aromatic oil, flower petals - anything that can please her eye and seduce her sense of smell.

Invite a woman to take a bath with you, but avoid touching or kissing during the bath. Pour water over her body, being careful not to touch it, and don't say anything. If she tries to caress you, gently move away, show with facial expressions that this is only the beginning of the game.

Then, when your partner comes out of the bath, wrap her in a large, soft towel and take her to where you want to make love. Put her and start the stage of love foreplay with oral sex.

After the partner is sufficiently aroused, move on to kisses that cover the entire body of the woman. It is advisable to do all this without words, even if she says something to you. Just smile back at her and she will understand everything.

For caresses, actively use your tongue, bring the woman to the point where she begins to insistently demand that you take her. And only then possess it, having finally satiated the thirst to achieve pleasure.

Upon reaching this orgasm, the man completely takes over the activity during sexual intercourse. To do this, you will need a simple auxiliary tool: a light and long scarf made of organza or silk.

The first thing that is required of you is to bring a woman to a state of passionate desire with the help of a well-thought-out love game. At the same time, it is necessary to let her know (by your actions and, if necessary, words) that today you will do everything yourself, but you only need to get pleasure from her (for example, answer all her attempts to caress your body like this: take her hands away and put it on her head.

Then, using the scarf described above, tie your partner's hands and tie them to the headboard so that she cannot reach you.

Caress her with the most sophisticated caresses, make her feel like a weak woman in the hands of a strong and omnipotent man. In this case, her orgasm will be full of sweetness and bliss, and your relationship will be filled with new content.

This orgasm is quite unusual in terms of location and nature of performance. Its essence is to use the feeling of someone else's gaze, which, as studies have shown, several times enhances the power of pleasure.

Choose the right time (most likely it will be a warm summer night or late evening), start the love game as usual - with caresses and kisses.

However, gradually move towards the open window or balcony, which you will go out with your partner.

If you have chosen a window, then do the following: bringing the woman to him, first caress her, standing face to face, and then gently turn her back to you and start sexual intercourse. If you went to the balcony, do the same there, but try not to attract too many spectators.

If one of the neighbors will be at this time on one of the balconies of your house, this can make your partner even more aroused. The main thing is that before you find yourself on the balcony, she must already be sufficiently aroused, otherwise her reaction will most likely not be a desire to do it in front of others, but bashfulness, and your game plan will be upset.

Even more piquant is the option of a love game with the presence of several spectators in the distance, who, on the one hand, do not see your actions, but, on the other hand, can see them at any moment. This gives sex an unprecedented sharpness and passion, and orgasm - strength and an unprecedented emotional outburst.

The essence of this orgasm is the partner's confidence in success, the use of proven and effective means, the change of several positions and musical accompaniment.

First, ask your partner about what kind of music excites her the most. Stock up on several cassettes or discs with similar melodies and prepare the playback equipment in such a way that you do not have to leave the woman in the middle of a love game (record music on a cassette with a long playing time, enter track numbers into the program, fortunately, modern technical means allow you to do this).

Then prepare a delicious and light dinner with good wine that is a little intoxicating and excites the imagination. Let the music play for you during dinner. After dinner, the partner will be ready to become an obedient instrument of pleasure in your hands.

Take her to the place where you are going to make love, inflame with refined caresses - and make love, changing positions in order to show her all the shades of sexual pleasure.

This orgasm is perhaps the most gentle and easy. Its feature is the fulfillment of the dream of any woman - sex on a bed covered with rose petals. A bed of roses can be called the archetype of female sexuality.

The significance of this archetype is determined by the fact that every woman, having received flowers as a gift, and even more so, being on a bed covered with flowers, is ready to feel herself the most desired and loved in the world. Perhaps women simply associate themselves with flowers, and for this reason something is released inside them, as if blooming, going free, opening up for the eyes of a man. So you won't regret that they used a similar technique to awaken female sexuality.

So, having brought a woman to a bed of roses, carefully lay her down and begin a love foreplay, applying the most sophisticated caresses. Think ahead about your actions. Go all over her body, working on its most intimate corners. Be persistent, and gradually the woman will be liberated and will respond to you in the same way.

Be guided by the phrase, which should become an aphorism of intimate communication: everything that two people do in bed is decent and acceptable to both of them.

To achieve this orgasm, you will have to spend a little money, but the result is worth it. So don't be stingy.

You should buy beautiful black lingerie for your beloved, which should be presented to her at the beginning of the love game, or leave the purchase somewhere so that she finds the gift and understands that you are up to something interesting.

In addition, you need to buy black silk sheets, as they are an integral part of the design of the love game.

Tell your partner that tonight she must play the role of a nun, who carefully hides chic sexy lingerie and a passionate temperament under her long robes and a humble appearance. Let her put on something appropriate and try to play her part well.

Then start the game by meeting a nun, hurrying to her monastery, as if by chance, and decide to get to know her, realizing from her one look that she is full of young enthusiasm and unfulfilled hopes.

Let the action develop gradually or rapidly - you must be guided by instinct and how the partner plays her game. Let her improvise, you will find it much more interesting to win her over if she is a little unpredictable.

Finally, the game must end with a complete exposure (including exposure from clothes) and passionate sex, in which the nun can show herself from a completely unexpected side.

This kind of orgasm requires the use of the traditions of the ancient East for its achievement. If your partner is interested in Buddhism or Feng Shui, she will fully appreciate your efforts. If she is a woman of Western culture, then the exotic will excite her all the more, beckoning with new sensations.

Prepare a few aromatic oils, which are gradually added to the water in the bath, prepared for bathing your beloved. You can take a bath with her, but it's best if she bathes alone. At this time, you can either sit nearby, telling her Sufi parables or reading medieval Chinese treatises on the art of

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