Message: #352348
Ольга Княгиня » 07 Jun 2018, 01:32

Rex cats. Irina Olegovna Iofina

can buy it at any pet store) or a plank upholstered in fabric. After a while, the baby will get used to it and stop spoiling your wallpaper and furniture.

7. Reproduction and breeding
If you have a cat living at home, then sooner or later you will face the question of whether the appearance of offspring in your pet or pet is desirable, and therefore you need to familiarize yourself with some information on this issue.

If you want to seriously engage in breeding any of the Rex breeds, you should realize that this is not only an interesting activity that brings a lot of joy and pleasure, but also a great responsibility. In addition, this hobby will require a lot of effort, time and money from you. Will you be able to devote sufficient time to caring for a cat that has had a caesarean section, as well as take care of newborns until the mother can again care for them? Are you ready to make a decision about euthanasia if kittens are born with malformations such as cleft lip or palate? The breeder must be able to cope with any difficulties, whether it is the treatment of animals or high material costs.

The appearance of small kittens in the house is a big responsibility.

Often, when purchasing a Rex cat, the breeder hopes that he will be able to recoup his costs by selling kittens. But this is not always the case, therefore, first of all, it is necessary to foresee and take into account all the costs of keeping an animal and caring for it. These can be expenses for immunization, for mating a cat, paying for veterinarian services, buying supplies (dishes, etc.), expenses for raising kittens to the age when they can be sold. It is also necessary to take into account the demand for rex for the current period and the availability of potential customers. As a result of these calculations, it may turn out that breeding is most likely not profitable, and may turn out to be a loss-making enterprise.

If you want your pet to have healthy offspring, then it is useful to know the following.

The ability to reproduce in a cat, if it is prolific, begins at 10 months of age and continues until 7-8 years of age. After the birth of kittens, the cat must restore the health, strength and energy she spent on bearing, giving birth, and then feeding kittens. That is why the owners never allow it to be covered during the first estrus that occurred after the birth, when the kittens were taken away from their mother.

Breeders call the readiness of a cat for reproduction rutting, estrus, hunting. It develops through several successive stages. The first stage of preparing the cat's body for reproduction is expressed in the fact that within 2-4 days it becomes unusually affectionate, but at the same time restless. In excitement, she runs after the owner, purring invitingly. Despite the fact that some cats have mild, clear vaginal discharge during this period, this manifestation does not mean that the cat is completely ready for mating.


A sufficient period of time between matings, according to many Rex owners, is a period of 1-1.5 years.

The next stage, which the cat goes through, is expressed in the almost continuous screams with which she calls the cats. When stroked, the cat assumes a specific posture, raising the back of the body and falling on its front paws.

Partner selection
When you are faced with the question of how to choose a suitable breeding cat, then perhaps the breeder from whom you bought the cat will help you.

If you are lucky and he has a good producer, then you can turn to the experience of the breeder and get good advice.

Covering can take place both in a cage, in a corral, in an aviary, and in other suitable places. There are no rules about this. At the same time, it is important to ensure the safety of the cat for the period of ritual courtship until the cat is ready for covering.

A manufacturer's set of characteristics determines how high its services should be paid. It takes into account such factors as the origin of the cat, its color, typicality, emotionality and character, participation and victories in exhibitions, breeding properties and the place where it is kept.

For mating, cats are delivered to cats, and not vice versa. The female should calmly get acquainted with the new smells and the smell of the future partner, and then get to know him. From this moment, the courtship period begins, the duration of which depends not only on the temperament of the animals, but also on whether the cat is participating in mating for the first time. Or she already has a similar experience. If the cat is nervous, then it is necessary to calm her down by gently talking to her and stroking her. Acquaintance, courtship and finally mating usually take 4-5 days.


The process of egg fertilization lasts up to a maximum of two days (more often it ends in a day). During this period, there is the possibility of unplanned accidental and unwanted mating with an outside cat. Therefore, during this period, the cat should be kept in isolation.

The coating process lasts a few seconds, after which the cat jumps off the cat and tries to get away. The cat at the moment of separation screams, and then, purring, falls on its back and rolls on the floor. The peculiarity of the cat's behavior at this moment is such that it becomes dangerous for the cat and is ready to violently attack him.

Pregnancy - особый период в жизни кошки. Its duration is counted from the day the cat was covered until the day of delivery. A normal pregnancy lasts an average of 65 days.

In the first 30 days, there is a slight increase in weight.

In some cases, vomiting occurs in the morning. After 35 days, the cat's belly increases slightly, the nipples become pink, become more convex. In late pregnancy, an increase in the mammary glands is observed, with light pressure, a liquid similar to milk is released from the nipples.

It must be borne in mind that the mammary glands in many cats swell even after estrus, so this sign is considered in conjunction with other symptoms of pregnancy. The veterinarian, using palpation (palpation), determines a bicornuate uterus, resembling the letter Y, in the horns of which the fruits are located. They are determined not earlier than on the 20th day after conception. The fruits are still very small, their size does not exceed the size of a peanut kernel. After the 35th day of pregnancy, the uterus fills with fluid. During this period, palpation is ineffective. By the 49th day, the fruits are already quite well formed. Their elongated bodies with large heads can be easily felt.

Rough, inept palpation can cause great harm to the health of the animal, damaging the amniotic membrane, which will lead to miscarriage. In addition, in the absence of experience, the fetus can easily be confused with other intra-abdominal organs.


Maintenance of a pregnant woman cats, caring for her is almost no different from her usual life. Do not limit the mobility of the animal, a small habitual load has a beneficial effect on muscle tone and helps to avoid obesity.

To be more confident in the successful outcome of mating, gestation and childbirth, the veterinarian conducts a health check of the cat so that any deviations or disorders do not have a negative effect on pregnancy and childbirth. After 2-3 weeks from the date of coating, the verification inspection can be repeated. The doctor will tell you about the condition of the animal and, if necessary, can use additional methods to establish a diagnosis.

Antihelminthic drugs, many drugs, insecticides, flea treatments, antibiotics, and hormonal drugs should not be used to treat cats during pregnancy. Some medicines are particularly toxic, such as those for tapeworms. Droncite can be used without harm during this period. Used for viral respiratory diseases, with panleukopenia, live virus vaccines are completely contraindicated in pregnant animals. Therefore, if there are any problems with the health of the cat and before choosing a medicine during the gestation period, you should contact your veterinarian.

The cleanliness of the animal during this period increases significantly. During the prenatal week, the cat begins to lick itself especially carefully and often, paying special attention to the abdomen and genitals. Her behavior may manifest irritability, anxiety, expressed in an intense search for a cozy place for a nest. This is the most convenient moment to show the expectant mother the prepared delivery box. In order to get used to a new place, the animal needs some time. As a rule, a cat happily settles into a box where she has already had to give birth.

The whole process of childbirth is usually divided into three periods. During the first period, the cervix and birth canal open. The second period is the appearance of a kitten. The third period includes the birth of the placenta. Normally flowing childbirth does not need human intervention, they pass naturally and easily.


A cat giving birth for the first time may experience fear, discomfort, call on the owner with plaintive cries. Of course, you should calm the cat with strokes, voice, if necessary, take it in your arms, and then return it to the nest.

A newly born baby should stretch, take a breath. If a kitten is born in the amniotic membrane, the instinct pushes the cat to break it, grind the umbilical cord with his teeth and intensively lick the kitten, especially his nose and

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