Message: #352348
Ольга Княгиня » 07 Jun 2018, 01:32

Rex cats. Irina Olegovna Iofina

the eyes of a cat, resorting to the use of an aerosol form (Acrodex, Dermatosol, Cyodrin). They are used outdoors, treating the affected animal in the fresh air.

Without harm to the cat and kittens, parasites can be eliminated with the help of carbolic soap. Намылив шерсть, ждут 2-3 минуты, после чего пену смывают, а паразитов вычесывают.

It is strictly forbidden to use aerosol preparations intended for the destruction of domestic insects (bugs, cockroaches) for the treatment of cats.

Recently, many cat owners have successfully used an insecticidal collar for prevention. Его отпугивающее насекомых действие может продолжаться в течение 2-4 месяцев.

Tick ​​infestation
There are two types of mites: scabies and encephalitis. Scabies mites are very small and can only be seen with a microscope. Some of them easily gnaw through the skin and penetrate into it, feeding on blood and causing discomfort in the infected animal. Others live on the skin of a cat, eating exfoliated fragments of the epidermis. All of them are causative agents of various diseases.

Возбудитель ушной чесотки (отодектоза) - клещ длиной 0,3-0,7 мм. He has an oval body and 4 pairs of limbs equipped with suction cups. It feeds on exfoliated skin flakes, while disrupting the microflora of the auricle, which can lead to inflammation of the eardrum, middle and inner ear. In especially neglected cases, ear scabies ends in the death of the animal. Infection with otodectosis occurs through contact with a sick animal, as well as through care and maintenance items.

A sick rex starts rubbing his ears with his paws, shaking his head, and loses his appetite.

He has a fever, the pet's head is strongly turned in the direction of the damaged ear. The main symptom of the disease is the appearance of purulent discharge from the ear canals.

Возбудитель зудневой чесотки (нотоэдроза) - саркоптоидный клещ длиной 0,14-0,45 мм. Its body has a spherical shape, and the jointed limbs are equipped with bell-shaped suckers. It lives in the lower layers of the skin and actively moves, causing severe itching in the cat.

The animal begins to itch, loses appetite and becomes aggressive. His hair falls out, abscesses, wounds and bald spots appear on his skin. Notoedrosis is transmitted by contact with infected objects (combs, brushes, bedding, toys, feeders, drinkers, etc.) or sick animals (cats, dogs, rodents). You can destroy sarcoptoid mites by using special preparations sold in pet stores. However, only a veterinarian can make a correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Энцефалитный клещ достигает в длину 2-3 мм и хорошо различим невооруженным глазом. The bite of this parasite only rarely provokes skin irritation and almost never causes pain.

In order to reduce the risk of infection with an encephalitis mite, after each walk in nature, the cat should be examined. При этом особое внимание рекомендуется уделять областям между пальцами, ушам, горлу и животу pet. The best way to find ticks is with a flea comb, which you can buy at almost any pet store. The detected parasite should be removed as soon as possible by dropping sunflower oil or medical alcohol on it, and killed.

Ticks are also dangerous to humans. Therefore, at the first symptoms of the disease, the cat must be taken to the veterinary clinic as soon as possible. Then you should do a general cleaning in the house: vacuum the carpets, knock out mattresses and pillows, and burn the toys that the animal played with and the bedding on which the pet rested.

Tapeworms - internal parasites that live in the small intestine of an animal. They can cause great harm to the cat's body and are easily transmitted to humans. The body of a tapeworm is like a thin, narrow ribbon. It consists of many segments in which the eggs are located. Mature segments come off and go out with the feces.

To find out if a cat is infected with a tapeworm, it is enough to carefully examine its feces. The segments of these parasites are large enough to be seen without a microscope. At the first symptoms of infection, the owner of the animal should contact the veterinarian.

roundworms паразитируют в легких, желудке и печени животных. They can enter the cat's body along with contaminated food or through close contact with sick animals. The shape of the body, these parasites resemble long threads of white or pink. An infected animal begins to have diarrhea and vomiting, the kitten quickly loses weight, and its coat becomes dull. If roundworm larvae are found in the feces of an animal, it should be taken to a veterinary clinic for confirmation of the diagnosis and treatment.

Obesity is understood as a metabolic disorder that leads to the accumulation of excess adipose tissue.

In sick animals, excess weight is observed, they breathe heavily, get tired quickly, refuse to move, their thirst and appetite increase. Основные причины возникновения этого заболевания - несбалансированное питание, дефицит гормонов гипофиза, пассивный образ жизни и нарушение обмена веществ, при котором в организме кошки происходит накопление жировых клеток.

If the cause of obesity is malnutrition, it is necessary to carefully balance the diet. A special diet and significant physical activity will quickly bring the cat into good shape.

In other cases, it is recommended to consult a doctor who can carry out the necessary treatment. As a rule, drugs such as adiposin, fepranone, adebite, thyroidin are prescribed. In addition, laxatives (enemas) and diuretics are indicated.

Acute respiratory diseases
Основные причины возникновения ОРЗ - переохлаждение организма и деятельность вирусов. A sick cat begins to sneeze and cough, her temperature rises, the animal loses its appetite and experiences a sharp decline in strength. The less pet, the more dangerous acute respiratory infections are for him, since if left untreated, this disease quickly turns into severe pneumonia. Therefore, at the first symptoms of a respiratory disease, the cat should be shown to the veterinarian so that he can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a course of treatment.

Tuberculosis - чрезвычайно заразное заболевание, вызываемое туберкулезной палочкой и заканчивающееся летальным исходом. Its main symptoms are shortness of breath, cough, diarrhea and weight loss. A cat can become infected with tuberculosis by eating the meat and milk of sick cows, as well as by prolonged contact with a sick animal. Heat treatment of food significantly reduces the risk of disease.

To prevent the further spread of tuberculosis, the affected pet must be isolated, taken to a veterinary clinic and, after confirming the diagnosis, euthanized.

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