Message: #352348
Ольга Княгиня » 07 Jun 2018, 01:32

Rex cats. Irina Olegovna Iofina

mouth, clearing them for breath. His first sharp breath expands his tiny lungs, after which the kitten can breathe on its own. If the umbilical cord is preserved, then the connection of the newborn with the mother will last until the birth of the placenta.

It is important to ensure that the cat does not gnaw the umbilical cord too close (no closer than 2.5 cm) to the kitten's stomach, otherwise it may experience an umbilical hernia, bleeding. The cat grinds the umbilical cord with its teeth in such a way that the blood vessels are stretched and partially twisted. Due to this, bleeding does not occur.

You can not rudely interfere in the process of creating a bond between mother and baby. You need to trust the instinct of a cat that loves its offspring and does everything right. However, if there are many kittens or during a quick delivery, it happens that the attention of the mother is focused on one baby, and at this time another newborn, born in the shell, needs urgent help. In this case, you must remove the shell within a few seconds so that the kitten does not suffocate.

Newborn kittens are completely defenseless.

Usually the birth of the next kitten occurs every 15-30 minutes, although there are quite significant deviations in the duration of this interval. The average duration of labor is 2-6 hours. It happens that the process of giving birth to kittens is interrupted for 12-24 hours. The cat behaves calmly, licks the babies and cares for them. Then the birth process resumes and stops when all the kittens are born.


Most cats give birth lying on their side, but there are those who prefer to do it while standing or squatting.

After the birth of all the kittens, the newly-made mother is laid on her side, and the babies, instinctively finding nipples, begin to suck on colostrum, which is an unusually nutritious product that contains the necessary antibodies. The sucking process stimulates the contraction of the uterus and the release of colostrum.

8. Basic diseases and treatments
As you know, all cats get sick from time to time.

And there is no difference whether your pet is purebred or not. As there are no diseases that only cats of one breed suffer from. In this regard, Rex can be treated in the same way as cats of any other breed.

However, your pet may get sick with some diseases if you do not follow the advice for caring for him accurately enough. Therefore, at the beginning of this chapter, it will be useful to recall once again how important it is for the Rex cat to follow the rules of hygiene and nutrition.

Home veterinary first aid kit
Each cat owner should have a first aid kit in the house with a minimum set of medicines and dressings that may be needed to provide first aid to the animal. The minimum set of dressings and tools that should be in a first-aid kit includes a pipette, knitting needles for temporary splints, adhesive tape, narrow and wide bandages, cotton wool, a rubber band, a syringe, a thermometer, small scissors and tweezers.

If there is no such first-aid kit, it is better to contact the veterinarian immediately. Under no circumstances should you attempt to treat your pet with medications intended for humans, as most of these medications, especially if used and dosed incorrectly, can adversely affect a cat's health. Only a veterinarian will be able to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment for the pet.

Choosing a veterinary clinic
If your Rex is seriously ill, he will need the help of a good specialist. That is why it is not recommended to apply for it in the first veterinary institution that comes across. Without waiting until trouble happens to your pet, visit several veterinary clinics and choose the one that best suits your needs and capabilities (including material ones) and is not too far from home.

Diagnosis of diseases
It is not always the cause of changes in the behavior of a cat is any disease, but they should alert you. You should carefully examine the animal and, if any symptoms of the disease are found, take the pet to the veterinary clinic for a consultation.

When examining a cat, you should look for the following signs of illness:

- cough;

- sneezing;

- diarrhea;

- боль;

- рвота;

- повышенная температура тела;

- учащенное дыхание или пульс;

- хромота;

- наличие крови в экскрементах;

- значительная потеря веса или ожирение;

- частое почесывание;

- потеря аппетита, длящаяся более 2 суток;

- обильные выделения из глаз, ушей и носа;

- постоянная жажда;

- наличие в шерсти паразитов;

- покраснение кожи;

- недержание мочи;

- хрипы в груди и т. д.

If the cat is unconscious, it is recommended to hold a cold object with a smooth surface near her nose for a few seconds or a mirror to determine the presence of breathing. A pet's respiratory rate can be determined by observing the movements of its chest.

Caring for a sick cat
A sick pet needs a lot of drinking water, which can be replaced with warm broth. If the animal is very weak and refuses to eat and drink on its own, it is recommended to draw the liquid into a pipette, syringe or syringe without a needle, and then slowly pour it into the cat's mouth.


Sick cats are irritated by sunlight, and they prefer to rest in heavily shaded areas of the apartment, such as under a bed or armchair, as well as near heating appliances. In the place chosen by the cat, you need to transfer its bedding or sleeping house.

Your pet needs good nutrition in order to recover quickly, so you should include foods rich in vitamins and minerals or special nutritional supplements that are sold in pet stores in his diet.

If surgery is required during the treatment of a cat, it is recommended to include a large number of foods high in vitamin C in the animal's diet.

При инфекционных или паразитарных заболеваниях необходимо ежедневно дезинфицировать инвентарь и лежанку pet. It is recommended to clean care and maintenance items with Oranex cleaning agent, which is harmless to most animals.

It is possible to give medicines to a sick cat only after consulting a veterinarian, since some animals have a strong allergic reaction to certain medicines, and it is also necessary to know not only the diagnosis, but also the dosage of the medicine.

Some antibacterial preparations for cats are in the form of a suspension and have a pleasant taste. An animal can take such medicine without coercion. If the pet resists, it is necessary to be persistent and carefully pour the suspension into the animal's throat (using a syringe without a needle or a teaspoon). Having wrapped the cat in a thick blanket, you need to fix its head and use the fingers of your left hand to pull the cheek of the animal outward. Then quickly pour the substance into the resulting hole and force the animal to swallow it.

To feed a tablet or capsule to a cat, it is recommended to perform the following actions: open the animal's mouth by pressing the thumb and forefinger of the left hand on its cheeks; put a tablet or capsule on the pet's tongue near the throat; close the cat's mouth and force it to swallow the medicine.

For the treatment of acute respiratory infections and some other diseases, a cat needs to instill drops in the eyes, ears or nose. To do this, for the duration of the procedure, the head of the animal is fixed in the desired position.

Infestation with fleas, lice, lice
Кошки нередко страдают от насекомых-паразитов: блох, власоедов, вшей и т. п. Блохи - очень распространенные бескрылые наружные паразиты. They live on the skin of an animal and feed on blood, piercing the skin with their mouth organs and thereby causing itching in the victim. The cat struck by them is nervous, becomes irritable.

Власоеды - это маленькие насекомые, паразитирующие на кошках. Самки власоедов на протяжении жизни могут отложить 20-60 гнид (яиц), которые затем прикрепляются к шерсти животного с помощью маточного секрета. Спустя 1-2 недели из них появляются личинки, которые после третьей линьки превращаются во взрослых насекомых.

In lice, the body has a flattened shape; they also do not have wings. Like withers, lice parasitize the body of the affected animal, bringing it to exhaustion. A sick cat is restless, constantly scratching and biting the base of its tail. On her skin, upon closer examination, you can find a rash, redness, scratching, local irritation and bald spots. There is a general weakening of the body. Moreover, if fleas and wool enter the stomach of an animal, infection with tapeworms can occur.

If parasites are found, immediate measures should be taken to eradicate them. For this purpose, insecticidal preparations are used: a solution of ectomine or stomazan. Their dosage should be determined by a veterinarian. Some time after treatment, the rex's hair needs to be combed out. In addition, a 0.1% aqueous emulsion of neocidol can be used; 0,75-1 %-ный водный раствор хлорофоса; 0.5% aqueous solution of turingin-B and other drugs recommended by experts. Re-treatment is carried out after 10 days in summer and after 15 days in winter.


It should be remembered that, in addition to the harm caused to the animal due to the activity of parasites, insects of this group are carriers of many pathogens of serious infectious diseases. To reduce the risk of infection with these parasites, it is necessary to keep the pet's resting place clean, regularly wash the drinker and feeder, and not allow the pet to come into contact with infected dogs, cats and other animals.

Care should be taken to avoid getting insecticidal preparations into the nasal or oral cavity, into

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