Message: #352342
Ольга Княгиня » 07 Jun 2018, 01:31

Corellas. Irina Nikolaevna Nekrasova

In addition, when infected with tracheal mites, the parrot stops responding to external stimuli, refuses to feed and constantly throws its head back.

The final diagnosis can only be made by a specialist. If you suspect that your pet has become infected with a tracheal mite, contact your veterinarian immediately, who, having confirmed the diagnosis, will prescribe effective treatment procedures for the bird.

Red bird mites
Red bird mites are one of the most common parasites living on the surface of the cockatiel's body. In addition to cockatiels, other ornamental birds, as well as domestic animals, can become infected with these parasites. Кроме того, красные птичьи клещи могут стать причиной появления аллергической сыпи у person.

Постановка диагноза осложняется тем, что красные птичьи клещи поражают попугаев только ночью (днем паразиты прячутся в щелях клетки, в трещинах жердочек etc.).

If you suspect that the parrots are infected with ticks, you must carefully examine the ends of the perches and the attachment points of the cage parts. The red bird tick has a size of about 1 mm and a brownish body color, and after drinking blood, it doubles and becomes dark red.

The fight against these parasites is carried out with the help of insecticides or acaricides purchased at the pet store. The room where the cage is located, as well as the cage itself and all equipment, must be thoroughly washed, and then treated with drugs purchased at the pet store. After processing, the cage must be scalded with boiling water.

The fact that the bird is infected with parasites becomes noticeable only when, as a result of constant loss of blood, the parrot develops anemia and a general breakdown. Chicks infected with red bird mites usually die from even minor blood loss.

The body of a parrot infected with ticks must be treated feverfew.

Downy eaters
Downy eaters, питающиеся чешуйками кожи и частичками перьев, поражают корелл довольно редко. The body of parasites is flattened, no more than 2 mm long, yellowish-brown in color.

The presence of parasites on the body of a bird can be detected by carefully examining its plumage: the feathers of cockatiels infected with downy feathers usually have many holes, as if they were stitched on a sewing machine. A bird infected with downy feathers behaves very restlessly, scratches with its paws and beak the parts of the body on which the parasites have settled.

IN этом случае следует внимательно осмотреть клетку или вольер. An insect can be detected by removing the perches and tapping them against a hard surface lined with a clean, white sheet of paper.

If downy insects are found, the room where the cage is located, as well as the cage itself and all equipment, must be treated with insecticidal preparations.

In this case, the cage and indoor aviary should be scalded with boiling water, and then treated with insecticides or acaricides. After processing, the cage and equipment must be washed with warm water and dried.

For обработки перьев попугая, зараженного пухопероедами, следует использовать препараты «Инсектол» и «Арпалит», которые продаются в аэрозольных упаковках.

A sick bird should be sprayed with these drugs from a distance of 15–20 cm (the drug should not be allowed to get into the eyes and on the beak of the parrot).

With severe damage to individual areas of plumage, take the parrot in your hands and process these areas more carefully. It is necessary to treat birds with aerosols no more than 1-2 times a week.

Necessary отметить, что данные препараты не оказывают токсичного влияния на организм птиц только в том случае, если время обработки не превышает 1–2 с.

Blood-sucking mites
This насекомые-паразиты, живущие на поверхности кожного покрова птиц (в том числе корелл). The source of infection are mainly pigeons and sparrows. Parrots kept in cages and aviaries can become infected through inventory.

A blood-sucking tick belonging to the genus Dermanyssus is considered especially dangerous for bird health. These insects are active at night. A symptom of infection is the restless behavior of the bird at night.

If Dermanyssus mites are found, the cage must be thoroughly cleaned or aviary, inventory, as well as disinfect the area of ​​​​the room where the cage is located. In this case, the cage and indoor aviary must be scalded with boiling water, and then treated with acaricides or insecticides. After such treatment, all inventory should be washed with warm water and dried thoroughly.

Notредко клещи остаются на теле птиц и в светлое время суток. At the same time, they most often hide between the skin folds under the wings and on the inside of the thighs. IN этом случае следует также обработать пернатого инсектицидным или акарицидным препаратом. In this case, it is best to use low-toxic drugs. Средства типа «INираж» и «Ди-хлофос» применять для борьбы с насекомыми-паразитами не рекомендуется, поскольку они могут вызвать отравление птиц. They can only disinfect cages and inventory.

For обработки попугаев чаще всего используют порошок пиретрума. It must be rubbed into the plumage in areas where insects hide: under the wings, on the inside of the thighs, on the neck, around the uppertail.

When using pyrethrum powder, it should be remembered that it does not destroy parasites, but only repels them. Therefore, after processing the bird, it is necessary to disinfect the cages and equipment with special preparations.

feather mite
feather mite, к счастью, довольно редко поражает корелл.

It parasitizes in the blood of the stem of a growing feather, which leads to its destruction.

Infestation with feather mites leads to the loss of most or almost all of the plumage of birds.

Unfortunately, effective means to combat these parasites have not yet been developed.

Candidiasis (thrush)
Inзбудителями молочницы являются грибки вида Candida albicans, которые всегда присутствуют на слизистой оболочке здоровых птиц. But the disease develops only in those cases when the resistance of the body decreases in parrots.

In parrots with thrush, changes occur in the upper parts of the digestive tract, in the beak cavity, in the esophagus and in the goiter. The development of the disease is promoted by improper feeding, long-term treatment with antibiotics and a lack of vitamin A.

Symptoms of the disease are a curdled yellowish coating in the cavity of the beak and goiter. The bird's appetite worsens, and after eating, vomiting begins. At the same time, the goiter of a parrot looks crowded. In addition, a sick bird may experience difficulty breathing and diarrhea.

Treatment cockatiels проводится только под наблюдением специалиста, который ставит диагноз путем микроскопического исследования дрожжевых грибков, взятых из полости клюва или зоба.

If the throat of a bird is severely affected by fungal masses, the veterinarian will suggest treating it with lubrication. IN прочих случаях по предписанию специалиста могут успешно применяться клотримазол, кетоконазол, миконазол или нистатин.

Symptoms of helminthiasis include:

› loss of appetite and consequently weight loss;

› lethargy;

› alternating diarrhea and constipation;

› delayed seasonal molt.

Helminthiasis is treated with drugs such as phenothiazine and piperazine. The medicine should be given to birds in 50 mg of powder dissolved in boiled cold water. The course of treatment for cockatiels is 2 days.

For профилактики возникновения заболевания птицам, содержащимся в уличных вольерах, 2 раза в год (осенью и весной) дают препараты-антигельмитики.

parrotм, живущим в комнатных вольерах и клетках, подобную процедуру можно проводить лишь 1 раз в год.

If helminthiasis is suspected, it is necessary to place the sick bird in a separate cage.

Molds (aspergillosis)
Inзбудителями этого заболевания являются грибки Aspergillus fumigatus. The development of the disease is facilitated by such factors as non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic conditions, crowding of birds in cages, high temperature and humidity in the room for parrots, as well as poor-quality grain feed.

IN первую очередь плесневые грибки поражают органы дыхания птиц, а затем распространяются и на другие органы. As a rule, changes in the lungs are observed in sick parrots.

The clinical picture of the disease is not clear. Usually, birds show symptoms of some general disease of varying severity, and then, under the influence of toxins secreted by fungi, breathing becomes difficult, in severe cases, manifested in the opening and closing of the beak.

Moldy fruits and vegetables or improperly germinated grains can also become foci of a fungal infection. In addition, the development of fungal foci is facilitated by constant dampness near drinking containers and bathing parrots.

Notсколько лет назад аспергиллез считался неизлечимым заболеванием: большинство зараженных плесневыми грибками птиц умирали от удушья. IN настоящее время больных аспергиллезом корелл успешно лечат имидазол-производными. But since the treatment requires giving strictly dosed medications for a long time, in most cases it is necessary for the bird to stay in a veterinary clinic.

egg retention
This заболевание, довольно часто встречающееся у самок попугаев. The cause of this phenomenon is considered to be a cold and inflammation of the oviduct.

In время прохождения яйца самки попугая испытывают сильную боль, они ложатся на пол клетки, вытягивают шею и тяжело дышат. Sometimes the female still manages to lay an egg, but it, as a rule, is irregular in shape, fragile and small in size.

It is best to transplant a female with egg retention into a separate cage, which should be placed in a room with a temperature of at least 30-32 ° C. Under the action of heat, spasms of the oviduct are stopped, which greatly facilitates the release of the egg.

Notредко случается так, что яйцо задерживается в клоаке или нижней части яйцевода. IN таком случае без помощи хозяина птице не обойтись. In время прохождения яйца нужно массировать ватным тампоном, предварительно смоченным в жидком парафине, участок вокруг клоаки и при этом осторожно надавливать на брюшко самки. The procedure should be done very carefully so as not to crush the egg. IN противном случае птица может погибнуть.

Bedbugs are classified as so-called temporary parasites. They are easy to spot. As a rule, they crawl out of the cracks at night and bite parrots, both adults and chicks. The danger also lies in the fact that bedbugs, which are


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