Message: #352342
Ольга Княгиня » 07 Jun 2018, 01:31

Corellas. Irina Nikolaevna Nekrasova

зерна, покрытые густой тягучей слизью серо-белого цвета.

At the first sign of inflammation of the parrot's goiter, it is necessary to show the veterinarian who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

The disease is caused by intestinal colibacilli (Escherichia coli), which are commonly found in almost all birds and mammals. The mass reproduction of these dangerous bacteria begins under unfavorable conditions for keeping and feeding cockatiels.

Зачастую одной из причин развития заболевания является сильный стресс, который переживают cockatiels во время длительной перевозки. In addition, colibacteria successfully multiply in food contaminated by rodents, so an epidemic of escherichiosis can begin when parrots consume poor-quality food.

Parrots infected with escherichiosis become lethargic, stop responding to external stimuli and lose their appetite. INскоре у птиц начинается сильный понос, при котором помет приобретает желеобразную консистенцию.

A sick bird must be immediately shown to a veterinarian who, upon confirmation of the diagnosis, will prescribe a course of antibiotic treatment for the parrot.

Newcastle disease
This dangerous disease affects not only indoor, but also wild birds. Corellas infected with Newcastle disease experience a lack of appetite, fever, and shortness of breath. As the diseases in birds, pupils enlarge, the conjunctiva becomes inflamed and watery diarrhea begins.

After some time, the last phase before death is observed in sick parrots: the bird spins around its axis, often falls on its back, and then paralysis of the limbs occurs.

Как правило, заражение птиц ньюкаслской болезнью происходит через скорлупу сырых куриных eggs. Therefore, as a top dressing, parrots should be given the shell of only boiled eggs or aged in the oven for at least 5 minutes at a temperature of 100 ° C.

Sparrows and pigeons landing on the roof of the enclosure can also become sources of infection.

Unfortunately, an effective drug for the treatment of Newcastle disease has not yet been found, and often this virus destroys all parrots in some owners in a matter of days.

For профилактики данного заболевания можно воспользоваться вакциной «NC–Vaccine», которую выпускает фирма «Vemie – Veterinaz Chemie GmbH 47906 Kempen». It is worth noting that this medication can only be purchased at a veterinary clinic. INакцина предлагается в дозировках 100, 500, 1000, 2500 и 5000.

As a rule, this drug is given to birds 2 times a year in the form of drops. INакцинацию попугаев проводят только под наблюдением ветеринара.

Inзбудителями этой болезни являются палочки сальмонеллы. Salmonellosis is one of the most severe and dangerous forms of infectious diseases and in most cases ends in death for birds.

The disease occurs very quickly in cockatiels, the birds die from dehydration due to severe diarrhea.

C almonellosis is very dangerous for humans, so the treatment of a sick pet should be under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Sources of infection are sick birds, water and food contaminated with salmonella bacilli, as well as foods rich in proteins (fish, bone and meat and bone meal, shrimp, etc.). In addition, Salmonella can be transmitted from insufficiently sterilized eggshells. Salmonellosis can be carried by wild birds, as well as mice and rats.

A parrot infected with salmonellosis sits ruffled for the first time and does not respond to external stimuli. Then the bird begins to have severe diarrhea and the joints swell.

If salmonellosis is suspected, it is necessary to contact a veterinarian. In избежание развития инфекции следует изолировать больную птицу.

A preventive measure is to control the food and feed of the parrot.

Inзбудителем трихомоноза является одноклеточный паразит под названием «Trichomonas gallinae». Cockatiels can become infected with trichomoniasis after consuming contaminated water and food.

Young birds are especially susceptible to this disease.

In a parrot with trichomoniasis, you can find a yellowish coating covering the inside of the pharynx and goiter.

IN течение нескольких дней, а иногда и часов налет увеличивается, затрудняя сначала прием пищи, а потом и дыхание. The bird loses weight and soon begins to choke. Without timely treatment, a parrot infected with trichomoniasis dies from suffocation or exhaustion.

If your pet shows any of the above signs, take it to a veterinarian immediately, who will likely prescribe a course of treatment with ipronidazole or cardinazole (sometimes metronidazole or ronidazole is also given to birds) and the appropriate dosage.

Usually, drugs dissolved in drinking water are given to a sick parrot for 8 days.

IN качестве профилактики заражения корелл и других птиц (если вы содержите дома не только попугаев этого вида) трихомонозом необходимо регулярно проводить дезинфекцию клеток, вольеров, садков, гнездовых устройств, а также давать птицам воду и корм только в чистой посуде. In addition to these measures, experienced breeders also recommend preventive treatment of all birds before the start of the nesting season.

This инфекционное заболевание. Its causative agent is Koch's wand.

Tuberculosis развивается в течение нескольких месяцев и приводит к истощению организма, а затем к смерти птицы. Inзбудитель болезни попадает в организм попугая, как правило, вместе с кормом.

Check-up at the veterinarian
Also, a bird can become infected with tuberculosis by airborne droplets, inhaling air saturated with bacilli. An insufficiently sterilized eggshell can also be a carrier of the disease.

With pulmonary tuberculosis, a parrot has a respiratory disorder, and with damage to the digestive organs, severe diarrhea. Also, tuberculosis can affect the bones and skin.

In most cases, the diagnosis is very difficult to make. A veterinarian can give an unambiguous conclusion only after examining the dead bird.

With tuberculosis, it is necessary to include cottage cheese, sugar, eggs, fatty foods, fruits and vegetables in the diet. IN неограниченных количествах следует давать зерновые корма и всевозможные добавки к ним. The cage with canaries must be placed in a well-lit room with dry air.

Atypical bird plague
INирус атипичной птичьей чумы был завезен в Европу из Юго-Inсточной Азии. The disease is contagious and usually affects all birds in the same cage (aviary) with a sick parrot. The disease lasts no more than 7-10 days and ends in death.

Symptoms of atypical avian plague are diarrhea, mucous discharge from the nose and eyes.

After a few days, the parrot becomes paralyzed. The disease ends in death from suffocation.

The disease is very dangerous and cannot be cured, therefore, at the slightest suspicion that a parrot has been infected with atypical avian plague, it must be reported to the appropriate authorities.

IN большинстве случаев cockatiels заражаются аскаридами в том случае, если содержатся вместе с больными попугаями других видов.

After applying the anthelmintic drug, place the bird in a separate cage, the bottom of which is covered with cardboard or thick paper. The bedding should be changed to a new one 2-3 times a day. Old bedding should be burned. The cell, in addition to being treated with disinfectants, can be burned with a blowtorch.

When infected with ascaris, the bird loses weight, loses its appetite, and dies after a while (if the parasites infect the small intestine).

Diagnosis is based on autopsy results.

При подозрении на заражение cockatiels аскаридами необходимо обратиться к ветеринару, который назначит больной птице специальные средства против аскарид. As a rule, phenothiazine and piperazine are used.

The dosage of the drug is 50 mg of the drug dissolved in water.

Treatment следует проводить 2 дня подряд. If necessary, after 3 weeks, the course of treatment should be repeated.

For профилактики заражения аскаридами кореллам раз в год дают антигельминтные препараты. Preventive measures can be applied after the cockatiel is 1 year old.

parasitic worms
cockatiels can get infected parasitic worms if kept together with other species of parrots. Parasites affect mainly the large intestine of birds. Symptoms of the disease are exhaustion of the parrot, lack of response to external stimuli, and diarrhea.

Довольно часто cockatiels заражаются волосяными глистами – паразитами, которые своей передней частью присасываются к стенке кишечника птиц. The presence of parasitic worms is established by parasitological examination of the litter of sick birds.

Medical treatment of parrots infected with parasitic worms is difficult due to the fact that drugs used to combat parasites are introduced into the goiter of the bird using a bellied probe, which can result in irritation of the mucous membrane of the goiter. Practice has shown that in most cases the disease ends in the death of the bird.

Coccidia are unicellular parasites that belong to the class of protozoa. The cycle of their development occurs both in the external environment and in the body of infected birds. Most often, young parrots under the age of 1 year get sick with coccidiosis.

The stages of parasites that develop in the external environment are called oocysts. From mature oocysts that enter the body of parrots along with food or drinking water, sporozoites come out and penetrate into the intestinal walls of the bird.

The spread of coccidiosis contributes to the large crowding of birds and dampness in the room where they are kept.

The incubation period of the disease can last up to 7 days. Signs of the disease are the depression of the bird, thirst, diarrhea with blood. The feathers of a parrot with coccidiosis are usually ruffled. The bird loses its appetite, it loses weight and soon dies from exhaustion and dehydration.

Necessary отметить, что кокцидии могут жить в кишечнике пернатых, не вызывая заболевания: при неблагоприятных условиях содержания и кормления попугаев, а также при ослаблении организма птицы какой-либо другой инфекцией паразиты начинают усиленно размножаться.

The development of the disease can proceed so rapidly that not even a day passes from the moment the first symptoms appear until the death of the bird.

In some cockatiels, coccidiosis does not manifest itself at all: they can remain carriers of the disease for a long time, constantly releasing oocysts, which are danger to other birds, especially chicks.

IN качестве лечения назначают кокдицин, сульфаниламидные препараты или ампролиум. However, the chances of recovery in birds are very low.

Tracheal mites
Довольно часто cockatiels заражаются трахейными клещами. In sick birds, changes are observed in the trachea, the mucous membrane of which is affected by ticks. Symptoms of the disease are coughing, sneezing, shortness of breath and frequent spitting up of food.


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