Message: #353589
Кристина Бергамотовна » 10 Jun 2018, 09:22

How to remove chewing gum from clothes

Modern mores and customs sometimes give us a lot of problems. The current younger generation is accustomed to leaving clear traces of their stay wherever possible and in any available form. In particular, it is not uncommon to find remnants of chewing gum stuck to seats in parks. There is nothing to say about the likelihood of attaching this viscous substance to the sole of a shoe, this can happen on any footpath in the city.

Cleaning clothes or shoes from such an unpleasant addition as someone’s chewing gum is not so easy. Therefore, knowing a number of tricks on how to remove chewing gum from things, you can save a lot of time and nerves.

How to remove chewing gum from clothes
There are several ways to remove chewing gum from fabric.

Conventionally, they can be divided into methods using chemicals, heating and cooling.

Of the chemicals, it is recommended to use various types of solvents (aviation gasoline, acetone-free solvents). With a cloth moistened with this substance, it is necessary to erase the adhered chewing gum from the middle to the edges. In this case, it must be borne in mind that aggressive solvents can damage the color of the fabric and spoil the item if the chewing gum was in a visible place. This is especially true when working with valuables, for example, if necessary, remove chewing gum from a dress.

When using heating, after removing the main mass of chewing gum, paper is applied to the place of its sticking and heated with an iron. After warming up, immediately wash the item with laundry soap and dishwashing detergent. The disadvantage of this method is the likelihood of staining at the site of sticking chewing gum.

One of the most effective methods that does not pose a danger to the appearance of things is the use of cold. At the same time, immediately after detecting adhered chewing gum, it is necessary to pack the gum in a plastic bag and place it in the freezer. In this case, you must try not to press the chewing gum to the fabric. After freezing, the chewing gum will lose its ductility, become brittle and can be easily separated from the fabric. This method is well applicable for small things that fit in the free space in the freezer without any problems. For example, this method is suitable for removing chewing gum from a T-shirt or removing chewing gum from a skirt.

If necessary, quickly remove adhering chewing gum, you can try to cool it by spraying gas for refilling lighters. Being under considerable pressure, when spraying, the gas is strongly cooled, which contributes to the hardening of the chewing gum. This method is ideal for eliminating such troubles on the go, even without the need to remove the soiled item. For example, this method is useful to remove chewing gum from trousers or remove chewing gum from a jacket.

How to remove chewing gum stain
Regardless of the method used to remove the main part of the gum, a stain may remain after the procedures performed. Therefore, it is also necessary to have knowledge of how to remove traces of chewing gum.

If using heating or cooling fabric to remove, you can try to remove the remaining stain with aviation gasoline or alcohol. This method is well suited if you need to remove chewing gum from your pants, since a rather rough fabric tolerates such experiments well.

If it is impossible to remove the above methods, you can try soaking the item in water with a large amount of any stain remover.

How to remove chewing gum from shoes
Despite the apparent simplicity, when stepping on the chewing gum left by someone, it is far from always easy to clean the shoes. Therefore, it is advisable to have in your arsenal methods of how to remove chewing gum from shoes.

If necessary, quickly remove the chewing gum from the sole, as well as when cleaning clothes, it is advisable to cool the adhering gum. To do this, you can use an ice pack attached to the sole, spraying gas from a lighter bottle, or placing the shoes in a bag in the freezer. Once cooled, the gum will be easy to remove.

In the event that the chewing gum got in addition to the sole on the upper part of the shoe. After cooling and removing the main part of the gum, it is desirable to treat the place where it was with a stain remover.

When cleaning shoes made of smooth leather, dishwashing detergent is suitable for this purpose. In this case, the applied product must not be allowed to dry on the surface of the shoe in order to prevent the formation of stains.

For suede shoes, you should not use such a tool. In this case, you can try to remove the remaining gum with fine sandpaper, being careful not to damage the surface of the shoe in the process. The remaining stain can be removed with a cloth dampened with alcohol.

If the upper of the shoe is fabric, You can use a laundry stain remover.

Thus, the principle of removing chewing gum from shoes and clothes is largely similar. Without being anything complicated, these recommendations will allow you to remove chewing gum that has got on your clothes or shoes much faster.

Message: #519330
Лиза Малютина » 22 Jul 2019, 17:41

Reply To: How to remove chewing gum from clothes

Попробуйте убрать жвачку вот таким методом.
Морозильная камера в помощь
Особенности. Самый популярный способ удалить жевательную резинку или слайм с любимой вещи — поместить испачканную одежду в морозильную камеру. Низкие температуры сделают свое дело: часть жвачки отпадет, и отклеить оставшуюся часть уже будет проще.
Поместите одежду в пакет. Оставьте в морозильнике на час. Достаньте вещь и поскребите по замерзшей жвачке острым предметом. Но действуйте предельно аккуратно: важно не повредить ткань.
Такой способ помогает быстро избавиться от резинки на небольших изделиях: например, в камеру поместятся брюки или футболка. Если вы заметили, что испачкались, а рядом оказался холодильник, то действуйте без промедления: уже спустя час забудете об этой неприятности.

Message: #681015
Белла Чуркина » 24 Sep 2019, 10:52

Reply To: How to remove chewing gum from clothes

Еще вот хороший способ нашла, как отстирать лизуна Существуют также универсальные средства, способные справиться с любыми загрязнениями, в том числе и с лизунами. К ним можно отнести “Dr. Beckmann” и “Vanish”. Последнее — идеально подходит в вопросе, как оттереть лизуна от ковра. Важно! Не забудьте протестировать купленный химический состав на незаметном участке изделия. В противном случае — вещь рискует быть невозвратимо испорченной, так как вы никогда не сможете быть уверенным в том, как поведет себя материал при взаимодействии с теми или иными веществами. Еще одна действенная вещь в вопросе, как удалить лизуна с одежды, — спирт. Налейте немного на область загрязнения и оставьте на пятнадцать минут, после чего постирайте вещь. Важно! Если необходимо устранить пятна, оставшиеся после этой игрушки, то используйте ватные диски, чтобы обработать их.

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