Message: #349352
Кристина Бергамотовна » 26 May 2018, 21:58

How to bleach a yellowed white shirt: features, tips and tricks

White clothes always look elegant, fresh, elegant and suitable for both holidays and business meetings. But, unfortunately, light fabric gets dirty very quickly, even small spots are clearly visible on it, and in order for your favorite thing to be in perfect condition for a long time, it will be useful to learn how to whiten a white shirt at home.

How to wash a white shirt: basic rules
Before washing, sort clothes by type of fabric and color. White things are washed separately from colored ones, with special detergents.
When washing and bleaching fabrics made of cotton, wool, linen, silk, chiffon, synthetics, different washing modes and temperatures are used.
Bleaches with chlorine are used only for cotton and linen products.
In order to prevent the appearance of new stains and contamination of the laundry during machine washing, it is necessary to ensure that no water remains in the drain from the previous wash.
It should be remembered that it is necessary to wash clothes in a timely manner, since prolonged storage of things that were worn leads to the appearance of gray or yellowish tints.
When washing white clothes combined with colored inserts, so that the fabric does not shed, it is recommended to add salt to the detergent.
White shirts should be bleached after 2-3 washes, as the frequent use of bleaching agents thins the fabric.
When washing, it is recommended to add reagents to the water that reduce its hardness.

How to whiten white things from yellowness or stains
Methods for bleaching with hydrogen peroxide
The mixture is prepared in a well ventilated area. To do this, take: half a bucket of hot water, 45 ml (3 tablespoons) of 3% perhydrol solution and 15 ml (1 tablespoon) of ammonia (ammonia). A white shirt washed by hand or in an automatic machine under normal conditions is placed in the solution for 90–120 minutes. After soaking, the item is rinsed well in warm, then in cold water.
Hydroperite can be used instead of perhydrol. For half a bucket of water, you need to take 4.5 tablets of hydroperite, and then proceed according to paragraph 1.

Another safe for the health of adults and children for bleaching white fabrics is soda. For better efficiency, soda is combined with various solutions: hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, vinegar and washing powder.

Folk whitening methods with adding soda:
30–45 g (2–3 tablespoons) of soda are added to the powder tank in the washing machine and things are washed in the usual way.
Add 5 ml (1 tsp) of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and 5 g of soda to two liters of water, mix well. For products made of delicate or synthetic fabric, the solution is heated to a temperature of 30-40C, and for clothes made of cotton or linen – up to 70C. The blouse is soaked in warm water and left for a quarter of an hour, in hot water – up to 10 minutes, while stirring occasionally for uniform bleaching.
To soak white things you need to take:
5 liters of water at a temperature of 40‒45C;
1/3 cup soda;
30 ml (2 tablespoons) ammonia.
The clothes are soaked in the solution for 60-120 minutes. To remove yellowness and grayish color from textile cotton (cotton) products (towels, sheets, linen), they are boiled for 30 minutes. After that, things are rinsed and washed in the usual way with the addition of a synthetic detergent.

Stains on a white shirt are well removed with soda slaked with vinegar, applied immediately after preparation to the collar and a heavily soiled area. Then the mixture is washed off, and the product is washed in the traditional way.

Using potassium permanganate for whitening
A solution with a small amount of potassium permanganate will help bleach a white blouse if it has turned gray.

To prepare the mixture take:

2.5 liters of hot water;
100 gr. detergent (powder);
several crystals of potassium permanganate until a light pink solution is obtained.
Contaminated clothing is placed in a container with the product, covered with a lid and left to cool the solution. Then the item to be treated is thoroughly rinsed in clean water.

How to effectively bleach a shirt at home
You can also restore the lost whiteness of the product with the help of industrial bleaching agents. But when using modern bleaches, you must carefully study the instructions for use and advice on choosing the type of fabric.

The most effective and, at the same time, the most aggressive means are chlorine bleaches. If you decide to use bleach, which contains chlorine, to remove stains, you need to be careful, because by soaking a product made of natural silk, chiffon, mohair, wool, spandex or leather in them, it can disrupt the structure of the fiber. Such products are only suitable for cotton or linen fabrics, but these fabrics with frequent use of chlorine-containing bleaches, they wear out and tear faster.
Representatives of this class are the means: “Domestos”, “Belizna”, “Chlorin”, “AS”.
More sparing properties have modern oxygen-containing bleaching agents that do not spoil the quality and color of the fabric, do not cause irritation and allergies. They can be used in both cold and warm water for white and colored items.
Oxygen bleaches include: “Whiteness without chlorine”, “Swan”, “Tadox”, “Vanish”.
Another group of bleaching agents is optical brighteners. The particles contained in them, settling on the fabric, mask imperfections and create the illusion of lightening. But the disadvantage of such products is that they do not remove stains well, but simply tint the fabric with luminescent paints.
They are represented on the market by bleaches: Persol, Dimerax, Belofor.

How to bleach synthetics at home
To bleach synthetic items, it is strictly forbidden to boil them and use chlorine-containing products. Under the influence of hot water, a synthetic item is deformed, and a jacket may turn yellow from chlorine.

You can bleach a synthetic guipure blouse by soaking it in a salt solution. 150 g of salt are added to 2.5 liters of warm water and stirred until completely dissolved. The thing is dipped into the solution, left for a while, then rinsed and washed with laundry soap or powder.
75 g (5 tablespoons) of soda and 15 ml (1 tablespoon) of 3% ammonia are added to 5 liters of water. The solution is heated, things are soaked for 3 hours (or more), then rinsed and washed.

Removing specific stains
Grease stains on a white shirt can be removed by applying a mixture of ammonia and water to the contaminated area. To prepare the solution, mix 5 ml (1 tsp) of ammonia and 10 ml (2 tsp) of water. After five minutes, the liquid is washed off and the shirt is washed.
Grease stains can also be removed with turpentine.
You can remove marks from a ballpoint pen on clothes by carefully treating the dirt with cologne or vodka. After a while, the thing is washed with 72% laundry soap, lathering the problem area well. For severe contamination, the procedure is repeated several times.
If your favorite blouse is stained with chocolate, then a solution of boiling water with the addition of 15–20 g (1 tbsp.) of flour and 100 ml of liquid laundry detergent will come to the rescue. Product on soak for half an hour in the solution, then rinse in cold water. It is not recommended to soak delicate fabrics in boiling water.
Salt will help remove fresh traces of fruit and wine. It is necessary to carefully sprinkle the stain with salt, after a while soak and wash the shirt in an ammonia solution. To remove old stains, it is recommended to soak the item in hot milk before processing.
So that white things remain snow-white for a long time, and their owners feel comfortable and confident at business meetings, in the office, at a holiday and just at home, folk advice will help restore their original appearance to their favorite clothes.

Message: #494736
Ирина Кузина » 19 May 2019, 23:40

Reply To: How to bleach a yellowed white shirt: features, tips and tricks

Хотелось бы добавить еще несколько вариантов, как отбелить воротник:
Перекись водорода
Необходимо смочить ватный диск в перекиси.
Нанести на пятно и оставить немного полежать.
Постирать любым удобным способом.

Жидкость для мытья посуды:
Для большей эффективности ее можно смешать с двумя ложками соды и тремя перекиси.
Нанести смесь на пятно и оставить на пять минут.
Постирать изделие.

Message: #501047
gensan gensan » 03 Jun 2019, 08:15

Reply To: How to bleach a yellowed white shirt: features, tips and tricks

как отбелить белый воротник

Жидкость для мытья посуды: Для большей эффективности ее можно смешать с двумя ложками соды и тремя перекиси. Нанести смесь на пятно и оставить на пять минут. Постирать изделие.

Аспирин: Растворить две таблетки аспирина в стакане воды. Обработать пятно и постирать. Спирт Этим способом пользовались еще наши бабушки: Смешать обычный медицинский спирт с нашатырным в равных частях. Смочить в этой смеси ватный диск и обработать пятно. Повторять до полного удаления, после чего постирать.

Message: #529855
Ольга Митева » 10 Aug 2019, 08:00

Reply To: How to bleach a yellowed white shirt: features, tips and tricks

Повседневная одежда в процессе носки теряет цвет и немного деформируется. Что уж говорить про белый бюстгальтер, который теряет свой белоснежный тон от разноцветных кофточек и блузок или частой носки. От соприкосновения с цветным материалом белый лифчик окрашивается и в результате приобретает серый или желтый оттенок. Не стоит откладывать его в ящик со старой, непригодной одеждой. Вернуть первоначальную белизну можно с помощью простых народных или специальных средств.

Message: #681640
Белла Чуркина » 25 Sep 2019, 11:49

Reply To: How to bleach a yellowed white shirt: features, tips and tricks

вот тут можно почитать как отбелить белые вещи Чтобы процесс отбеливания прошел удачно, воспользуйтесь нашими рекомендациями: Стирайте белые вещи отдельно от цветных. Желательно сортировать вещи не только по цветам, но и по типу ткани. Удаляйте пятна сразу — свежие пятна легче вывести, чем застарелые. Даже новые вещи могут пожелтеть от длительного хранения, поэтому время от времени пересматривайте ваши запасы. Если на вещах есть ржавые пятна, то их лучше не обрабатывать химическими отбеливателями. Не замачивайте вещи с металлической фурнитурой надолго и в горячей воде. Максимальная температура для такого случая — 40 градусов. Для отбеливания белья лучше всего пользоваться пластиковой посудой. При выборе отбеливающего средства сверяйтесь с ярлыком и убедитесь, что его можно использовать для этой вещи.

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