Message: #267793
Кристина Бергамотовна » 23 Nov 2017, 11:07

How should a man be?

By “man” in this context is meant not a purely biological sense of the word. The whole point, just the same, lies in a man whose qualities are valued by women, in a man whom every representative of the fair sex would like to see nearby. Don’t you and I strive to show our woman how a man should be and thereby justify the expectation of the betrothed?

What should be a man? Qualities of a real man.

In my opinion, a real man is simply obliged to combine the following masculine qualities, which clearly define what a man should be.

Women are madly in love with purposeful men. Hobbies, dreams, plans, vision of your future make you very attractive in the eyes of a female. Moreover, the scope is not as important as the passion with which you pursue your goal. It is worth understanding that it is not necessary to be unfounded, but to provide words with actions.

Knowing that women devote a lot of time to their appearance, it is easy to conclude that women expect the same from men. It’s about, you guessed it, neatness. This is a clean body, ironed and well-fitting clothes, clean shoes, trimmed nails and hair. Notice that a man who takes care of himself looks more solid and immediately disposes to himself.

Another important component of a real man in the eyes of a woman. Loyalty to a decision once made, to your woman or friend – that’s what makes a man a man. It is clear that you can rely on a faithful person and be calm, without fear that he will deceive or betray. Reinforced concrete – this is the constancy and ladies like it.

What is the basic need of a woman? To feel protected and surrounded by care is the answer to this question. Each of us (men) perfectly copes with this need of a lady at the stage of courtship. But after a while, many of the men forget that the woman they paid so much attention to at the stage of dating and building relationships still needs it.

The ability to concentrate and with love to do your job, giving yourself entirely to it, is the key to success. It’s no secret that even geniuses need these abilities to hone their talents. From the point of view of women, a hardworking man will always bring something to family and take care of her well-being.

This is one of the most important male qualities, which determines the strength of character and will. If you are able to keep your word, make decisions and be responsible for their consequences, then this gives a woman a signal that you can be relied upon. In addition, responsible men are the most consistent and much more likely to succeed.

The ability to think, erudition and versatile development make you an interesting interlocutor in the eyes of a woman and not only. For the beautiful half, your “brains” will mean that you will find a solution in any situation.

It is important for a man to have a good sense of humor. For a lady, this will mean that at least you will not be bored with you. In addition, a sense of humor is a sign of a sharp mind, which we talked about a little higher.

Physical and spiritual strength have always been truly masculine qualities. Next to such a man is safe and comfortable. After all, he will be able to protect and support in a difficult situation.

Courage takes the city – says one of the proverbs. It is clear that a determined man can act to overcome his fear. He will not be afraid to get acquainted with the girl he likes, stand up for her honor and commit those reckless acts that the beautiful half of humanity really likes.

Thus, dear comrades, drawing conclusions to the article “What should a man be?”, I will add that any adult male is a man in itself. But this man will become a man only next to a woman whom he can make happy.

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