Message: #369872
Heavy Metal » 01 Aug 2018, 00:09


Halabja (Arab. حلبجة‎, Kurd. Helebce) is a city in Iraqi Kurdistan, in the governorate of Halabja. Located 240 km northeast of Baghdad and 15 km from the border with Iran, at an altitude of 741 m above sea level. The population is about 80,000 people. The inhabitants of Halabja are traditionally the most religious among the Kurds of Iraq.

The city gained notoriety due to the mass destruction of the local population with chemical weapons, produced here in 1988 by the regime of Saddam Hussein.
Since March 2014, the center of the Halabja governorate.

Famous Natives
Goran, Abdullah Suleiman (1904-1962) – Kurdish poet and writer.

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