Message: #413989
Apache » 22 Nov 2018, 01:45

Personal hygiene of a girl

Care and hygiene for a newborn girl is a very important moment for which you need to prepare even before the birth of your daughter. In the first few weeks after birth, babies urinate too often, so proper hygiene is the best prevention for the onset of inflammatory processes or various diseases. Care for the genitals of a girl should be thorough and regular. Care and hygiene for a newborn girl is the responsibility of the parents, but it is worth teaching the baby to do it on her own from birth. When parents bathe, cut their nails, comb, clean their ears, then this becomes familiar to the baby.
1. Genital Care
In newborn girls, in the first days, you can notice the formation of a cream-colored plaque on the external genitalia. It appears on average up to the tenth day of life. Such a lubricant is commonly called the original smegta. You only need to remove it when there is too much of it. In other cases, the selection will disappear on its own.

If during this period of a child's life it is wrong to take care of the external genitalia, then the excreted secret will begin to oxidize. This can lead to the appearance of an inflammatory process and severe irritation in the labia area. You need to remove the discharge with cotton swabs dipped in boiled water (it should have a temperature of 36-37 degrees). It is even better to use boiled peach or apricot oil. Plaque must be removed very carefully so as not to damage the delicate skin of the newborn.

Care and hygiene for a newborn girl should be constant, because it will take some time to remove plaque. It is quite dense, so it will not be washed well. Finally, such discharge disappears by the tenth day of the baby's life.

Their further development depends on how correct the care of the genital organs will be. Due to the fact that the girl may experience hormonal physiological changes, a small amount of bloody discharge can be noticed on the mucous membrane. The pediatrician during the examination in the first month of the child's life will tell the parents whether to worry about this or not.

2. Care of the ears and umbilical wound
If we talk about other organs, caring for a newborn girl in the first month of life also includes the treatment of an umbilical wound, ear care. With the help of cotton flagella, you need to remove only that earwax that can be seen from the outside of the auditory canal. Do not try to remove as much sulfur as possible. These secretions also act as protection. Do not use cotton swabs to clean the ears. They will push the sulfur further into the passages, which can lead to the formation of sulfur plugs.

Caring for the umbilical wound of a newborn baby must also be very careful and follow some rules. The navel is processed only after bathing. Once a day is enough. The duration of treatment is on average 8-10 days after birth. As a rule, a brilliant green solution is used. In some cases, you can use a one percent solution of chlorophyllipt. Watch carefully so that the inflammatory process does not begin to develop. At the first sign of its appearance, you should contact your pediatrician.

3. Respiratory Care
Care and hygiene for a newborn girl includes the hygiene of the respiratory organs, namely the nasal passages. Daily clean the nose from crusts, snot with the help of small cotton turundas. Before removing the crusts, they need to be softened a little. To do this, use sterile vegetable oil. It is better not to use sprays, aspirators, which can damage the too delicate mucous membrane in the nose.

4. Nail care
You do not need to cut your nails in the first days of a baby's life. They are still very soft. This procedure can be started after the first month of a girl's life. Cutting nails with nail scissors will not work. It is necessary to purchase special scissors for newborns or tweezers. As a rule, it will be enough to cut your nails once a week. It is better to do this during sleep or when you are feeding the baby, so as not to scare or injure.

5. Eye care
Eye care is also an important daily routine. Wipe the baby's eyes with a cotton pad dipped in boiled water. It is very important to wipe the eyes starting from their corner and ending near the bridge of the nose. If any discharge from the eyes (for example, purulent) appears, they will not spread to the entire eye of the child.

6. How to bathe a newborn baby
Water procedures can be started only after the umbilical wound has completely healed. At the same time, it is worth adhering to some rules that will help to properly carry out the daily toilet of a newborn girl.

Before bathing, be sure to wash your hands.
The girl should have her own individual towel and the softest possible sponge.
It should also be a separate soap. It is best to buy a hypoallergenic product.
The water temperature should not exceed 37 degrees.
A jet of water is necessarily directed from the abdomen to the priest, while the labia must be parted. Otherwise, there is a risk of infection of the genital organs of the baby.
You can bathe in herbs once a week, not more often. Too often bathing in herbs can provoke a variety of problems with sensitive skin.
Do not bathe more than once every two days, as this can lead to excessive dryness of the skin.
Make sure that soap does not get inside the genitals, directly into the vagina. This can cause the appearance of synechia - growths. A similar problem, according to statistics, occurs only in 3% of newborn girls, but in fact the percentage is much higher.
Newborn care and hygiene
7. Diapers
Newborn care and hygiene девочкой предусматривает смену подгузников раз в 2-3 часа в случае мочеиспускания. After a bowel movement, you need to carry out a water procedure, but only the priests and genitals of the baby. Use wet wipes for this only in extreme cases. This will reduce the risk of allergic reactions, and the skin will always be cleaner than after wipes.

In order for a little girl not to develop thrush in the vagina and in the oral cavity, before each feeding, the mother must wash her breasts very carefully. If a woman suffers from candidiasis, then it must be cured as quickly as possible. Otherwise, the newborn baby faces too serious complications.

8. Proper care of the mammary glands of a girl
When caring for a newborn girl, you need to pay attention to her nipples. A week after birth, the baby's breasts may swell a little, redness will appear, in some cases, you can notice the release of white contents. This process is classified as hormonal and it is considered normal for this age of the child.

Not it is worth the baby to rub the chest or squeeze out the contents, if any. Make sure that the nipples do not rub against the baby's clothes. The process should pass on its own 10-20 days after the baby is born. You should consult a doctor if the swelling is too strong or there is a lot of discharge. The girl's nipples must be washed with a fairly weak solution of furacilin several times a day. It acts as a disinfectant and soothes the delicate skin.

In order to remove the swelling, you can use special compresses with a small amount of camphor oil. But this recommendation is not mandatory.

9. Massage and gymnastics while swimming
Massage and gymnastics while bathing can be carried out after the girl's navel has completely healed. You can do the procedure in a regular bath. It is enough to clean it with soda before that. Not путайте подмывание девочки с ее купанием. During massage and gymnastics, the baby should not cry, but it is desirable that she be active. The water temperature should be slightly lower than during normal swimming - 32-34 degrees.

Not нужно добавлять в воду марганцовку. It will not act as a disinfectant, but it may well lead to severe burns to the mucous membranes or eyes. It is better to add a small amount of fresh decoction of string, chamomile to the prepared water. To prepare it, pour a glass of dry plants with a liter of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes under the lid. It is best to carry out the procedure before the last feeding. The duration of massage, gymnastics and bathing should not exceed forty minutes.

In the first few months of a girl's life, as a massage and gymnastics, you can use the movements of the legs, handles that will imitate cycling, scissors. The movement of the limbs of the child in a circle is considered very useful. You can slightly squeeze, unclench them. Not забывайте о том, что нужно сделать массаж животика. It is necessary to massage only clockwise with light movements for about 5-7 minutes.

Notкоторые специалисты рекомендуют непосредственно перед купанием малышки, выкладывать ее на животик. You can put a little pressure on the feet, as if to make her start to crawl. This exercise greatly improves digestion, allows you to quickly strengthen the muscles of the child. If you do such manipulations regularly, then the baby will be able to hold his head on his own faster.

Massage also involves light pinching, stroking the body. Start the procedure from the feet and gradually move to the shoulders, neck. After bathing, carefully treat absolutely all the folds with a baby hammer, sterile

Message: #2115220
Davilka Lion » 02 Feb 2022, 11:45

Reply To: Personal hygiene of a girl

С самого детства родители должны приучать своего ребенка выглядеть опрятно и следить за своей гигиеной. Если мальчики — те еще сорванцы, то девочкам эти навыки необходимы от природы.

Давайте разберемся, что маленькая принцесса должна усвоить с самых ранних лет.

1. Регулярная чистка зубов

Белые, крепкие и здоровые зубы притягивают внимание. Чтобы сохранить их в презентабельном виде, необходимо заботиться и ухаживать уже за молочными.

Простыми словами ребенку надо разъяснить, что остатки пищи приводят к кариесу, который может быть не просто некрасивым, но и довольно болезненным, а бактерии вызывают неприятный запах изо рта.

2. Умывание

Нежная кожа ребенка не испытывает нужды в тщательном мытье, однако девочка с ранних лет должна уметь правильно умываться.

Как только эта процедура войдет у нее в привычку, в подростковом возрасте она сможет избежать проблем с кожей, а также сохранит молодость и красоту своей кожи на долгие годы.

3. Мытье рук

Чистые руки — залог общего здоровья. Дети часто исследуют окружающий мир с помощью тактильного контакта, а это способствует скоплению на поверхности кожи различных микробов.

Девочка должна понять, что мыть руки необходимо не только тогда, когда они грязные и это видно невооруженным взглядом, а даже после похода в туалет, перед едой, приходя домой с улицы.

4. Уход за ногтями

Нет ничего более неопрятного, чем неухоженные ногти: грязные, сломанные, неравномерно отросшие.

Маленькая принцесса должна с детства поддерживать чистоту и аккуратность своих ногтей.

Мягко пресекайте привычку их грызть. Вероятно, в будущем она станет ходить к мастеру, который будет заботиться о ее ноготках, но уметь это делать самостоятельно, причем на регулярной основе, также необходимо.

5. Соблюдение интимной гигиены

С ранних лет девочка должна не только уметь правильно подмываться, но и четко понимать, для чего она это делает. Объясните ей, что такие процедуры помогают избежать размножения болезнетворных микробов, неприятного запаха и прочее.

Особое внимание интимной гигиене надо уделять в подростковом возрасте и во время менструаций.

Лучший пример для каждой девочки — мама. Красивая, ухоженная, приятно пахнущая и аккуратно одетая даже в домашней обстановке.

Чтобы девочка привыкла ко всем ритуалам, сначала все процедуры она может выполнить с мамой. Как только выработается привычка, она начнет сама замечательно справляться без лишних напоминаний.

Не забывайте, прежде чем начать чему-то учить, необходимо подробно и понятно объяснить для чего это необходимо.

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