Message: #222587
Кристина Бергамотовна » 10 Oct 2017, 10:01

How to make marriage official

You have been living in a civil marriage for a long time. And he doesn’t even want to hear about the wedding. Gets annoyed or withdraws from the conversation on the subject. What to do? After all, you so want to feel confident living with him in an official marriage?
If men shy away from official marriage, this indicates that you have completely different goals. Therefore, it is unlikely that the prospect of your relationship will be a wedding.

In such situations, the best step for you is to replace the man altogether.
Now you are sure that you will not meet such a wonderful man again. You will need willpower so that you finally decide to end the doomed relationship. You will not marry this man anyway, because his plans do not marry you. Family happiness.
Do not refuse to meet another man, do not get hung up on the stubborn desire to wear a ring to your chosen one, because in reality your marriage does not exist.

You have a choice: continue to live in this civil marriage or leave. But there is another way: to force a man to formalize a marriage.

How can this be done?

For this, some kind of incentive is needed, a reason from the outside, which will push the man to the wedding. There are many ways to do this, each of them has many pros and cons. Therefore, not everyone can suit you. But you can try.

1. Announce to him that you are pregnant.

For many men, the prospect of having offspring is important. This method will work if:

-he was already thinking about official marriage with you

– his relatives, friends and acquaintances will take your side

-he wants a baby

But there are also huge disadvantages:

“He may rightly believe that he is being pressured by manipulating the unborn child. He may go into a fierce defense.

– In the future, he may inflame hatred for you and the child and take revenge on both of you all his life

“He can leave even after the wedding if he doesn’t love you.”

“If you think about pregnancy, you will have to get pregnant urgently, which is far from easy.

2. Buy it (living space, car, other gifts) for a stamp in your passport
This method is effective if he loves material values.
This method has many disadvantages too:
Most often, a man who loves gifts stays with the woman who is the source of these gifts until he “milks” her to the end. Then he will create such a life for her that she will seek to divorce her herself. And then she will be left without a husband, and without a living space.
“Often the man who received these gifts feels completely dependent on the woman. And he has an unconscious desire to take revenge on her for humiliation, or for the resulting inferiority complex.

3. Pressure exerted by your relatives
Their strong arguments can push him to marry. But there are also downsides.

– Relatives and friends of your man may have strong arguments against marrying you.
“Even if he and you end up getting married, he will always be afraid of you and your relatives. This is not at all a positive factor for family life. Because fears of a wife often provoke alcohol addiction in men.

4. Pressure from his relatives
– When a man has a good relationship with his mother, he usually looks for a wife who looks like his mother.
Get to know his mom and make her your ally. Watch her and become like her. If his parents are in a strong marriage, then his dad should also like you. Then the pressure of his parents on him will be in your favor.
But here, too, there are downsides.
—— You can change a lot and not for the better if you start to adapt to his ma

– Even if the wedding takes place, a man can divorce you later, finally taking an independent step in life. After all, no one asked him about his desire to marry.
5. Wait until he needs a stamp in his passport. (for obtaining housing, processing any documents, when moving for permanent residence abroad, and so on)
True, you run the risk of never waiting for this event.

6. Give him an ultimatum: either you get married, or you start looking for another candidate for a husband.
True, he can say that he agrees. What do you do then?

7. Make him jealous.
“If you become perfect in every way, make him fall in love with you, and then start flirting with his friend, brother, and the like, the situation may change. Men cannot survive that his woman is not indifferent to others. He will strive to beat you off and, perhaps, he will offer you the option that you dream of.
But there are also big disadvantages:
– He can call you a bad word with a word and break off all relations with you.
He may stop believing in you. His jealousy will begin to intensify. And the situation may get in such a way that you yourself want to run away from him.

8. Suggest that he temporarily separate and live separately. To check if you can do without each other before entering into an official marriage.
Here you also expect cons.
“If the experiment goes on long enough, he might find a replacement for you, or he might enjoy living alone.

9. Become self-sufficient.
—- This is the most difficult way. It requires a sharp mind and imagination. Just stop thinking about the wedding at all. Switch to other goals in life. For example, make a career, go in for sports, and so on). In this case, maybe a man will see that you are an independent and bright personality, and not a maniac who wants to get a stamp in his passport in any way.
Cons that await you:
– He can calm down, seeing your lack of desire to formalize the relationship, believing that you don’t need it. It is better to explain to him that you are not against official marriage, but you can easily live without it.
2. Civil marriage. If he sees that you are independent and self-confident, then you yourself, perhaps, will look at marriage with him differently. Maybe you don’t need this man as a husband?

Message: #1364056
Davilka Lion » 04 Dec 2020, 22:17

Reply To: How to make marriage official

Готовы ли вы выйти замуж за свою вторую половинку? Не все пары спешат официально оформить свои отношения. И правильно делают: брак нужно заключать осознанно. Только вот некоторые совсем оттягивают этот важный шаг. Какие плюсы в заключении брака и почему не стоит бояться этого решения?

1. Финансовые льготы
Об очевидных плюсах брака сказано немало. Но мы посмотрим на это с другой стороны — коммерческой. И это не только общий бюджет. Если вы официально семья, то для вас предусмотрены налоговые льготы. Также пары могут купить, например, абонементы в фитнес-клуб или музей.

2. Единомышленник и помощник
Брак это не просто драгоценное кольцо на пальце и штамп в паспорте, это гораздо большее. Вступая в законные отношения, вы всегда можете быть уверены, что ваш супруг (или супруга) поддержит ваш выбор и любое начинание. А ведь иногда так не хватает простой поддержки.

3. Большая семья
Испокон веков принято, что на свадьбе соединяются семьи молодоженов. Вы становитесь частью его семьи, а он — вашей. Традиции традициями, а но ведь так ваша семья и правда увеличится, а семейные узы станут крепче.

4. Совместное планирование будущего
Одно дело стоит планы на жизнь самостоятельно совсем другое — вместе. Теперь вы можете вдвоем выбирать, куда отправиться в следующий отпуск, куда переехать и в каком возрасте завести детей.

5. Возможность называть друг друга мужем и женой
Вроде простая формальность — штамп в паспорте, а после него вы приобретаете новый статус. Он становится мужем, а вы — женой. Вначале называть так друг друга будет забавно, а затем вы уже не сможете представлять без этого жизни.

6. Оформление визы
Мало кто знает, но в браке есть и еще один плюс. Как правило, людям, состоящим в браке визы дают охотнее (а оформляют быстрее). Подумайте об этом, если вы много путешествуете.

7. Социальная защищенность
Обручальное кольцо на пальце обладает магическими свойствами — отталкивает все нежелательные взгляды. Конечно, не все девушки носят обручальные кольца. Но это не просто аксессуар, а в каком-то роде телохранитель.

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