Message: #291327
Ольга Княгиня » 22 Jan 2018, 17:06

Smart women don’t sleep alone, or How to hit the jackpot in your personal life. Tatyana Andreevna Shishkina

an opinion that men need sex right away. And the faster the better.

I неоднократно встречала мужчин, которые не против поехать в номера с кем угодно, желательно бесплатно. And I heard that such women also exist. IN моей жизни не было ни одного мужчины, который, переспав со мной, пропал бесследно. Maybe the sex was good. Maybe the behavior after clinging. Or maybe love, who knows.

But I still dared to experiment: I offered men sex on the first date.

The first of my subjects was an attractive free man. We met him online and agreed to chat in the evening over a cup of coffee. The correspondence was short, but more than decent. I came to the meeting in a modest dress, but high heels. I liked the man, more than, and I decided to play. После успешного свидания он смотрел на меня очарованными глазами и говорил, что не встречал таких women. I решила действовать.

On the way to my car, I said:

- Let's go to sleep?

– IN смысле? my companion stopped.

– IN прямом смысле, – невозмутимо продолжила я. - I like you, I have an attraction to you. And I want to know you better.

- This is somehow wrong, in theory, I owe you tempt.

What are those old-fashioned looks? We live in the twenty-first century. Women, like men, have the right to desire. No, well, if I'm not attracted to you as a woman, then I understand.

– No! What you! I really like you! he exclaimed.

- What then?

“I just can't go that fast.

- Hmm, that is, let's go the classical way? You will invite me to dinner tomorrow. Then to the cinema. Then again for dinner, and then to you? It will take at least a week and still lead to exactly one. To sex. So maybe we'll start with him, why all this theater?

My subject hesitated, but did not leave his line. IN скором сексе он мне отказал. But he called back the next day. I не сходила со своего дерзкого пути.

Have you decided to agree? I said as I picked up the phone.

Are you talking about it again?

- Does it bother you?

- Embarrassing! It's not every day that a young and attractive girl talks me into sex.

I рассмеялась и закончила на этом эксперимент. On the question of consent, the next day after our conversation, my interlocutor considered my proposal and agreed. His interest in me remained for a long time, although the development of events I promised did not happen.

If my first test man was, though prominent, but modest, then I was looking for the second “experimental” man who was active and impudent.

Arriving with friends on vacation, I immediately noticed a young man sitting in the center of the company. He actively told something, and the whole team listened to him with an open mouth. He looked smart, sounded talkative, and smelled with a pleasant train.

We quickly made acquaintance with a company of young guys and joined their team. Without thinking twice, I approached the chosen one and offered to go up to the room. The reaction was the same as the first.

- For what? he asked me in bewilderment.

- Let's have sex! I said without hesitation.

He paused and leaned back in his chair. I задумчиво подняла брови и поняла, что мне и тут ничего не светит. Then I behaved as if nothing had happened, my second subject silently drank wine all evening and did not take his eyes off me. The next evening he caught me in the elevator. We stood in silence for about a minute, and then he said uncertainly:

– Tanya, is your offer still valid?

“Not anymore,” I answered with a smile and went out to my floor.

Then I repeated this experiment three more times, and only the last one agreed to immediately indulge in pleasures. And that's probably because before the offer, we spent four hours at the club at the same table.

From which we can conclude that men are taken by surprise by excessive female activity. They are not ready to immediately run into bed with just anyone, they do not understand what to do in these situations. They need time to think. According to my observations, it is not less than 12 hours.

INидимо, именно столько им необходимо для осознания своей сексуальности. But no one lost interest in me after these proposals.

Do not be too active in relationships with men. They are very scared when you play the role of a hunter.

I неоднократно слышала и даже наблюдала, как у людей завязывается быстрый секс: нужна соответствующая обстановка, для многих немного алкоголя в крови и мужская смелость.

For example, when you and a new acquaintance go up to the room to take a sip of wine, spend time together, get to know each other to romantic music and, with mutual sympathy, you can continue even closer cognition.

If you do not want any sexual continuation with a man, you should not go to his house after dinner to listen to vinyl records, and then explain that you did not mean it at all. If you are just going to visit, then inform your companion about it so that you don’t have to fight him off later, make excuses and create awkward situations.

If a man did not like at first, is it worth continuing?
Many students ask me: how do you know that this is the right man?

Can it be that a man did not hook on the first dates, and then hooked?

Did I have such that I fell in love with a man in the process of communication?

INот мой ответ. Was. Yes! I верю в исключительность каждого случая.

For example, despite all the esotericists, at first glance at my husband I realized that this was my future husband. We hadn't met yet, but I was already sure that it was him.

My other two lengthy novels followed a different pattern. After the first meeting, I was convinced that she was the first and last. But male perseverance and my free time did their job. I влюблялась over the ears.

I знаю массу историй, как люди через пару лет общения понимали, что не могут жить друг без друга. I видела пары, через 10 минут после знакомства целовавшиеся в машине и продолжавшие целоваться спустя 10 лет совместной life.

Relationships and life are exactly what I like that we have no rules. And it is the absence of these rules that makes us free people with the ability to choose our paths and create our lives.

Who should be the first to confess their love?
“Tatyana, I fell in love with a man. But I can't tell him how I feel. It seems to me that a man should take the first step. Is it so? And won't I look funny if I confess first?

INо-первых, надо понимать, какой реакции вы боитесь. If you just declare your love, then I don’t see anything funny. For whom exactly are you afraid to seem ridiculous?

Personally, my feelings always flared up pretty quickly. I обожаю свое состояние влюбленности и люблю себя в этом настроении. When the object of my dreams is found, I am overwhelmed with feelings so that I can not keep them in myself. I think if I don't talk about them, I'll burst. Therefore, without waiting for the fire from the man, I declared my reverent attitude towards him. I не требовала никакого ответа, не устраивала истерик, если он не произносил «я тоже», не обижалась, если он не бросался на колени и не звал меня замуж. I говорила лишь о том, что испытываю я. To say it was my need. There were no expectations.

Just as there were no ridicule, reproaches and running away. Many men reciprocated a little later, but there were those who could not cope with the burden that fell on their shoulders. But that's their problem.

Male love or obsession
How to see the edge
Ulyana breathlessly told me how she drove Kirill crazy. He literally lost his head. Every evening he waited for her at the entrance, woke her up in the morning and sent flowers to the office. Ulyana flew like on wings, never before had a man devoted so much time to her and sought to learn so much about her. They noticed their similarities, rejoiced at the chance that brought them together, and could not part for a minute. Kirill met her mother, helped bring food from the store, took the cat to the veterinarian and occupied all the girl's thoughts and time.

Ulyana could not go to the cinema without him - he was offended. I couldn't go to the sports club - he was angry. Now her time was either for Kirill or with Kirill.

Realizing the unbearability of her situation, Ulyana decided to set up new rules for relations. But instead of an adult conversation, she ran into an uncontrollable man in a fit of rage and despondency. He complained that she rejected his love, that no one needed him, and indeed, real modern girls do not appreciate knights.

Ulyana consoled him, rewinded her words, but still took a break.

After a week of suffering, Kirill appeared on Ulyana's doorstep with a tattoo on his chest. Right on the heart was carved her portrait with a frightening inscription "together forever."

On the one hand, it was painfully pleasant and exciting, but on the other hand, it was too responsible and scary. The relationship continued, Cyril's lamentations too.

INо время очередной ссоры Ульяна вновь взяла паузу. Then Cyril stood for days at her window. He was wet in the rain, cold in the wind, but he waited. If earlier such behavior touched Ulyana, now it began to irritate her. She was afraid to go outside again. After a short torment, the


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