Message: #291327
Ольга Княгиня » 22 Jan 2018, 17:06

Smart women don’t sleep alone, or How to hit the jackpot in your personal life. Tatyana Andreevna Shishkina

that he is so comfortable.

12. Avoid men who call you a fool, even if you yourself consider yourself one.

Now back to the questionnaire at the beginning of the book.
Fill it out again and compare the answers you gave earlier.

When you meet a man, what do you pay attention to first of all? Arrange the options in descending order of importance: most important, important, least important, and so on.

1. How is he dressed.

2. What are his hands and shoes.

3. What and how he eats.

4. What he says about himself.

5. How he communicates with others.

6. How he treats me.

7. What does he say to me.

8. How much does he tip.

9. What does he say about parents.

What is the most important thing for you in a relationship with a man?

Do you think it is possible to change a man?

If it can be changed, what are the best ways?

By what criteria do you evaluate what kind of person is in front of you? Write down the 3 most important points.




Can you connect your fate with a man with a "past" (divorced, with children)?

What kind of relationship do you think you should have with your ex-wife so that they do not interfere with your romance? (Underline whatever applicable.)

1. The worse, the better.

2. Friendly, warm.

3. Business - formal.

What topics (questions) on dates do you consider important to bring up?

Why do you think some men need girlfriends?

Write 3 signs by which you can recognize a tyrant man.




Write 3 signs by which you can recognize a pick-up artist or ladies' man.




Which men should be avoided?

Is it possible to understand on first dates that you are a greedy person? If possible, how?

Where will you start the path to the heart of a man who does not want a serious relationship?

Write 10 points that are most important to you in a man and relationships with him.











What disadvantages are you willing to accept?






I искренне надеюсь, что вы почерпнули много нового для себя из этой книги и стали гораздо ближе к созданию счастливых отношений.

On the life and role of men
Every man is an invaluable path and a colossal experience that makes us wiser and smarter. Once I entered the adult world and knew nothing about relationships. INстретившись со своей первой любовью, я столкнулась с изменой – для меня это был важный урок, из которого извлекла главное: всегда нужно оставаться верной себе.

When I faced male rage, I discovered the main thing in myself - the boundaries of respect.

When I cried at night from unrequited love, I met with my pain and realized that I was alive.

When I parted, fell in love, parted again, fell in love again - I discovered the boundlessness of love and the ability to give.

When I was betrayed, I learned what fortitude is. I хорошо осознала, как можно подниматься с колен и идти дальше.

When I ловила на себе восхищенные взгляды когда-то ушедших мужчин, я чувствовала, насколько сильна власть женщины.

When men tested my feelings for strength, I learned not to let unwanted people close.

When I was thrown, I saw that behind every breakup there is a new meeting.

When I вышла замуж, я поняла, что такое быть по-настоящему близкой.

And believe me, everything that we go through with men, everything that we meet when communicating with them, each of us can direct for our own good and create our life or trample ourselves into the mud and turn into a victim.

INыбор всегда остается за вами.
Understand men. Watch them and take your time to make the most important choice of your life!
IN конце концов, лучше потратить несколько лет на поиск своего человека, чем целую жизнь на «чужого».

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