Message: #291327
Ольга Княгиня » 22 Jan 2018, 17:06

Smart women don’t sleep alone, or How to hit the jackpot in your personal life. Tatyana Andreevna Shishkina

6 years old. Dad drank a lot, and he couldn't stand it. Hera's mother is a strong-willed woman and the owner of a chain of hotels. She lives in a penthouse in the city center with her civil husband.

“Mom was for me both dad and mom,” Herman finished.

And then it became clear to me. It was at the moment when the model of the ideal man is being formed in the boy that Herman did not have a father. Mom made a lot of decisions for him. Where to go, what to say, what to do. That is why it is easier for Herman when a woman decides everything for him: an acquaintance the scenario is to obey the lady, not lead her.

If you meet a man with a similar script, don't ask him to "be a man" and make decisions and take initiative aggressively. Maybe he just doesn't know how to do it.

If you want to see him enterprising and self-confident - learn gradually, help and be patient.

How to build relationships with your husband's parents
Any girl who wants to create a happy family and maintain a friendly atmosphere at home will have to establish relations with her husband's parents. Not only the process of getting to know the parents of the chosen one is a key moment, but also the entire period of communication with the family of the future spouse.

IN этой главе мне хотелось бы описать 10 ключевых моментов, которые стоит (или не стоит) делать в общении со свекрами.

Tip 1
Take a look at the groom. If he grew up in a good family and he has friendly relations with his parents, then most likely your lover will want you to join his house as his own!

Therefore, it is in your interest to improve relations with your husband's parents and not put up barriers in communicating with new relatives, be happy to take homemade pies with you and thank you for knitted scarves.

Tip 2
Remember that your beloved is the fruit of the upbringing of your parents with whom you communicate! If some shortcomings of the chosen one unnerve your psyche, then you should not tell his mother about the flaws in raising your beloved son! INы можете обсудить недочеты мужа с подругами, с родной мамой, папой или бабушкой, но не с будущей свекровью!

Tip 3
Do not pretend to be an omniscient person who understands the whole relish of modern life! Do not forget that the parents of your faithful are people of a different generation and many of the free mores of modern society are alien to them. Avoid arguments and do not “poke” your finger at the ceiling with the words: “Mom, what do you understand about today’s youth!”

Tip 4
Do not forget that your future husband is the beloved son of his parents! Поэтому не стоит свекрам изливать душу на тему того, что INаська Петров с 4-го курса во многом превосходил их сына, но злой рок развел вас по разные стороны океана, поэтому вы вынуждены коротать свою жизнь с их отпрыском.

Tip 5
INедите себя так, будто вам сказочно повезло встретить такого замечательного мужчину, которого воспитала не менее замечательная семья! Give compliments to your husband's parents, thank you for the gift of fate that you got - this is the right way to improve relations.

Tip 6
Don't be afraid of light praise. Ask your mother-in-law once again how she manages to sculpt such wonderful dumplings or bake an “unsurpassed deliciousness” cake!

Write down the recipe, and it doesn’t matter that you buy dumplings and a cake in a supermarket ... the main thing is a compliment and participation!

Tip 7
Remember that explicit kisses, intimate scenes or vulgar jokes are best left for the bedroom. It is unpleasant for many parents to see how an outsider “licks” their “little” son ... and it doesn’t matter how old your chosen one is! Explicit sexual behavior will not help you build a relationship with your husband's parents.

Tip 8
Modesty, respect for elders and a desire to help are the platform on which sympathy for you will be built.

Tip 9
Don't bring conflicts with your loved one into the house of your husband's parents. Remember that for his mother, the son is almost always right. On the contrary, in every possible way emphasize the authority of the son in the eyes of his family.

Tip 10
Remember: all that parents wish for their children is happiness and that they be loved!

Therefore, love your men and try to make them happy, then even the most harmful mother-in-law will accept you! :)

About men and breakups
Which man seems more attractive to you to create a family?

1. INитя расстался с женой несколько лет назад. He does not know where his wife and child are. He is not burdened with alimony and holds in his bosom a stone of resentment against his wife, who once left him.

He has a full-fledged free weekend, which he is ready to spend with you, “people from the past” do not call him. He is happy with his life and ready for a new relationship.

2. INитя расстался с женой несколько лет назад. He regularly pays alimony. And one day is sure to spend with the child. He does not hide the fact that his daughter is dear to him, and worries that he rarely sees her.

INстречаясь в INиктором, вы будете вынуждены мириться с периодическими звонками его жены, делиться его деньгами с бывшей семьей и принимать по выходным его дочь.

Большинство женщин без детей выбирают первый вариант INити. Women with children choose the second option.

The first option can be much more attractive in terms of stories. Not burdened either financially or morally. Ready to create a new family, but there is Are there any chances that you will not become that very last wife for him, with the last child.

It is convenient for men to be offended by their wife and not help her with money. It is convenient to be offended by the child and not spend the weekend with him. It is more convenient to cross them out of life and not be weighed down by worries.

I встречаю много клиенток, которые остаются одни с малышом после пропажи мужа. IN процессе общения выясняется, что у бывшего мужа это не первый случай подобного ухода из семьи.

When you choose a man with a "past", really look at how he built relationships with children. If he refused them or does not show himself in any way in their upbringing, then where is the guarantee that this will not happen to you?

I считаю, что уровень мужской взрослости определяет уровень ответственности, которую мужчина готов взять за свои поступки.

Answer the following questions.

IN каком случае мужчине позволительно вас назвать дурой?

Under what circumstances is it permissible for a man to hit you?

Have you had similar cases (when a man insulted or beat)?

If so, why did you endure?

Если на последний вопрос вы написали «любила», тогда не факт, что это не повторится в вашей life.

If, looking back, you understand that this is the stupidity of youth, then I can be calm for you.

If you are still in such a situation and endure, then it is sad.

Now rate from 1 to 10:

How much do you think you love yourself?


Now write how a man treats you (if you are not in a relationship, then evaluate the level of his respect for you).


For many women, this exercise is a revelation.

Many women who give themselves a solid 9 or 10 on the first question are hesitant about a 3 on the second.

And they discover with horror that it is the second assessment that is closer to the realities of life.

It is the same as a foaming child proving to you that he has learned a poem, but when you ask him to read it, he cannot say a single line.

The attitude of men towards women is only a reflection of the real attitude of a woman towards herself.

If, again, we return to parting, then it is here that men manifest themselves in all their “glory”.

INспомните одно из последних расставаний, каким оно было?

Did the man appear before you in a good light or a bad one?

INы были рады, что ваши отношения ended, or regretted it?

In the course of my work, I saw hundreds of partings, watched how the faces of men change from a courteous gentleman to a rare scoundrel.

For example, there were cases when, during a divorce, a man deducted money for a refrigerator bought in marriage or took out everything of value from the house in the absence of a woman, including jewelry donated to him. Not to mention the fact that often an offended man pours mud on his chosen one and considers this the norm. But this is not the worst thing, the worst thing is when a woman turns a blind eye to this and ... quickly forgives.

And after some time, he enters into this relationship again.

“What are you! I же не то имел в виду! It was you who behaved in such a way that I was forced to say, ”the men who once acted ugly justify themselves. The main mistake is that a woman takes responsibility for insults, does not set boundaries of respect and continues to live in this.

It is rare to say that your relationship will then be full of love, self-worth and respect for each other. Because a man at some point understands, "how it is possible with you."

I видела, как озлобленный мужчина орал на весь аэропорт, что она мразь. I watched how the offended husband did not want to take his wife with a small child to the hospital by car and took all the money from her so that she would walk. Of course, you can


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