Message: #351979
Ольга Княгиня » 06 Jun 2018, 00:10

Chinchillas. Yulia Vladimirovna Rychkova

chamomile flowers, a decoction consisting of a mixture of swamp cudweed, wormwood, trefoil flowers, taken in equal amounts. Beneficial abdominal massage.

The accumulation of gases in the digestive tract of chinchillas, accompanied by bloating and pain, is called flatulence.

Otitis externa. INоспаление наружного слухового прохода происходит в результате сильного загрязнения. Sick animals scratch their ears, rub their heads against the bottom of the cage. With otitis media, brownish pus flows out of the ear canal, which in some cases leads to inflammation of the surrounding skin. IN данном случае необходимо прочистить слуховой проход, нанести мазь с содержанием цинка и рыбьего жира. The procedure is repeated after 48 hours.

Ringworm. The first signs are baldness in the head, neck, tail, back, sides, peeling of the skin, the appearance of inflammation and crusts in some areas. Treatment is carried out with a mixture consisting of an equal amount of lactic acid and 5% tincture of iodine. Daily addition of 40 mg of griseofulvin to the feed contributes to the rapid and complete recovery of chinchillas.

Cystitis. Signs of the disease: frequent urination, blood in the urine, restless behavior of the animal. In the treatment of chinchillas, trimethoprim 20 mg twice a day should be given, sulfamethoxazole - 100 mg in the form of syrup for three days. IN результате рентгенологического исследования в мочевом пузыре шиншилл обнаруживают камни и песок.

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