Message: #352360
Ольга Княгиня » 07 Jun 2018, 01:37

Pug. Yulia Vladimirovna Rychkova

the animal's body at each stage of its development, is necessary for the correct rearing of the pet.

Pug puppies grow up very fast
The stages of growth and development of a dog are divided into: intrauterine (embryonic), suckling (from birth to 1–1.5 months), puppy (1.5–6 months). Further subdivided into young animals (6–12 months) and young dogs (from 12 months to 2.5 years).

The uterine and lactation periods are characterized by a rapid growth rate. At the same time, the foundations of animal health are laid.

Puppies are weaned from the female at the age of 30 days. At this time, dogs, as a rule, pass into the hands of their new owners, a new stage begins in the life of animals. Stops feeding on mother's milk, communication with other puppies from the litter.

At this time, the growth rate of puppies slows down sharply. However, with proper feeding and proper care, the weight of animals for the 2nd month of life increases by about 2 times.

It is the responsibility of each owner to monitor the weight gain of the puppies on a daily basis. Once they are 3 weeks old, they should be weighed weekly.

Proper feeding and appropriate maintenance regime in the period from 6 to 8 months are decisive in raising animals.

The subsequent stages of growth and development of puppies can be divided into the following periods: from 2 to 6 months, the weight of the dog increases by 2 times, the height at the withers - by 2–3 times: from 6 to 12 months, the weight of the puppy increases only by 25–30%, height at the withers - by 10%. The process of forming the exterior continues for 2-2.5 years.

Puppies are growing unevenly. At each stage, only certain organs and parts of the body develop intensively. Proportions corresponding to the breed appear only after the completion of all stages of development of the dog.

The main indicator of the correct growth and development of puppies is the replacement of milk teeth with permanent ones. At the age of 1 month, the puppy should have fangs, incisors, 1st and 2nd false-rooted teeth. All milk teeth appear at 2 months.

At 3 months, the dog's central incisors-hooks change. In the period from 3 to 5 months, the middle incisors change, in 4–6 - the extreme incisors, called margins.

At the age of 4 to 5 months there is a change of fangs, at 5–6 months - false-rooted teeth. At 7 months, molars grow.

So Thus, at 7 months the dog has all 42 permanent teeth. The lag in the process of changing and growing teeth, their weakness and fragility indicate an abnormal development of the animal, the cause of which is the insufficient content of vitamins A and D, mineral salts in food.

In order to control the puppy's growth process, it is recommended to adhere to the following weighing schedule: at the age of 1-2 months - every 5 days, 2-6 months - every 10 days, then monthly.

The height at the withers is measured with a square with a tape, the girth of the chest and metacarpus, as well as the height of the leg at the elbow - with a centimeter tape. When measuring the height at the withers, make sure that the puppy is standing with its head up and the position of the paws is correct.

The circumference of the chest is measured behind the shoulder blades, pastern - just below the carpal joint. At the same time, the measuring tape is pulled tightly. It should be borne in mind that measurement and weighing are carried out at the same time - before feeding.

Place of a puppy in the house
The choice of a place for a puppy usually depends on living conditions. However, in any case, he should not be allowed to live on the aisle, where he will interfere with all family members, or at the door, from under which he will be blown.

Puppies should have their own place.
Do not place the puppy in the bathroom, in a room with a tiled or cement floor, near heating appliances. A rug is placed in the place chosen in the house for the puppy. Cotton pads and mattresses should not be used as they are unhygienic. You can make a quadrangular frame from slats, pull a tarpaulin over them, attach it to the frame, put a rug on top. If necessary, the tarpaulin is removed and washed.

Walking a puppy
In order for the puppy to grow and develop properly, it must be walked. After each feeding, as well as after sleeping, the puppy should be taken out into the yard, given the opportunity to run around, since exercise is one of the important elements in the proper cultivation and maintenance of a dog of any breed.

Playing with peers contributes to the correct physical development of a puppy. In this case, the owner needs to be sure that the other puppy is healthy.

However, we should not forget that a puppy overworked with games will not be able to eat normally. He may start vomiting, indigestion. You should not overwork the puppy or demand from him a physically impossible reception. Outdoor games and walks air should be regular and, most importantly, feasible.

During walks, it is necessary to ensure that the puppy does not pick up food from the ground.

Puppy care
Puppies are born deaf and blind. They begin to see on the 10-15th day, and after a few days they begin to hear. The first person a puppy should see when it first opens its eyes is its owner.

Although the pet recognizes its owner by touch, he has yet to associate his tactile sensations with the smell of the owner and his speech. This is facilitated by the puppy's developing sense of smell and hearing. Communication with the owner allows the puppy to form his first opinion about people in general. The breeder needs to give each of his pets a few minutes a day. This is necessary so that from the first days of their lives the animals get used to the owner. From the moment puppies are born and up to their acquisition by breeders, dogs continue to adapt to the world around them. From about 3 weeks of age, animals begin to recognize people. At this point, every puppy needs to be given maximum attention. At the same time, you can take them in your arms, caress, talk to them. Starting from the age of 4 weeks, you need to take the puppies out of the box in turn for 10 minutes a day, weaning them from their mother and littermates.

The time of separation should be gradually increased. In addition, you need to accustom puppies to other inhabitants of the house, guests and friends. The puppy should not be allowed to show aggression towards them. The slightest attempt to rush, for example, to a cat should be stopped immediately. When accustoming a puppy to people who often visit the house, you need to ensure that they do not feed the pet, do not frighten, and even more so do not punish him.

Puppies should be accustomed to people gradually
In addition to group games, we should not forget that you also need to play with each puppy separately, since this is what contributes to the emergence of a trusting attitude towards people.

From birth to 16 weeks of age, each puppy goes through certain critical periods of development. If, for example, at the age of 3-7 weeks, the pet was not given enough attention, he will not be able to realize his full potential.

Small pets should be taught to various home sounds. For example, before putting food in a bowl, you need to tap it with a spoon.

There are several rules for caring for puppies, the implementation of which necessary for pets to grow up healthy, full of strength and energy.

One of the main indicators of a dog's health is the good sleep of the animal. Healthy newborn puppies spend 90% of their time sleeping and 10% eating. During sleep, puppies are active: they slightly twitch their limbs and smack their lips.

Another sign of good puppy health is its ability to quickly find its mother's nipple and suckle vigorously.

From the moment the puppy's claws are bent, they begin to trim them. Otherwise, the puppy may scratch the mother when massaging her breast while suckling milk. Scratches often lead to mastitis.

Starting from 2 weeks of age, the procedure for trimming the puppy's claws should become regular and be carried out approximately 1 time in 7-10 days.

The puppy should be regularly brushed and wiped with a damp cloth along the coat. Wash the puppy only when necessary. When washing, make sure that water does not get into the ears. After bathing, the puppy must be wiped and protected from drafts.

The puppy's place must be kept clean.
Puppy care items
There are a number of items needed to care for a puppy. These include a harness and a soft collar. The harness, made of soft material, does not interfere with the puppy during movement, does not injure him. The collar is put on so that two fingers pass freely under it.

To clean the dog, you need a soft brush, preferably a massage, rubber or nylon brush.

In addition, the puppy needs toys. They are given to the dog so that it does not spoil things and furniture. It is not recommended to use household items as toys, as the puppy, having got used to playing, for example, with old slippers, will then take new ones.

You can hang various toys, balls on a rope or elastic band.

Puppy nutrition
Often in multiple litters, some of the puppies are weak or

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