Message: #352360
Ольга Княгиня » 07 Jun 2018, 01:37

Pug. Yulia Vladimirovna Rychkova

hairs should be carefully plucked.

Dogs should not be bathed immediately before the show, as the coat is degreased and does not shine.

8. Prevention and treatment of diseases
In order for the dog to always be in excellent shape, it is necessary proper care, appropriate nutrition and regular visits to the veterinarian.

To prevent the occurrence of various diseases in your pet, and if necessary, take appropriate treatment measures, you need to learn how to observe the animal, to catch the slightest changes that occur in it. Preventive measures include primary vaccination with annual re-vaccination against the most dangerous animal diseases, as well as the fight against external and internal parasites. Equally important in this case are a balanced diet and a timely examination of the dog by a veterinarian.

First visit to the vet
Having bought a puppy, you need to immediately show it to the veterinarian and only then carry it home. This can be done in the first 3 days after the acquisition of the animal. During transportation, the puppy is placed in a cage or container designed for transportation.

When you first visit the veterinarian, you need to take with you your pet's veterinary passport received from the breeder. To avoid accidental infection, the puppy should not be allowed to sniff or play with other animals in the hospital.

The attitude of the owner of the dog to the veterinarian should be friendly. Otherwise, the puppy will resist, bite and whine in fear at the sight of a stranger. During the examination at the veterinarian, you need to talk to your pet in a calm, gentle voice. If necessary, you can hold the puppy firmly so that it does not interfere with the veterinarian examining him.

A puppy that has not been immunized should not be allowed to communicate with other animals. A vaccinated puppy must be quarantined for 3 weeks, as it is conditionally sick and infectious for other animals.

For the first time, the puppy is vaccinated before the change of milk teeth to molars. This happens around the age of 2.5 months.

It should be borne in mind that a puppy can become infected with eggs and larvae of worms through mother's milk or from a flea bite. For this reason, bringing a pet into the house, it is necessary to give him time to adapt to the new environment. After 3 days, deworming can be done, regardless of whether the breeder did it.

After that, you need to pass the puppy's feces for analysis to identify the eggs of worms. For 3 days, the animal's feces should be examined for the presence of worms (round, flat, tape).

Not we must forget that such a procedure is usually done at least 2 times a year. If the puppy is taken to the dacha for a long time, deworming is carried out before and after staying there.

The procedure is carried out 10 days before preventive immunization, as vaccinations are given only to perfectly healthy dogs.

Notредко владельцы собак возражают против проведения процедуры выявления яиц глистов и профилактической дегельминтизации, ошибочно полагая, что у домашнего животного, не выходящего на улицу, паразиты не могут быть обнаружены.

Notкоторые считают, что проведенной заводчиком дегельминтизации вполне достаточно и повторно проводить ее не нужно.

However, dog owners often forget that animals can be infected with worms in their own home, as parasite eggs can be brought into the apartment on shoes, clothes, and even on hands.

If eggs or larvae of worms are found in an animal, the veterinarian will prescribe the appropriate medicine that destroys the identified type of parasites. After 10 days, a second course of treatment is carried out and the puppy's feces are taken for the presence of worms in their eggs.

If the veterinarian has not twice detected eggs and worm larvae in the dog's feces, the puppy can be considered healthy.

The first time a puppy is vaccinated at the age of about 2.5 months. Notкоторые заводчики делают питомцам инъекцию противокоревого гамма-глобулина.

It is recommended to carry out complex immunization with polyvalent serum from 3-4, and in some cases 5, the most dangerous diseases of dogs - such as canine distemper, parvovirus gastroenteritis, hepatitis, leptospirosis and parainfluenza.

If dogs of other breeds live in the house, re-vaccination should be carried out after 3 weeks. After the change of incisors and canines, the appearance of the first premolars (the smallest teeth behind the lower canines), it is necessary to vaccinate again, otherwise this will lead to a decrease in immunity. The next vaccination is carried out one year after the first. Subsequent preventive measures are performed annually with an interval of 10–12 months.

When vaccinating, the owner of the puppy must know exactly what vaccine the veterinarian used, its expiration date, when it was introduced, and the vaccination schedule.

There are symbols on the ampoule with the vaccine. For example, the letter "D" means that this vaccine is for canine distemper. (D-distemper), "H" - from infectious hepatitis of dogs (H-hepatite), "L" - from leptospirosis (L-leptospirosis), "P" - from parvovirus infection of dogs (P-parvovirus), "Pi" - from parainfluenza (Pi-parainfluenza), "R" - from rabies (R-rabies).

Parasite activity
Ticks бывают энцефалитные и чесоточные.

The encephalitis tick is clearly visible to the naked eye. Its bite is almost imperceptible and rarely causes skin irritation. Nevertheless, this insect can cause great harm, as it is a carrier of a number of diseases (tick paralysis, tick-borne encephalitis, etc.). After any, even a very short, walk in nature (in the forest, in the country, in the field), it is necessary to check the dog for the presence of ticks (special attention should be paid to the ears and the space between the hind limbs of the animal). This is best done with a special flea comb, which you can buy at any pet store. Having found a tick, you need to remove it as soon as possible.

After pulling out the tick, you should make sure that its head is also removed, and then contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.

Scabies mites cause demodicosis and sarcoptoidosis. They can be contracted through close contact with sick animals or contaminated objects. With these diseases, mites begin to actively move in the upper layers of the skin, causing severe itching. The dog itches and loses its appetite. Her hair falls out, and wounds appear on her skin.

Ticks, вызывающие демодекоз, обитают в волосяных мешочках шерсти собак. When immunity is weakened, they begin to show activity, multiplying intensively. Ticks этого вида не заразны и обычно исчезают естественным путем.

Ticks, вызывающие саркоптоидоз, чрезвычайно заразны. They quickly penetrate the skin, causing severe itching and baldness. They can only be seen with a microscope.

All ticks are very dangerous to humans. That is why, at the first symptoms of the disease, the dog should be wrapped in a clean cloth or oilcloth and quickly taken to the veterinarian, in the apartment where she lived, a general cleaning should be done, and the dog's bedding should be disinfected or burned.

You can destroy ticks by using special preparations sold in pet stores. It is best to use aerosols or powders. When processing a pug, you need to ensure that the tool for the destruction of ectoparasites did not get into his mouth, eyes and ears.

Fleas – очень распространенные эктопаразиты. They live on the skin of an animal, hiding in a long and thick coat. By biting the dog, they make it itch and gnaw at the base of the tail. By swallowing fleas and scraps of their own fur, the dog runs the risk of contracting tapeworms. One of the most obvious signs of a flea infestation is the presence of so-called flea dirt in the coat (black granular formations consisting of blood digested by fleas).

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