Message: #352348
Ольга Княгиня » 07 Jun 2018, 01:32

Rex cats. Irina Olegovna Iofina


Rating scale for Cornish Rex (in points):

- wool - 35;

- body, legs - 25;

- head, ears - 20;

- color and shape of the eyes - 5;

- mustache and eyebrows - 5;

- tail, coat - 5;

- condition - 5.

rex devon
The body of the Devon Rex is muscular, dense, of medium size. Movable, thin and long legs of these animals are easily bent. Pillows oval, small. The neck is thin and long, the chest is wide. Тонкий хвост, заостренный на конце, должен быть покрыт короткой густой wool.

The coat should be very short, wavy, soft, fine, with guard hairs present.

All possible color variations are acceptable.

The head of these animals should be wedge-shaped, short, with characteristically protruding cheekbones.

rex devon имеет короткую морду с развитым подбородком, хорошо оформленными щеками и носом, четко отделенным ото лба.

In the Devon Rex, the line of the bend of the forehead passes into a flat cranial part.

The eyes are large, almond-shaped and set wide apart. Their color is especially important, it must be shiny, clean, uniform and must be in harmony with the color of the animal's coat.

The ears should be very large and broad, with rounded tips. Они покрыты густой тонкой wool. На внешней стороне ушей можно обнаружить складки кожи, в большей или в меньшей степени покрытые wool.

Eyebrows and усы средние по длине, характерно завитые, довольно хорошо развиты.

The vices of this variety of rex include disheveled or non-wavy hair, certain parts of the body devoid of hair (for adult cats this is a vice, and for young cats it is a disadvantage). This should also include such features as a large or long head, inherent in cats of the oriental type, squat body, weak muscles, too high or small ears, bare or short forehead, and too fluffy tail. Many representatives of this breed have only a slight pubescence of the lower part of the body, but a full coat is considered preferable.

Rating scale for Rex Devon (in points):

- wool - 40;

- body, legs, neck, tail - 20;

- head, eyes (color and shape) - 20;

- ears - 10;

- eyebrows and mustaches - 5;

- condition - 5.

German Rex (German Rex)
The general standard for these animals is to have a strong muscular body of small size. However, it should not be heavy or massive. The strong ribcage looks rounded in profile. The line of the back from the shoulders is straight. Legs should be of medium length, relatively thin. They end in well-defined oval-shaped pads.

German Rex cats have a strong chest.

The coat of the German Rex is short, soft, plush, it lacks guard hairs. The coat of these animals has a clear tendency to curl or wavy. Curly coat or uniform and intense waviness is a characteristic feature of the German Rex and the main criterion for evaluation.

Variations in the density of wool are allowed, which can be both a dense, uniform coat, and a thin, soft one.

All color variations are acceptable for this variety of breed.

The general standard provides for a rounded head, widely spaced ears, and a pronounced chin.

The nose should be slightly curved. Mustache shortened, curled. The cheeks are well developed. The eyes are wide apart.

Уши должны быть большими, широкими, на концах слегка закругленными, с внешней стороны покрытыми wool.

The eyes are of medium size. They are shiny, wide open, their color must necessarily be in harmony with the color of the coat.

Tail length is medium. It should be very mobile, strong, have a rounded tip and a good coat.

When evaluating German Rex, the animals with the best coat performance get an advantage. This criterion is more important and decisive than a good physique. So, for example, well-built cats, but with mild waviness, are not allowed to tribal breeding.

The disadvantage of this breed is the presence of areas of the body on which there is no coat, as well as a pointed head, weak muscles or too heavy body, small ears, defects in the skeleton, tail and bite.

Evaluation scale for the German Rex (in points):

- wool - 50;

- body - 15;

- head - 10;

- ears - 5;

- eyes (color and shape) - 10;

- tail - 5;

- condition - 5.

Rex selkirk
The body of the Rex Selkirk is medium or large in size, with a powerful skeleton. It is rectangular, short and harmonious. The hips and shoulders are approximately equal in width. The body structure of the animal is such that it gives the impression of a physically strong animal. The length of strong legs is proportional to the body (from large to medium sizes). Paws are powerful, large and rounded.

The coat is slightly curly, soft, it contains guard hairs. They curl like the undercoat. The coat of the Selkirk Rex comes in two varieties - short and long. These differences are especially noticeable on the collar and tail.

The first variation: the length of the coat is the same on the tail, on the collar and on the body, it is 1-2 cm. Plush curls are characteristic along the entire length of the tail.

All wool, soft, dense, dense, it should have well-defined curls. There are no areas with a sparse coat or without it. Curls are randomly twisted wool in the form of separate lumps.

The second variation: the coat on the collar is longer than the hair growing on the body. On the tail - curls that are not adjacent to the surface of the skin, resembling feathers.

All wool is dense, soft, with separate curls, not adjacent to the body, it cannot be called plush.

Curls should be especially pronounced on the tail, belly and around the neck.

The head of this animal has a wide and round skull. Well defined cheeks. The shape of the muzzle is close to rectangular. Its width is twice its length. The chin, upper lip, and tip of the nose form a straight line. The nose is slightly curved, the chin is well defined, the eyebrows and mustache are curly.

The ears, which are medium in size, widen at the base. The hair growing in the auricles curls.

The Selkirk Rex should have wide-set, round, large eyes. Color variations are varied (yellow, copper, blue, green). Animals of white color can be odd-eyed. Necessary requirement: the color of the eyes must necessarily be in harmony with the color of the coat.

The tail is of medium length relative to the length of the body. It is thicker at the base than at the end, which is somewhat rounded.

The disadvantages are too refined type of constitution (oriental), non-wavy coat, as well as the presence of areas where the coat is sparse or absent.

Rating scale for Rex Selkirk (in points):

- head - 3;

- skull - 25;

- muzzle, chin - 10;

- eyes and ears - 10;

- body - 30;

- building - 15;

- legs and paws - 10;

- tail - 5;

- wool - 30;

- color, matching eye color - 10.

3. Choosing a pet
The right choice and purchase of a pet is not at all as simple as it might seem at first glance. If you decide to get a Rex, first of all, you need to answer a few very important questions.

First of all, you need to make sure that the conditions of your apartment or house are really suitable in every sense for keeping a cat or a cat. If your large family lives in a cramped, small apartment, most likely the arrival of a new occupant will cause you unnecessary problems. It is also not recommended to have a pet if you have a small child in your family. Your own lifestyle, habits and style of behavior play a huge role. A person who, due to his profession or any other circumstances, is not able to spend as much time with an animal as he needs, it is better to abandon this idea. You should always remember that a cat, even with the most peaceful and accommodating character, with a lack of attention and affection from the owner, can grow wild, withdrawn and even aggressive.


Before you buy a Rex, be sure to check if you or anyone in your family is allergic to animal hair. Any signs of this disease are a serious argument against acquiring a kitten.

It is very important to determine what goal you are pursuing when buying an animal, what you expect from him in the future. For example, you seek to acquire a reliable assistant in the fight against rodents. For many potential owners, the essential point when choosing a Rex cat is its origin. At the same time, one should take into account not only personal inclinations and preferences, but also material opportunities (after all, animals with a good pedigree are often simply beyond the reach of people with average incomes).

The age of your future pet is of great importance. Some owners believe that the best option is to acquire an adult rather than a kitten. It is sometimes quite difficult for people who lead a calm, measured lifestyle to deal with a baby who needs more frequent feeding, constantly runs, plays and turns everything that gets in his way upside down. Adult rexes, as a rule, also have an active temperament, playfulness, but nevertheless they are much more balanced than kittens.

The kitten quickly gets used to new conditions. In a few days, he will be happy to run around the house, exploring the territory.

If you decide to purchase an adult animal, in the future you will not have to face the problem of education, toilet training, etc. But do not forget that you will be deprived of the joy of seeing how your pet grows, how its habits and character are formed. In addition, it is much more difficult for adult cats than for babies to adapt to

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