Message: #352388
Ольга Княгиня » 07 Jun 2018, 01:49

Chihuahua. Linisa Zhuvanovna Zhalpanova

are hot, painful, and fluctuate. Height их происходит быстро, в течение суток.

To prevent the formation of a hematoma in the first hours after the injury, a pressure bandage is applied to the damaged area. If a hematoma is nevertheless formed, in addition to a pressure bandage, local cooling is recommended. On the 3-4th day, the hair in the area of ​​injury and the resulting bag is removed, the skin is lubricated with a 5% alcohol solution of iodine. The hematoma is opened and the blood clots filling it are removed.

You can prevent re-bleeding by pulling the damaged vessel with a ligature. Following this, the hematoma cavity is powdered with a powder with antiseptic and healing properties and sutures are applied to the wound, which are removed no earlier than a week later.


This disease most often occurs as a complication of canine distemper, purulent ear eczema, and ear mites. A sick dog behaves in a very specific way: tilts its head to one side and shakes it, combs its ear, simultaneously showing pain reaction.

On palpation, the affected auricle is hot to the touch, pressure on its base is accompanied by squelching, the pet feels pain. The ear canal is filled with yellow-brown exudate, which has an unpleasant pungent odor.

With inflammation of the ear, the dog tilts its head to the side and shakes it

The skin of the inner surface of the auricle is hyperemic, later, under the influence of exudate, it begins to ulcerate. In the chronic course of the disease and the absence of timely treatment, the skin of the ear canal can become sclerotized, thicken and narrow it. Inflammation goes to the middle ear.

To treat the disease, iodoformether is used, which is instilled into the ear. Before the procedure, the exudate must be removed from the ear canal with a cotton swab moistened with hydrogen peroxide and the ear is lubricated with 0.5-1% alcohol solution of brilliant green.


With inflammation of the middle ear, a purulent-catarrhal, less often - a serous-catarrhal inflammatory process occurs. Serous catarrhal otitis is the most dangerous. It is asymptomatic and difficult to diagnose. A neglected disease leads to deafness of the dog and sharply flows into purulent-catarrhal otitis media with complications.

For the treatment of this form of the disease, ultraviolet irradiation, thermal procedures are recommended. In addition, it is necessary to instill iodoformether warmed up slightly above room temperature or 2-3 drops of carbolic acid with glycerin into the ear 2-3 times a day for several days. This procedure allows you to disinfect the middle ear and prevent overflow into a purulent-catarrhal form.

Inflammation of the middle ear can lead to deafness

The purulent-catarrhal form of inflammation of the middle ear is dangerous because the process can quickly move to the inner ear, causing, at best, lifelong deafness, and at worst, meningitis, leading to the death of the dog.

Symptoms of purulent-catarrhal otitis media are a general increase in body temperature of a chihuahua, depression, vomiting, and lack of appetite. Head собаки наклонена в сторону больного уха, пальпация основания ушной раковины вызывает сильную pain reaction. The eardrum quickly perforates, purulent discharge flows into the external auditory canal.

Chihuahua temporarily stalls sore ear. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, deafness can remain in the animal for life. If your pet shows signs of purulent otitis, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. From the first days of illness and until the cessation of pus discharge, it is necessary to inject intravenously for 3-5 days a 0.25% solution of gentamicin with novocaine. Injections are made daily at the rate of 0.5 ml per 1 kg of animal weight. A day after the perforation of the tympanic membrane, 3-4 drops of a solution of carbolic acid with glycerin are instilled into the ear canal. Pus from the dog's ear is removed with a cotton swab.

Chihuahua first aid for injuries
Every dog ​​owner has to deal with injuries. A Chihuahua can get a minor scratch or a serious fracture. The most important thing in such situations is to competently and timely provide first aid.


Treatment of wounds depends on their type and degree of damage. The edges of the incised wounds are even, they bleed heavily. Bitten, bruised and lacerated wounds bleed less profusely, but heal much worse than incised ones. Puncture wounds are the least noticeable due to the coat of the dog, do not give large external bleeding, but can be very deep. The first thing to do when finding a wound in a dog is to remove (cut or shave) the hair around the wound. Then the wound is washed with a solution of hydrogen peroxide and the edges of the wound are lubricated with iodine.

When a dog is injured, it is important to provide him with medical assistance as soon as possible.

If the wound is shallow and does not exceed 2 cm in length, it can not be sutured. Otherwise, the Chihuahua must be taken to the veterinarian.

After the wound has been cleaned and disinfected, it should be bandaged. For dressing, you can use any clean cloth, but the use of dressing bags or sterile wipes is optimal.

The most dangerous is arterial bleeding, in which blood flows out in a pulsating jet of bright red color. In this case, a rubber tourniquet (or a twist from any suitable object - a scarf, a leash, etc.) should be applied above the wound, and the dog should be immediately transported to a veterinary clinic. Every 20-30 minutes, the tourniquet must be loosened for 1-2 minutes so that blood circulation is not disturbed.

If the capillaries or veins are damaged, the bleeding is usually insignificant, the blood is dark in color. In such cases it is necessary to treat the wound and apply a tight bandage. An ice pack can be placed over the bandage so that the vessels narrow from the cold and the bleeding decreases.

The dressing package consists of two cotton-gauze pads (they are applied to the wound), a bandage and a pin (it can be used to secure the end of the bandage when applying a bandage). When using napkins, a layer of cotton wool is placed on top and a bandage is applied.

In case of wound suppuration, first of all, it is necessary to remove pus and dead tissue with sterile swabs, and also shave the hair around the damaged skin area to a width of 3-5 cm.). The procedure must be repeated 2 times, after which the wound should be filled with swabs soaked in iodized alcohol (1: 1000). A short novocaine-antibiotic blockade is also performed. Necrotized tissues are partially excised, leaving a thin layer at the locations of the main arteries, veins, nerve trunks and anatomical cavities.

Dogs can hurt each other while fighting or playing.

After excision, the wound is again washed with hydrogen peroxide with furatsilin, sprinkled with a powder consisting of 2 parts of iodoform, 7 parts of boric acid and 1 part of norsulfazol, a drainage napkin soaked with Vishnevsky's liniment is introduced into the wound.

When healthy granulation occurs, they switch to neutral ointments. Potent, highly concentrated antiseptics are contraindicated at this stage of healing. If coarse-grained red bleeding granulation tissue is formed in the wound, it is washed for 2 minutes with a solution of furacilin or rivanol at a concentration of 1: 5000 or 0.5% chlorhexidine. After that, a loose drainage impregnated with a 5-10% solution of calcium chloride is introduced into the wound. Drainage continues for 2-3 days until the swelling and bleeding of the granulation tissues decreases and they acquire a fine-grained shape, a dense texture and a pink color.

In those cases when, during wound healing, granulation tissues begin to acquire signs of dehydration (cessation of growth, loss of granularity, pallor), it is advisable to use paraffin applications and oxidizing solutions for washing wounds, for example, 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. The solution before washing the affected area is heated to a temperature of 40 ° C.

The wound of the dog must be treated with an antiseptic

As a result of the above therapy, mild hyperemia is observed for 2-3 days, caused by increased blood supply to the affected area. This process is not pathogenic and leads to the cessation of scarring granulation and epithelization.

Also, applications with aloe extract and lubrication of the epithelial ridge with carotolin have a good effect. A flat wound should be closed with a napkin soaked in this preparation. In combination with intramuscular injections of multivitamins, the therapy described above accelerates the epidermization of the affected skin area.

An injured dog needs to be at rest

Penetrating wounds of the abdominal cavity are very dangerous. The most severe complication of such injuries is prolapse of the intestines, stomach and omentum, as well as infection in the abdominal cavity, followed by the development of peritonitis. To avoid this, the dog's hair along the edges of the wound is liberally smeared with a 5% iodine solution, and a bandage soaked in 70% alcohol is applied to the affected area.

The next step in helping a Chihuahua is an epipleural block according to Mosin. In order to carry it out, the primary dressing is removed, the wound is closed with a swab soaked in a 0.2% solution of chlorhexidine in 0.25% novocaine. Instead of chlorhexidine with novocaine, you can use a mixture of a 0.5% solution of novocaine with gentamicin. Wool вокруг раны удаляется, при этом необходимо следить, чтобы она не попала в зону повреждения. After that, the swab is removed, 10-20 ml of a 1-2% solution of novocaine with 5-10 ml of gentamicin is injected into the wound. Under local anesthesia, non-viable

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