Message: #352388
Ольга Княгиня » 07 Jun 2018, 01:49

Chihuahua. Linisa Zhuvanovna Zhalpanova

they are born.

The main symptoms of infection are diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss and dull coat.

roundworms поглощают много питательных веществ и выделяют токсины, которые могут серьезно навредить здоровью чихуахуа. If roundworm larvae are found in the dog's stool, it must be taken to the veterinarian.


Symptoms of different infectious diseases are similar to each other. Only a specialist can determine what the dog is sick with and prescribe the necessary treatment for it.


This is an acute respiratory disease. Its main cause is hypothermia and the activity of viruses. Если у собаки наблюдаются все симптомы ORZ, ее следует немедленно показать ветеринару. При отсутствии квалифицированной помощи ORZ может перейти в воспаление легких.

Little puppies need care

Основные симптомы ORZ – чиханье, кашель, слезящиеся глаза, потеря аппетита, упадок сил. Cough is usually accompanied by sputum production and lasts from 5 to 15 days.

For prevention purposes, the dog's resting place should be located far from windows and doors. Coming from a walk, you should wipe the coat and paws of the dog with a clean rag. If it is raining or strong wind outside, the walk should be reduced to a minimum, and the pet's coat should be thoroughly dried after returning home.

Heart failure

Heart failure – распространенная среди собак пожилого возраста болезнь, в большинстве случаев заканчивающаяся летальным исходом.

Cough and shortness of breath are among the symptoms of heart failure. In especially advanced cases, the dog's gums and tongue turn blue, and breathing becomes shallow and intermittent.

The heart of dogs with heart failure weakens and ceases to pump blood at the required speed. As a result of this, a certain amount of fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity and lungs of the dog.

For treatment, contact your veterinarian.


Tuberculosis – заразное инфекционное хроническое заболевание, всегда заканчивающееся смертью. It is caused by a tubercle bacillus that enters the body of a dog through contact with a sick animal and through the milk of cows infected with tuberculosis. Pet dogs rarely suffer from this disease. Symptoms of tuberculosis: cough, shortness of breath, loss of weight and appetite, diarrhea.

For prevention, milk and meat offered to a pet must be subjected to heat treatment. The dog's resting place should be kept clean and not in a draft or near heating appliances. A sick Chihuahua should be isolated from other pets and people, taken to a veterinary clinic, and after confirming the diagnosis, euthanized.


In diseases of the respiratory system, the dog's breathing and pulse become more frequent, appetite decreases, and body temperature rises. A sick Chihuahua feels a sharp decline in strength and almost does not respond to external stimuli. The cause of the disease is hypothermia of the body. Treatment is with antibiotics.

Chihuahua needs to be properly fed

With diseases of the digestive system, the dog begins to have diarrhea and the appetite deteriorates sharply. The cause of the disease is improper feeding or severe hypothermia.

Before starting treatment, you need to clean the dog's gastrointestinal tract by forcing him to swallow a spoonful of castor oil. During treatment, a weak solution of potassium permanganate or strong tea should be poured into the drinker of a sick dog.


Ulcers can develop on the walls of the small intestine or stomach due to exposure to gastric juices and eventually cause life-threatening internal bleeding.

Intestinal ulcers are very painful and can pose a serious threat to a dog's health. They appear, as a rule, due to malnutrition, long-term use of aspirin, in violation of the functions of the liver or kidneys.

Many dogs are very promiscuous in their food and can even swallow those items that are not edible and can clog the intestines: batteries, buttons, coins, hairpins, clothespins, etc. If the dog has swallowed a foreign body, it is necessary to contact as soon as possible veterinarian for help.

The main symptoms of peptic ulcer disease are vomiting, blood in feces or vomit, restless behavior, refusal to eat.

At the first sign of illness, the animal should be taken to the veterinarian as soon as possible. In very rare cases, the ulcer goes away on its own, without the intervention of a veterinarian.

Diseases of the oral cavity
The most common oral diseases found in Chihuahuas include tartar, caries, pulpitis, periodontitis, and retention cysts. In addition, the dog may have a fracture of the lower jaw as a result of an injury.


The disease occurs mainly in older dogs. On the lateral surfaces of the fangs, and then on other teeth, a gray-greenish coating of a dense consistency appears.

The composition of this plaque includes calcium carbonate and phosphate, potassium salts, food particles, desquamated epithelial cells of the mucous membrane and the microflora of the mouth.

Untimely removal of tartar can lead to ulceration of the gums and the development of periostitis.

Dog teeth should be taken care of at an early age.

When examining the mouth in the later stages of the disease, there is a strong hyperemia of the gums, their ulceration, an unpleasant odor is felt, the dog chews food with difficulty. In the most advanced cases, Chihuahuas suffer from almost constant salivation, their teeth begin to loosen and fall out.

To prevent the progression of the disease, tartar must be removed in a timely manner with a special spatula. The gum after this procedure is lubricated with iodoglycerin.

So that the dog's teeth do not break, the toys must be soft.

Also, to prevent the formation of plaque, it is recommended to introduce teeth-cleansing foods, such as cartilage bones, into the dog's diet. You can also wash the mouth of the animal from time to time after eating with a solution consisting of 2 teaspoons of baking soda, 2-3 ml of a 5% iodine alcohol solution and 100 ml of warm boiled water.


When the integrity of the enamel of the teeth is violated, caries occurs. Microbes, having penetrated under the surface shell of the tooth, destroy its tissue. A cavity is formed with an uneven edge and a gray-brown coating on the bottom.

A dog with caries does not feel pain, the chewing process is not disturbed, but there is an unpleasant putrefactive odor from the mouth.

Later, when the disease affects the pulp, caries turns into pulpitis.

carious teeth it is necessary to fill up in time under local anesthesia. With deeper lesions, the tooth is removed under general or conduction anesthesia.

If the tooth is located on the upper jaw, 2-3 ml of a 2% solution of novocaine is injected into the infraorbital canal for anesthesia. Treatment is carried out in specialized veterinary clinics.

¦ Pulpitis

Pulpitis is characterized by a deeper lesion than with caries, redness and bleeding of the gums and pain when chewing. In a Chihuahua, salivation sharply increases, the affected tooth acquires a grayish color.

In the case of purulent pulpitis, pus is released from the affected tooth, with a putrefactive lesion of the soft tissues of the tooth that develops during caries, the cavity of the hollow is filled with a foul-smelling dirty-gray mass.

If treatment is not started in a timely manner, the root of the tooth is involved in the process, and then the periosteum and jaw bone.

For the treatment of pulpitis, it is necessary to remove the affected tooth as soon as possible, preventing the infection from penetrating into the periosteum and jaw bone, as well as spreading it with the bloodstream.


Periodontitis is an inflammation of the tissues that connect the tooth root to the bone alveolus.

The purulent form of the disease is acute, accompanied by fever in the dog, the tooth loosens and then falls out.

The process passes to neighboring teeth, capturing the entire oral cavity in the absence of treatment. Another outcome of the course of the disease may be the fusion of the root of the tooth with the alveolus.

For the treatment of periodontitis, the oral cavity of a Chihuahua should be rinsed with sodium hypoiodide from a syringe every time after eating and the gums should be lubricated with iodoglycerin. If the disease is acute purulent, the affected tooth should be removed immediately in a special veterinary clinic.

When a puppy has a toothache, he starts to whine


The Chihuahua's lower jaw bone can break as a result of a headfirst fall from a great height or a blow to the face from below.

This happens extremely rarely and is expressed by a displacement of the right and left branches of the jaw.

The incisor teeth remain intact, but grabbing and chewing food becomes impossible.

The jaw of the animal most often sags, salivation intensifies, saliva drips from the mouth.

Injury accompanied by pain and shock, outwardly slightly reminiscent of paralysis of the lower jaw.

Treatment is carried out only by surgery in a veterinary clinic. To provide first aid to an animal, it is injected with an analgesic in liquid form to relieve pain and shock, and then delivered to a veterinary clinic.

After the operation, during the first week, the Chihuahua can only be fed liquid food.

Ear diseases
The most common ear diseases in Chihuahuas include hematoma of the auricle, inflammation of the external ear, and inflammation of the middle ear.


Scratches, bruises and other damage to the veins or arteries on the outer or inner surface of the auricle can cause so-called hematomas. In a Chihuahua, hematomas can reach a significant size, especially in cases where an artery is damaged. Hematoma can be diagnosed by several signs: the dog's auricle hangs, the animal often shakes its head, whines when scratched, limited spherical tumors form in the above places.

Hematoma is the filling of the interstitial or subcutaneous space with blood, followed by the formation of a cavity filled with it.

With a hematoma on the ears of a dog, tumors can occur

On palpation, hematomas


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