Message: #352305
Ольга Княгиня » 07 Jun 2018, 01:16

My little brother. William Fedorovich Kozlov

I went out the gate. The sun mercilessly burned the top of the head: a rare heat for the beginning of autumn! The linden leaves, touched by yellowness, curled up into tight tubes; a gust of wind will blow - and they will crackle like castanets. IN песке купались куры — растопыривали перья, вбирая в себя дорожную пыль, раскрывали клювы, трясли головами с розовыми гребнями. INозле них резво прыгали воробьи — этим и жара нипочем.

Our village is not very big, and in half an hour I went around it all, but I never met a dog wedding anywhere. Just in case, Karaya whistled - without any hope, however, that he would immediately come running: if there is a dog wedding, the instinct of procreation comes into force - and no dog will respond. I returned home and again began to torment the long-suffering cap. If I had known that everything would end like this, then I would have walked all over the neighborhood up and down, and found Karay ...

IN полдень прибежала моя семилетняя племянница Лариса и, размазывая слезы по щекам, сообщила: «Карая убили!..» IN первый момент ни я, ни родственники этому не поверили. Who could kill a dog in the village, which did no harm to anyone, which everyone loved? Having achieved nothing more from the frightened girl, I rushed to the outpatient clinic - according to my niece, it was there, in some empty barn, that Karay was killed. I still did not believe it - you never know what could seem to a child ?! Well, they shot at dogs, but why exactly at Karay?

I found him in a semi-dark woodshed. The earthen floor was thickly strewn with wood chips. Through the cracks in the roof, thin rays of sunlight penetrated here. One of them got tangled in the reddish fur of Karai, who was lying on the chips and sawdust, throwing aside all four thick, fluffy paws. His black upper lip lifted up, and Karai seemed to be smiling. It was not an evil grin - on the contrary, this is how Karai always greeted me, his acquaintances. A little to the side crouched a gray white-haired bitch, the same one with which I saw my Karay one night. How fun they played back then!

I picked up my already stiff friend in my arms and carried him down the street to a copse, behind which a pine forest immediately began. We went there with him so often... I don't want to remember what thoughts came into my head then. I could not imagine a person whose hand would not tremble like this to take and shoot at a defenseless animal, and at the very moment when it is in the grip of the strongest instinct in the world. What a cruel, callous heart one must have!

I buried Karay at the edge of the forest. A stream flowed nearby, overgrown with grass and sedge. He buried it on a grassy mound, lined the grave with turf, and later, in autumn, planted a young birch and a thin pine. The birch took root with difficulty, and the trunk turned black, withered, and one of the branches went into growth - so that if it grows, it will be lopsided and ugly. But the pine grabbed well - now it is already taller than me.

Killed Karay Leshka Parshin. I remembered how he, very drunk, somehow, a week before, came to us and, pulling out a bottle of cheap vermouth from his pocket, asked for a glass. My mother brought him a plate of snacks, a clean glass. Lyoshka drank alone and, as always, had long conversations with Karay, who looked at him with disgust. I was hollowing out my wooden vase and out of the corner of my ear I heard Leshka muttering: “I suppose you live in a master’s city. IN ванной моют? With this one, how is it? Shampoo, huh? I suppose they comb your hair with a comb, huh? Not life, but one holiday? IN городе-то тебе малина, а тут, брат, комарики зудят, вон репейник и колючки в шерсти… Да и брюхо не тугое, как барабан! We don't have deli meats here. Oh, you! .. Karay-barai! .. ”Karay patiently listened to all this nonsense, perhaps hoping that he would get something from the snack: while Amanita was sorting through our frames, he taught the dog to do this…

And it all happened like this: the old woman Zimina complained to the chairman of the village council that the dogs trampled her garden. Lyoshka Parshin, who was hanging around right there, volunteered to deal with pests if he was given a bottle of red for this. I never found out who promised him this unfortunate bottle, the chairman or Zimina, but whatever no matter what, he got a permit to shoot stray dogs and went to fetch a gun. He himself did not have a weapon, so he begged Kolya Mikhailov that he lived across from him.

INместе с мальчишками, почуявшими занятное зрелище, он загнал всю свору в сарай и, закрыв дверь, выпалил из обоих стволов. The dogs, slightly hooked by the shot, jumped out the window with a wild howl. Reloading the gun, Leshka cold-bloodedly shot Karay and the bitch who remained in the barn ...

Only later, a year or two later - before that I could not see the gap-toothed, red-nosed physiognomy of Amanita - I asked him why he did this? If he really needed this unfortunate bottle, if he came to me, I would buy it for him. Lyokha began to blame everything on the chairman - they say that he ordered the elimination of stray dogs. “You knew better than anyone that Karai was not a stray dog?” — «IN сарае-то темно было. I didn’t see it from the light!”

And even later, having drunkenly turned to me, Lyoshka Parshin began to beat his chest and, crying with drunken tears, said that he still dreams of Karay at night. My own mother does not appear in a dream, but Karay comes and looks at point-blank range. He smiles so crookedly and as if he wants to say something ...

And one more thing Amanita told me. He said that when all the dogs fled, Karai remained. He turned his head towards him, Leshke, and bared his fangs. А когда тот поднял ружье («INот те крест, не вру!»), Карай загородил своим телом бельмастую сучку… Сгоряча Лешка нажал на курки…
I believed him, Leshka Amanita: Karay was a brave, noble dog.

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