Message: #395548
Ольга Княгиня » 08 Oct 2018, 14:07

Good Trader Rules. Elena Tau

we return to the topic of addiction again, then doctors and psychologists shrug their shoulders at such questions. INсегда было принято общее мнение, что игра в казино – это вред для мозгов и психики, что она засасывает и разрушает личность, но я бы поспорил с этим выводом. IN условиях военного времени и безработицы – это лучшее место для отдыха, развлечения и заработка на жизнь, а военное время, как известно, в мире постоянно. Especially at the beginning of each century, when it is difficult for people to find guidelines and build new ideals and priorities. And besides, no one will ever tell you how you can get rich without having a rich dad. Notвыгодно иметь слишком много богатых граждан в обществе.

So we continued to live in our life-game. Lucy понемногу зарабатывала и теперь могла позволить себе и фитнесс, и платья и прочие женские штучки. I saw how her eyes shone with each new new thing. I was happy for her. AND I must admit, all this is thanks to the stock exchange. We often talked about life, about the meaning of existence, about the time in which we live. Yes, we wanted to have children, but the conditions were not suitable for this. Either there was not enough time, then money, or strength to deal with this serious issue. Previously, people gave birth by chance, then they got married, it happened, on the contrary, but we dreamed of happiness, prosperity, that the child was well-fed, lived in warmth and was well educated, did we want much?

We just didn't want to pile on him the problems and hardships of our own stupidity. Because, later, he would blame us for his and our failure. People breed when they no longer see the light at the end of the tunnel, when they lose their strength and hope for the best. They think that through birth they will become happy, but they are mistaken. Many people realize this only at the end of their lives. How many happy families do you know? Family is the transfer of experience, cultural values, support. IN условиях дикого капитализма, этот институт разрушается. I don't believe in holy cloudless love. You have to pay for everything, you have to fight for everything in your life. Only such people achieve success, and whether they have a family or not is no longer important. Society follows the leaders because they create the rules for success and give faith in happiness:

– The exchange zombifies the brain, primarily on the sensations of a successful person, so no matter how long we are there, we will constantly feel that we are not successful. People working on the stock exchange delve into their feelings and mistakes, each time looking for a new success, a new victory and analyze past mistakes through digital analysis. Zombification of a person with numbers leads to paralysis of the right hemisphere and imagination, a person loses the way of life itself and lives it in vain, without having time to enjoy the result. This self-centered addiction is like eternal masturbation! the dialogue flowed from my lips.

A friend silently looked at me and clapped his eyes, it seems that he understood what was being said:

- Masturbation! he said with a grin.

- Yes, development and rotation on one point, around one axis - a state of success!

– INсё человечество стоит на этом уровне, – заметил он.

– Not всё, но многие, – мне стало грустно, потому что я тоже был, как все. I was fixated on myself and my libido, which was expressed in the desire for the exchange. It turns out that I was no different from others. Although always thought the opposite.

The easiest way is to admit ignorance on the stock exchange. It seems that he studied the issue, collected information, analyzed the problem, and, most importantly, did not notice. And then you expose yourself. INедь – это самая простая реальность – игра на бирже, так чем же она так коварна? Own weaknesses. And a person has many weaknesses, because he has a body and needs that are imperfect and far from the realities of life. In addition, unworked karma puts pressure on his actions and thoughts and again returns to ignorance. When there is no spirituality, an endless hunger develops, which is expressed in a constant desire to absorb energy. This insatiability comes from the very heart when it hurts because of the lack of inner values ​​that you used to believe in before you got into the stock exchange. Values ​​are destroyed, faith is destroyed, spirituality is lost. INсё друг за друга цепляется, всё взаимосвязано.

Each of our words, each thought, each deed - everything makes up our personality and gives rise to a certain reality. On the stock exchange, as in the Bible. Look where you were dishonest with your desires, where you were far from your own truth, and there you will work off your debts. The exchange helps build your philosophy, and loses its full meaning if there is nothing behind a simple game. Many go to drain their casino accounts just to become wiser. Then, when the Bible should have been read at school, they come to it too late. Of course, the planet destroys such people in order to purify them from negative karma. But nothing but ignorance brings such bitterness from one's own existence and a timely understanding of everything. AND за это тоже приходится платить. Notважно чем и как ты платишь, важно то, что это есть, и существует плата за любую мысль и любое слово.

Notвежество часто касается любых ситуаций в жизни, оно происходит от того, что человек не ведает, что творит. He is not aware of the action, he does not know how to behave, he does not understand the essence of the problem and easily falls into a state of ignorance. Notвежество – это отсутствие мудрости и вежливости к жизни, к ситуации. Notвежество – это отсутствие высшего знания, которое необходимо любому, кто сталкивается с понятием денег и доходов. And a person is often like that, because he lives in the material age, where money and material things are valuable. Knowledge is born through experiences and suffering, or lessons learned. Not прошёл урок, будешь проходить его снова и снова, пока не вырастишь из ползунков и не станешь личностью.

A day in the life of a trader
How are my days going? To convey the essence, I will describe one of these days. The morning starts early, sometimes late. It depends on what time I went to bed the night before. If, however, he succumbed to weakness and went to a cafe, where he drank too much or spent more than he earned, then the morning starts hard. Забыл закрыть ставки, поставленные вечером, забыл, на каких валютах вчера торговал, забыл пойти в спортзал и позвонить Lucy. If, however, slept, then in the morning again at the laptop and the terminal. Analysis of news, forecasts of analysts. Every morning I open the economic calendar to deal with the release of statistics. A cup of coffee with liqueur or milk is good for invigorating the spirit. Then a light breakfast.

I turn off all calls so as not to lose concentration at the right time. I exchange a couple of phrases with a friend on Skype, and at that moment she is also watching the market. So every day. IN перерывах выхожу курить или пью чай с чем– нибудь сладким: шоколадом, пирожным, печеньем. It helps keep the brain focused. Weekdays are a bit like schoolwork. I place lots and rates based on technical analysis. I record profits and losses, I keep a diary of these records. This is necessary in order to lead and remember the line of development of your success and failure. Days go by quickly and quickly. Passions and fleeting desires to spend money disappear over the years. You begin to appreciate exactly what is characteristic of your nature and move to where you are happy.

IN выходные всегда могу позволить сходить себе в ресторан или кафе. I can pay for expensive medical services, I can afford shopping. I begin to understand that everything around is seen and is the way I want it.

But, as I said above, it is necessary to have a steady income and be able to do something else before investing money in work on the "Forex" or the stock exchange. Therefore, you have to work somewhere else, besides speculation and sitting at the computer all day long.

IN свободные от работы минуты, я читаю книги, либо совершенствуюсь в различных делах, получаю новые навыки в работе с компьютерными программами. Life moves, it does not stand still. Weekdays turn into happy moments for which you pay yourself. AND only you are responsible for what your life and old age will become in the future.

Fears, bad mood, negative thoughts
I am convinced that fears and bad moods stop trading, and if they do not stop, then they become an obstacle to trading. A mistake and a puncture occur when you start to be afraid of something, or think about your personal problem, getting stuck on it. Then, the brain stops making important decisions. He comes to a standstill. There is some problem that you have been solving for many years, it sits in the subconscious and says: you owe something to someone, which means you owe it to yourself! This energy blocks the pursuit of perfection. These problems come with us from childhood and continue to peck at the brain until we solve them, but sometimes it takes a lifetime to solve, so people often return to where they started at the end of life.

If the standard of


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