Message: #395548
Ольга Княгиня » 08 Oct 2018, 14:07

Good Trader Rules. Elena Tau

Dreaming of a car, I only wanted a bright life. Fantasizing about the house - I wanted only protection. Thinking about a decent bank account, I only wanted stability in order to start a full-fledged family. I always only dreamed and gradually died out. Who made me like this? I am myself! Having reached despair, he began to ask other questions: where did life on this planet disappear, that all people always strive for only enrichment and profit? Compassion for the world and people, living in me, sounded to the last.

First there is spirituality then comes wealth. But few people come to him because of stupidity and dreaminess. You have to be rich on the inside, not on the outside. If you spend all your wages on playing in a casino, you will not become a millionaire, but simply gain experience. You need initial capital, desire, then the chance will be higher. And yet, how many people spend their lives in this race and insidious game with themselves.

People are different, and in different ways they solve their problems associated with losing. The most dishonest take money from others, the more they are unscrupulous, the more they take. When they take money, then they take life. These are soulless, uninteresting, empty people. Not only do they not feel sorry for anyone, they feel good about the feeling when they take away from weak people. This is natural selection and the natural process of survival. These are sadists and usurpers, people in power, sexually unsatisfied, morally disadvantaged types. These people have a lot of problems. And when the problems reach the level of the boiling point, they lose everything acquired, or they are deprived of this acquired by more cruel people. The more you lose in life situations, the more chances you have to learn from your mistakes. As practice shows, life punishes people who are strong in spirit more often than the weak, cultivating in them a sense of invulnerability.

The power of money
Money is always scarce. INсегда, везде и всем. Because money can buy pleasure, image, comfort, prestige, name, stability, women, men, family, gold and oil, future, part of the earth, part of space, eternity. Money drives development, but it is not. Money is not masters, it is servants. Money gives a state of calm, but not for long, because other people always want to take it, so you need to be able to manage it. Money loves movement. Financial exchanges contain most of the world's capital. They are adjustable and reliable. But this is a game and a game, not for everyone.

After 2 years of work on the stock exchange, I decided what kind of income I need in order to at least get enough. And then a vague idea began to appear in the firmament of newly revived fantasies - it's time to switch to options! Forex ruins with its spreads and commissions. Now I will explain how: let's say you invest some amount of money, put a small bet and catch your rebound, when you close the position, part of the money is withdrawn from the profit - this is the so-called commission. But the spread is also included in that amount, that is, when you open a position, it does not open at this price, at which you bought a currency or a share, but at a price higher or lower.

INот так из хорошего заработка, получается не очень хорошая прибыль. But, she is still there! And not one bank will give you such interest for the year. Therefore, choose: either learn from the strong, or go the simple way: live on credit, take loans, invest at low interest, build a business. Having broken firewood on Forex, I gave up because I was tired of the eternal race for phantom dollars. And got sick. At that time, I was lucky, the smartphone made it possible to connect to the Internet, I installed a terminal for trading on it and could speculate for hours on end. Then it began: always and everywhere I was with the stock exchange. In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening I looked into the terminal to place a bet. I got into speculating on pullbacks, rebounds and the news. When it worked, when it didn't. At the same time, I started a diary to analyze transactions and all actions in forex. At the end of the year, it turned out that input and output were equivalent. How much you put in, how much you take out. Then I began to think why it is impossible to exceed the amount of input. Why can't any strategy be 100%, why have I lost so much in these two years? And did not increase the capital. The answers came right away:

1. Lack of experience.

2. Notпомерная жадность, мешающая во время остановиться.

3. Unnecessary illusions.

4. Infantilism.

5. Notвнимательность.

Behind all these minuses there were also pluses:

1. I stopped depending on people and bending under circumstances.

2. I always knew that I would be full.

3. Handled routine tasks with ease.

4. Easily endured the blows of life, and became stress resistant.

5. Continued to believe in success.

Now I looked at life not through rose-colored glasses, but through pointed weapons. I was respected and feared, although the money never appeared. I became an illusion for people: too self-confident, cheerful, ambitious. The result was the understanding that in this way, through the game, I took revenge on the environment for the lack of love, for the insults caused, the pain inflicted. Therefore, he became addicted to the game in order to enjoy it. I didn’t want to be weak and unhappy anymore, because inside, I was a strong enough and kind person, all my childhood and youth I was broken by the state of my parents, environment. Once again I will say: I was lucky that I had a permanent job and a roof over my head, no debts. I think I managed the time given by life very wisely, having studied the problem, although I lost enough, but the most important thing: I stopped drinking and took up my mind.

The power of money – это сила страхов. The more fears, the harder it is to earn money. It is difficult to hear the inner voice and always recognize it correctly, because behind it lies a lot of fears and unfulfilled needs. Even when everything is fine around, it seems that something is wrong, and in order to understand what it is and to fix it, strength and courage are needed. But then, when you know the facets of fears, you move forward and get even more strength for existence and development. So my inner voice said that it was time to do something new, unlike anything else, but also related to the stock exchange. Once I heard the word options, it even attracted the ear with something, when I read about it, it became even hotter. And I made up my mind. Although options are a completely different thing than "Forex" or the stock exchange. They give more profit and are very risky. It is easy to lose large sums of money on them.

And even easier to earn. INсё же непродвинутому в биржевой торговле человеку лучше изучить вопрос заранее. As for me, I lost the first large amount right away. IN первый день – так увлёкся игрой. She is actually very attractive. Lost through stupidity, excitement and self-confidence. Because while I was working, I imagined how I would fly first class on a plane to another city to unwind, how I would arrange another chic party, how I would buy a fur coat for my girlfriend. And when already, the goal was getting close, I put too much bet, which reset me.

The task of a trader during work is to analyze and think about the global good, and not about your own comfort, as soon as you start thinking about your own selfish needs, you lose everything. Notобходимо научиться попадать в информационный поток и следовать за ним, а не жить по воли своего эгоизма. Notобходимо уметь выводить сразу, а не мечтать в надежде на большее, необходимо очень трезво оценивать ситуацию. How many times was it that the account was reset to zero, because I was drunk and arguing with a friend about life. Empty arguments and reasoning do not lead to success. Exchanges and options show you the face of all your flaws and virtues. They teach you and punish you for any mistake. It's cruel, but it's true.
“I'm switching to options,” I told a friend about six months ago.

Just then, a vacation arrived in time, and the native state paid double wages - vacation pay. I have enough money to make a minimum deposit on options and still leave it on forex, I completely forgot about the sanatorium, although my health wished for the best. Headaches in the right temple simply tore my head, especially at night and after each new hard work on the stock exchange. I no longer dreamed and did not want anything from objects and things, I was angry and thought only about how to return at least something lost. Mixed resentment and anger at everyone and everything gave rise to new negative emotions, and this led to severe tension in the mind and body, psyche, so that I began to lose a sense of my own life and all living things in general. I was bewitched - to return at least some part of the money back. Otherwise, one thing threatened - a decrease in self-esteem, insomnia, depression, degradation:

– Options – это намного рискованнее биржи, там люди теряют больше,


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