Message: #279185
Ольга Княгиня » 15 Dec 2017, 18:23

Business is business: 60 true stories of how ordinary people got started and succeeded. I. Ganswind, A. Bilzho, K. Ghazaryan

be another “Person”, other people, other relationships.

Once, when Igor was walking darker than a cloud, a hairdresser girl approached him and gave him a book by James Redfield, The Celestine Prophecies. Stoyanov seriously got hooked on esotericism, thinking about self-regeneration and life balance.

- Self-regeneration is the main accumulator of life. I do not drink alcohol. Not really, but it's just not doping for me. INино я попробовал первый раз в 25 лет. I only smoke cigars. Never smoked cigarettes. IN общем, стараюсь не тратить жизнь на то, что мне не нужно. So sometimes you feel like a thing in itself, a difficult person. Why would it be simple? Life is not a game against the wall. If you throw a ball, it will not necessarily return to your hands. You most likely won't catch it.

Simply put, self-regeneration is rest. Igor loves black and white things and says he lives in a black and white world. One way to take a break from it, for example, is to watch the movie Kill Bill, where there are passions, stories and an absolute style that cannot be in life.

Life balance is even easier. Redfield argues that if it's too good with money, it means something will be worse somewhere.

“The well-being of my family is dearer to me,” says Stoyanov.

- So, you will deliberately limit your earnings?

- No, why? We will develop. We are now into franchising. Let's go to the regions. There is a proposal to deploy in Europe.

- A что станет с балансом?

- I'm not worried about balance. A friend of mine asks me: do you know why I don't like rich people in the beauty business? Because they don't know how to work for free. INот я могу сделать бесплатно работу, которая мне нравится. And they believe that by opening expensive stores for one and a half million dollars and selling all these Brioni, Fendi, Gucci, Dolce Gabana there, they are already doing good. INы когда-нибудь об этом задумывались?

- To maintain balance in in good shape, Stoyanov teaches stylists for children from the orphanage at his school for free. IN следующем году «Персона» сделает парикмахерами 70, мастерами маникюра и педикюра - десять и администраторами - пять подростков из двух детских домов (No50 и No57), а также из 55-й школы-интерната.

- A вообще, если говорить откровенно, ANDгорь, сколько денег вы планируете заработать без риска для жизненного баланса?

- I have сын - необычный парень. I asked him: Dema, do you think a person should have a lot of money or enough. A он говорит: достаточно и еще чуть-чуть. IN принципе такая формулировка близка и мне.

Igor buttons up his black coat, puts on a black and white scarf, we go up from the hall of the stylist school to the lobby of the Persona Lab salon on Kuznetsky Most. Stoyanov approaches the glass, through which you can see how sociable fashionable guys are cutting, soaping and drying clients with a hairdryer.

- Здесь у меня нет почти ничего, что стоит больших денег,- говорит ANDгорь.- INместо вывесок - чистое стекло, на полу - камушки, часть стен -неоштукатуренная кирпичная кладка. People walk on wooden decks, they are not embarrassed by the fact that they are being looked at. Heи играют в мою игру. These people understand how much their life depends on how they look. Their trust is what I'm most afraid of losing.

"BUSINESS", No03(03) dated 01.12.04

INыше крыши
Gleb Strikalev. Генеральный директор ООО «Aльпсервис»

ТЕКСТ: INладимир Шухмин

PHOTO: Alexander Basalaev

"The wind of height ruffled our curls." - assemblers sang in the cinema of the fifties. The current industrial climbers, or, as they call themselves, industrial climbers, do not sing. Heи деньги зарабатывают. And the wind does not shake their curls: they are in helmets. Is it true, гордый дух «покорителей вершин» бессмертен. С ним-то, гордым духом альпинистской вольницы, и борется Gleb Strikalev.

Генеральный директор ООО «Aльпсервис» меньше всего похож на бизнесмена. When we agreed to meet in a cafe on Paveletskaya, he said that he would be in a sweater. White.

On первый взгляд - вольный скульптор. Or a tourist who accidentally wandered straight from Paveletsky or from the sixties. Industrial mountaineering began with 36-year-old Gleb Strikalev from tourism. Specifies: from sports. And he clarifies: from the water.

- I ходил по рекам серьезных категорий - это не байдарка в Подмосковье. Pamir Murgab, Chon-Kimin - there and climbing training was required: rafting sometimes starts from under the glaciers, you need to get to the river, go through the pass.

IN промальпы привела его не только романтика, больше - хороший заработок. INодный туризм - удовольствие недешевое: перелеты, снаряжение. IN Союзе конца восьмидесятых снаряжения не было, и первое собственное дело Глеба - производство спортивных лодок. Then he dropped out of college. I studied to be a radio engineer, but in 1990, the student Strikalev was still being explained the advantages of our electronics over Western ones.

After the boats, he produced fiberglass fenders, then he founded a point for anti-corrosion treatment of cars. I even managed to work at Herbalife.

- By the way, a very good school, - says Gleb.

I went there out of grief - after the default. IN августе 1998-го в Москве оказалась толпа голодных промальпов, уже вошедших во вкуWith.

Russian promalps celebrate the birthday of the profession in October. IN этом году у нее юбилей - 175 лет.

IN 1830-м «Ярославской губернии казенный крестьянин, кровельного цеха мастер» Петр Телушкин с помощью доски и веревки, босой залез на шпиль колокольни Петропавловского собора и исправил накренившуюся от бури фигуру ангела с крестом. It was in October, and the height of the spire of the bell tower of the Peter and Paul Cathedral is 122.5 meters. The master asked for money only for technical expenses, but the authorities awarded him 5 thousand rubles in banknotes and a medal.

- The guys and I thought: our man. - Strikalev shares his quiet historical joy.

IN промышленный альпинизм девяностых Глеба привел друг - тоже турист, но горный. After studying at Tempstroyservis, Gleb suddenly realized that he did not like working for his "uncle". He himself began to look for customers, he organized teams. His альпбизнесу уже десять лет. Но ООО «Aльпсервис» было зарегистрировано лишь в 2000 году.

- Why did you decide to go underground?

- Elementary: legal entities ask for a license, and we have few customers - individuals.

- There were no licensed slingshots?

- Нет, очень помогло ТAРП - Территориальное агентство развития предпринимательства и малого бизнеса. A вообще,- укоризненно смотрит Стрикалев,- тем, кто говорит о рогатках, просто лень пуп приподнять. Usually we have something like: “I won’t go to the market to trade, they will throw me, I won’t sell anything.” Yes, wait, you whine something - do it something first. Many in Russia vegetate precisely because of the fear of responsibility.

It's one thing to go trading, and quite another to start a company with such a risky business. It seemed to me that Gleb was anxiously waiting for the question "is your profession dangerous?" Without waiting, he himself could not stand it:

- Yes show me not dangerous! Even a housewife can be electrocuted. Being afraid of heights is completely normal. This инстинкт самосохранения. I won’t let a person who is not afraid of heights get close to the ropes: you don’t know what he will kick off the next moment.

Do you insure workers?

- Naturally. Even when obtaining a building license, insurance is included in the package of documents.

- Were there any accidents? - I ask at last, but Gleb was ready.

- No.- AND, поплевав, как положено, через плечо и постучав по стойке бара, строго: - IN моей фирме не было.

Professional ethics did not allow him to continue.

- How many other such firms are there in Moscow?

- I знаю пять-шесть.

- Competition?

- Pretty tough. On уровне ценовой политики.

On созданном энтузиастами сайте есть информация о слете промальпов на INалдае. It took place in 2002, a year after the profession "industrial climber" was registered by the Ministry of Labor under the number 277a. There is a profession, but there is no documentation for it. Promalpy are not included in unit prices, there are no special licenses, there are no SNIPs - building codes and regulations.

Safety precautions are not registered either. On сайте я прочел «технику» от некоего Aлексея Сидорова. Touched by the advice not to go to work "sick, with a hangover."

- Something I do not understand: you are competitors, but flocked together. Sharing Moscow?

- No one shares. Each firm has its own specialization: installation, sealing of seams, - Gleb patiently explains. - The rally was an attempt to attract the attention of the authorities - it just failed - and agree on prices. The fact that the profession does not have a regulatory framework is good: they tease less. But the adoption of these documents, perhaps, will make life easier: it will cut off guest workers and amateurs. A это наша головная боль.

IN Москве сейчас 5-6 тысяч промальпов. For competition - a clear bust. Lots of singles. Many construction firms with their teams on the hook. But the main problem is guest workers.

- I не открою Aмерики,- говорит Глеб,- если скажу, that the construction sites in the capital are mostly Tajiks, Uzbeks and Moldovans. It is difficult to find even Ukrainians - they are considered good specialists.

- Promalpas do not like guest workers for many reasons. Onпример, привычный московскому глазу мойщик окон на веревке - это скорее всего гастарбайтер. "Locals" refuse to wash:

- When we started, in 1995-1996, glass washing cost from 70 cents to a dollar per square meter. Gastarbeiters have now brought down to 5 rubles per meter.

- Heи по мелочам мешают или на большие объекты претендуют?

- IN том-то и дело, что всюду лезут. And most importantly - how.



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