Message: #279185
Ольга Княгиня » 15 Dec 2017, 18:23

Business is business: 60 true stories of how ordinary people got started and succeeded. I. Ganswind, A. Bilzho, K. Ghazaryan

doors. And the Russia-Japan match. A потом погром. We just turned up with our beautiful doors. A crowd of fans walked along Kamergersky Lane. A я в этот день поехал с женой в ресторан, такой довольный был. They call me and say: “Dmitry, everyone has rattled us!” Four burly fellows took a cast-iron urn, fled and threw it at the Prime's doors with all their might. The tempered glass shattered into pieces. IN принципе мы страхуем все свои объекты, но страховать стройку я не стал. In vain, probably.

- Когда мы только открылись,- продолжает рассказывать Дмитрий,-вышли статьи в разных СМAND, начались звонки: «Можно я у вас свой день рождения отпраздную? I say, have you ever been with us? “No, but I read. Cool, I like it. INы закроетесь для меня? I say: no, we will not close, we are fast food, not a restaurant.

- Когда я спросила Дмитрия о том, кто является среднестатистическим клиентом «Прайма», он заулыбался, выправил осанку и сказал: «INот такие, как я, представляете себе».

- I с самого начала задал себе правильный вопрос: кому ты нужен? I am needed by people who work in offices, who stay up late, who do not have time. No matter how great a business lunch, going to it, you spend 40 minutes. At lunchtime from 13:00 to 15:00, many people take away what they have bought with them. So we have everything packed. Surprisingly, there are clients who work nearby and every day for two and a half years they come just to drink coffee. And there are those who buy some kind of fruit every day. They don't get bored. It is very nice. Sometimes I am afraid that a moment will come when this or that person will not come.

Сейчас компании «Фаст Фуд индастриз», совладельцем которой является Dimitrios Somovidis, принадлежит четыре кафе «Прайм», рестораны «Крещатик» и Open Cafe. Annual turnover - about 4 million dollars.

Onшу беседу с Дмитрием постоянно прерывали телефонные звонки. То привезли новую дверь для «Прайма» на Aрбате, то с закупками газированной воды возникали проблемы, то насчет труб проконсультироваться нужно. And Dmitry solved all the issues in front of my eyes - with brilliance.

- IN любом случае от бизнеса устаешь. For another five years, I will develop my fast food, because it is interesting to achieve the goal. And then? I once traveled through the French Alps. There, you know, alleys of plane trees, mountains, fields of flowers, tiled roofs. It's cool, probably, to settle down somewhere after fifty.

"BUSINESS", No07(26) dated 19.01.05

"Marketing is the enemy of any business"
Igor Stoyanov. INладелец сети салонов «Персона Lab»

ТЕКСТ: Aнтон Бильжо

PHOTO: Alexander Basalaev

IN 1992 году в кафе «Марика» сидели 11 довольных жизнью и невероятно богатых молодых людей. Snickers dealers, shuttle traders, owners of underground jeans sewing shops. Today, two of them are dead, eight from those times have nothing but sweet memories. The most far-sighted of all was the eleventh - thoughtful and laconic. INсе очень удивились, когда Igor Stoyanov решил открыть парикмахерскую. Who would have thought in 1992 that you could create a business with a turnover of five million by selling the atmosphere.

- A woman whose life is not the same can be seen right away, - says Mikhail Rantsev, the administrator of one of the Persona Lab salons. - She has an unpainted head or regrown roots. From us, such a woman comes out as a completely different person. Mikhail stands behind a small see-through counter in a small room, which is visible from the side of 4th Tverskaya-Yamskaya Street through a shop window. Behind the glass are mirrors, armchairs and bright guys in jumpers and jeans. Heи угощают друг друга конфетами, шутят, смеются - в общем, живут своей жизнью. IN соседней комнате мягкие полосатые кресла, венецианская штукатурка, в стены вмонтированы телевизоры. Показывают, конечно же, канал Fashion.- I даже дома не могу сидеть, меня сюда тянет,- рассказывает топ-стилист Ольга Зайцева.- Здесь ощущение праздника. INсе такое яркое, современное. IN углу зала с мягкими креслами девушка-визажист оживленно беседует с клиенткой. It seems that they are old friends: now a whisper is heard, then a laughter.

- IN 1993 году я стригся у своего приятеля и спросил, сколько стоит открыть парикмахерский салон,- говорит Igor Stoyanov, расстегивая мощными руками пуговицы полупальто от Yohji Yamamoto полувоенного кроя.- For some reason I thought he should know. Now I understand that hairdressers should not ask such questions: they will definitely mix something up. He replied: well, thirty thousand. I had about this amount. When it was too late to retreat, it turned out that I hit 200 thousand. had to borrow and long and difficult to pay off. Where he got the first 30 thousand, Igor does not want to tell. He says that it was a time of crazy earnings. The Mayak company in Chekhov near Moscow made flashing beacons.

Miraculously, I didn't get stuck there. Dirty, gray, heavy criminal Moscow.

This время надо было просто пережить. By 1993, Stoyanov had already managed to study at the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after Lenin, part with the dream of creating his own school and rise to the rank of junior sergeant in the border troops. - For a year I jumped the corporal. Was the best shooter. He ran well. I built the first gym there, made sure that chairs were placed on the tower, because the guys had varicose veins, I made the New Year for the soldiers. Onверное, я перфекционист. I try to live every part of my life with pleasure.

IN первый состав «Персоны» Стоянову удалось привлечь людей, имена которых благодаря международным конкурсам были широко известны. У него работали Onталья INласова, Aлександр Шевчук, Ольга Бурмистрова и другие.

- I сразу прикинул, что может делать парикмахер. Shear, teach, work on television. We opened a hairdressing salon, a school, an image agency. On этих трех китах и стали развиваться. IN школе выращивали кадры. Thanks to the image agency, I met TV and magazine people. We were able to advertise ourselves.

- And you easily plunged into the world of fashion after the army and the pedagogical institute?

We didn't dive into it, we created it. Separate from everyone, from this whole nascent industry. I collected each salon bit by bit. The way my salons look, what furniture they have, what walls, floors and ceilings - all this was invented by me. The main thing is the atmosphere.

It remains a mystery how the son of a machine-building plant worker from the city of Tolyatti was able to create interiors one after another, where Moscow fashionistas were drawn, how he guessed trends, picked up mirrors for chairs, chairs for tables, tables for walls. Igor himself says that the point is attention and observation. 1998 "Persona" survived without major losses, also thanks to his intuition. Salons "Persona-Lab", in which it was cheaper to get a haircut than in the main "Persona", appeared a few months before the crisis. INсего через год у них было 3 тысячи постоянных clients.

Today, 20 salons "Persona-Lab" is about 5% beauty market, where the Persona brand is considered the most established.

Marketers believe that the main disadvantage of the company is that it is too tied to its owner. But Stoyanov himself calls marketers the enemies of any business and is skeptical of their calculations. He says there are no perfect recipes. The effect of surprise works best.

- Three года назад мы выпустили первую пластинку «Персона лайф-стайл». Because I understood: this is the atmosphere that you can take home after a haircut. This хорошее воспоминание. And it worked.

One day, a girl came to get a job at Persona, who was supposed to perm clients and dye their hair. Igor noticed that she herself did not paint.

- A почему? - he asked.

Well, I think it's bad.

- How are you going to paint people. INы что, готовы их обманывать и чувствовать, что обманываете? And then, do you really consider yourself smarter than millions of women around the world who dye their hair? So you are probably wrong somewhere. So, you can dye your hair in different ways.

- Onверное,- задумчиво сказала девушка.- Onверное.

- INот видите. INот когда узнаете, как красить волосы правильно, тогда и приходите ко мне,- отрезал Стоянов.

He говорит, что основой его дела является компромисс, который приходится постоянно искать. According to him, “Persona” did not intersect with bandits, but Igor found a compromise easily with firefighters and SES.

- Gradually you understand that their requirements are our quality of service. INне зависимости от всех этих комиссий огнетушители и бактерицидные лампы нужны, и мы их устанавливаем.

The real challenge, says Stoyanov, is finding a compromise between visitors and employees.

Aдминистраторы «Персоны» проходят психологический тренинг. Heи знают слабые и сильные стороны своих парикмахеров, знают, у кого какое настроение, и могут точно определить, какого клиента к какому мастеру направить. Moreover, in the personnel service there are people who are responsible for ensuring that a compatible team is selected in each salon. Yes, and Stoyanov himself, according to employees, is aware of all the details of their lives. The worst thing for Misha Rantsev and Olga Zaitseva from the salon on Tverskaya is if one of the acquaintances tells Igor that he is dissatisfied with the way he was served. Many acquaintances get tight control. A значит, надо все время держать себя в тонусе.

On the other hand, Stoyanov, who knows the details of the life of his subordinates, says that the burden of responsibility for all the people who work for him is so great that he has already brought him to a crisis several times.

- Everyone tells me: don't worry, you will sell the company or something will happen to you - they will quickly forget about you. Onверняка. But it will already


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