Message: #277924
Ольга Княгиня » 12 Dec 2017, 19:02

Make him marry. L. Gomelskaya

трицепсами и прочими новообразованиями в процессе изнуряющих тренировок, вспомни, что, оказывается, твой дядя – бывший чемпион области (города, деревни и т. д.) в тяжелом весе по вольной wrestling (boxing, judo, sambo, etc.). ABOUTн-то уж точно придет на помощь любимой племяннице и с успехом заменит богатырей из «качалки». Doesn't he want to see a happily married girl who gives birth to a bunch of great-nephews for him?

What, you don't have a champion uncle? Well, do you watch movies? Then try a slightly different path. It seems that cinema lovers may well rely on their favorite movie characters: Stallone, Schwarzenegger, Seagal, etc. Americans are great admirers of the family cult and, of course, will not deny themselves the pleasure of participating in the process of creating another “cell of society”.

How to contact them? Of course, through the Internet. Throw a cry for help to the site of the hero of "Terminator" or "Rambo". Maybe they will not come, but they will surely answer something, for example, that they will definitely come to the rescue or something like that.

ABOUTчевидно, что твой друг видел этих ребят в действии, и он ни за что не захочет испытывать судьбу – а вдруг и правда заявятся, черт их знает, ведь у богатых свои причуды. Look - do not mix up the address, otherwise some sugary, handsome, goner Leonardo Di Caprio will come across and he will have to drown in your bathroom, and your chosen one will surely play the role of a murderous iceberg with pleasure.

Most importantly, make sure you can communicate in English. Notсмотря на то что Арнольд и Слай не раз уже приезжали в Москву и даже открыли ресторан, вряд ли им что-либо известно по-русски, кроме «babushka» (с ударением на втором слоге), «perestroika» и «Gorbachev». Otherwise, the “stars” will misunderstand something and think that you yourself are imposing yourself on them as a wife.

So with movie characters you have to be extremely careful - because they love attention very much. And be sure to ask for an autograph. They really like it. And if they are completely accommodating, then you can invite them to the wedding. I wonder what Sly will give?

Notсомненно, последний способ представляется наиболее интересным, но, apparently the most incredible. Not only do you need to have access to the Internet, but you also need to be able to use a computer, the Global Network itself, and know the address of each of your assistants (you already know about the likely consequences of an error). If же в компьютерах ты понимаешь ровно столько же, сколько и в правилах крикета, и до сих пор не в курсе, что такое www, сайт или e-mail, то можешь обратиться к кому-нибудь из своих надежных знакомых, и они помогут отправить message. True, all celebrities are always loaded with work, and you may simply be unlucky.

But if time is running out and you can’t wait for Mr. Bruce Willis to be released, then you will have to act on your own. We advise you to resolutely take the initiative in your hands, feet, lips and other attractive parts of the body. ABOUTсуществив такой отвлекающий маневр, немедленно поражай глазами его прямо в сердце и заставь потерять голову. Advise him to look for her at the registry office and, of course, offer your help. You know he won't find her anymore.

Method twentieth. Blackmail
Is your lover a superman, or an unimaginable locksmith Gosh from a tear-jerker film about incredulous Moscow? Well, that Gosh, who is without flaws. And besides, you definitely have a serious relationship pecking, but is it still far from the engagement? So does he have any sins behind his soul?

Oh yes, you noticed that he was hiding something. Just from you or from everyone in the world? Well, of course, you know something from his "past" life! Well, he was married twice, well, he didn’t pay taxes, but who hasn’t this happened to? I mean, you have long been convinced that with you he will be an exemplary family man and a conscientious taxpayer. Only something is not in a hurry with you to combine their efforts and build a joint nest. You're ready for anything, as long as you're cute next to me. It would also be nice to have a stamp in your passport ... How can his thoughts, which hover around no one knows where, just not around marriage, turn in the direction you need? You have to help him a little...

So, he is a cheerful shirt-guy, his soul is wide open, but sometimes he withdraws into himself, and you can’t get a word out of him ... So you found a way to help him! Notice what worries him, what problems does he try not to discuss with you? You know that people usually do not keep up the conversation when this topic touches them to the quick.

Analyze his statements about your past, note for yourself how you did not know it yet. And what you just need to understand for yourself about his past. Make a detailed list of questions that you always dreamed of, but were embarrassed to ask.

Why do you need it? Why, you never thought that all of his gloomy terrible secrets, which he diligently hides from you, can be used. How? Have you ever heard of the sport of blackmail? Not волнуйся, ты не станешь выманивать у него денег, ты просто заставишь его наконец-то жениться на себе, такой умной и ласковой, обаятельной и привлекательной.

So, you are finally convinced that blackmail is needed to achieve your goal. Get ready, it will take a long time and hard work to implement this plan. You will need patience. The more carefully you prepare for the case, the faster you will make him think and act as you want.

First of all, find among his many acquaintances those who knew him in childhood, youth and the near past, but be careful, choose only those who are not too talkative and eager for other people's secrets. These people can ruin everything for you. First, they are likely to have distorted information, because those who are interested in other people's secrets have too developed a fantasy to be limited to bare facts. Secondly, they will certainly tell your beloved that you are collecting information about him (probably you want to write an anonymous letter to the tax office).

Also, do not try to find out anything from his close devoted comrades, they can also harm your blackmail plan, and, as you know, men part more easily with mistresses than with friends. And you can't lose him right now!

So, from the list of his acquaintances, immediately sweep away old neighbors, drinking companions and rejected women. ABOUTстаются только надежные источники! Who do we start with? By the way, did he introduce you to his family? Well, on what piece of paper did you write down the address of his kindest grandmother?

ABOUTтправляйся к ней немедленно, не забудь купить подарок, иначе ты не завоюешь ее доверие. Yes, you do not know how to communicate with old women, but you will have to be patient and listen to all her stories about pickles and jams, which you will certainly be offered to try. Try to convince the dearest grandmother that you have long lacked a wise adviser, who would help in difficult times with practical advice. Using examples from the life of her adored grandson, she will definitely tell you how to live on.

Not хватайся за блокнот и не конспектируй каждое ее слово, тренируй и развивай свою память, иначе можешь навлечь на себя подозрения старушки. Moreover, recently each of them fancies himself almost Sherlock Holmes and Miss Marple rolled into one.

You learned a lot of details from the life of your "object". Did Grandma mention any names, addresses, and dates? Notмедленно свяжись с наиболее незаинтересованными в твоем друге людьми. Stop, don’t go ahead, don’t blurt out on the move: “You are familiar with ..., what do you know about him?” Better start a conversation from afar, and when it turns out that you both know your loved one, it will be easier for you to ask about his antics in the past.

You've learned an eerie amount of detail from your missus' past. Not торопись с решительными действиями! Double-check all the information again, for this you will have to thoroughly work with the documents, your old friend, the colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, will help you a lot with this. What, there is no such valuable specimen among your entourage? Try to buy. Involve as many technically, legally and simply knowledgeable people as possible in your investigation.

Verify each fact from his biography a hundred times in order to achieve the desired result. Now let's move on to the implementation of the plan. Start with the most insignificant, but nevertheless unpleasant details.

In the midst of a friendly party, tell about some small sin of your dear, beloved friend at first. Dilute this message with other stories and fairy tales from the lives of people you know and unfamiliar. Well, if the party is crowded and noisy enough, then this young lady will not be able to remember who and what exactly told her.

Reported the detail - your sweetheart has already been told about a new rumor. Not жди, что он будет откровенничать с тобой, просто начни обсуждать с ним эту тему и невзначай упомяни о каком-то там слухе… Проверь реакцию на наживку-раздражитель.

ABOUTн замкнулся, действуй осторожно, не вызови паники, тебе нужно лишь вызвать легкое беспокойство, замешательство с его стороны. Помни, что твоя цель – устроить шантаж таким образом, чтобы за помощью он обратился к you.

The next step will be unexplained phone calls, for


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