Message: #352368
Ольга Княгиня » 07 Jun 2018, 01:41

The dog is the protector of the home and family. Karin Freeman Dewet, George Dewet

an external leash, on a leash. Dog, научившаяся хватать за ноги теперь может начать кусать куртку. For safety reasons, the helper must be in a training jacket. First, without a leash, the commands “Fass” and “Give” are practiced.

"Guard" and re-attack
Holding the dog, the owner waits for the assistant to tease her, and she will jump on him. The helper struggles with the dog and then freezes in place. At his signal, the owner gives the command “Give!”, After which he sits the dog and gives the command “Guard!”. If the dog не выполняет команду «Дай!», нужно подтянуть ее вперед, но ни в коем случае не оттаскивать. Otherwise, you can damage her teeth.

So, the owner sits the dog in front of the "criminal" and gives the command "Guard!". When he tries to leave, another attack follows. At first, you can give the command “Fass!”, But then the dog must learn to do this without a special command. Don't forget to cheer and encourage her if she leads. yourself correctly.

In a second detention, the dog may be allowed to take possession of the item of equipment. Let her not yet have time to fully enjoy her prey, when the "criminal" again begins to threaten her. It is very important that at this moment she would first of all react to the “criminal”, and not to the equipment. This movement must be calculated very carefully. It should be discarded if the dog's grip is weak.

Stage 4. 2-meter leash: the main series of arrest and escort techniques

Now the dog is familiar with the basics of detention and protection of the "criminal". Moreover, the assistant for one detention must make from one to three attempts to escape. Thus, the dog, not knowing how many attempts will be made, will have to constantly watch the "criminal" until it is ordered to move away or take a place next to the owner.

An attempt to escape can occur at any moment. This can happen immediately after the dog has opened its jaws, or at the time when the owner "search" the "criminal", as well as at the time of escort. Let the dog know that detaining the "criminal" does not mean making him completely passive.

After detaining the “criminal”, you order him to raise his hands up, remaining on the same side of him as the dog. Некоторые предпочитают, чтобы собака, охраняя «преступника», находилась бы в положении по команде "Lie". Thus, if she tries to rush at the assistant, he will win a few precious moments in order to have time to lower his hands. When he raises his hands, his stomach becomes the most vulnerable place - the dog can cling to it under the jacket.

The owner approaches the "criminal" from behind and takes the stick from him. At this point, the helper may attempt to escape. Хозяин возвращается к собаке, подает команду «Near!" and moves in such a way that the dog is to the right of the assistant - between him and the owner. The order is to move forward. All three walk side by side, the dog must make sure that the "criminal" does not try to escape. In this case, she attacks him again. The “criminal” is taken under escort to the instructor, after which the reception is considered completed.

Stage 5. 10-meter leash: the main series of techniques for detention and convoy

Here everything is done the same, but on a 10-meter leash with an unpredictable number "escapes". This step separates dogs of average ability from the most courageous. The only innovation is that now in the fight with the "criminal" you no longer fight side by side with your dog. Now you send her into battle alone and only cheer her from afar.

Some dogs don't care if you're around or not. Others your absence near terribly upset. If your dog feels insecure away from you, take your time and increase the distance gradually.

Detention without a bite
To do this, we use the "Follow" command. It means that the dog must detect the “criminal” and keep him in place by barking (often the “Search” command is used for the same purpose).

Stage 1. «Преступник» подходит к собаке

As always, we first need to show the dog what, in fact, we want from him.

The "criminal" approaches slowly and purposefully. When the dog begins to bark, the owner encourages him, but at the same time restrains and encourages. “The perpetrator is already within her reach, but since he stops moving here, the dog only barks, holding him in place. Finally, after her barking becomes most powerful and menacing, as a reward for diligence, she is allowed to bite the "criminal".

Stage 2. Хозяин и собака подходят к «преступнику (на 2-метровом поводке)

You do the same as in step 1. But now, when the criminal freezes, you give the command "Follow!" and approach him with the dog. You need to walk slowly, encouraging the dog to continue barking and thus keep him in place. If the "criminal" starts to move, only in this case the dog is allowed to bite him.

Step 3. Detention without a bite на 10-метровом поводке

Now that the dog has firmly learned that on command you need to approach the “criminal” and bark him in place, let him no longer approach him, but run up. Let her do it on her own, without feeling the support of the owner behind her back.

Start from a distance of 5 meters. As soon as the dog runs up to the "criminal", pull on the leash so that she cannot bite him. You should both encourage the dog to keep barking and calm him down. Calmness is also a form of obedience. Dog должна пролаять 6-12 раз, прежде чем получит в награду возможность bite the "criminal" (while he must make an attempt to move!)

Work in specific situations

This is necessary to teach the dog to respond correctly in typical life circumstances. Namely:

- in the house;

- in the courtyard;

- in the car;

— on a walk with the owner.

In the house
At first, the dog must protect doors, windows, gates. The assistant should add an element of surprise to the techniques.

Detention with assault and convoy should be practiced. The assistant then increases the intensity of the attacks, trying to break into the house. In all cases, it is required to include the arrival of guests in the training process so that the dog does not think that it is necessary to bite and detain everyone who appears at the door.

The same is repeated in the yard. Dog должна знать, что в отсутствие хозяев посторонний сюда войти не может. You can practice escaping the "criminal" from the house through the backyard, etc.

House search
Here everything is done exactly the same as at level 1. The only difference is that now the “criminal” hiding in the house is dressed in a protective training suit and the dog is allowed to bite him. You can work on the command "Search!" or "Follow!". But remember: the latter is now associated in the dog with the fact that she must bark the "criminal" in place. At this stage, he does not need to have an escape route - he can be cornered. As soon as he moves, the dog should attack and stop him. Search and escort of the "criminal" should also be practiced.

Work on the street
These classes take place in the vicinity of your home. Dog и хозяин встречают «преступника» в назначенное время и в условленном месте. It could be an ambush, a chase, anything. Avoid routine and show more imagination!

Then the dog is put into the car with the owner. A situation is being worked out when it must repel an attack from outside. The window remains half open so that the "criminal" can stick his hand inside, and the dog stick his head out. Command "Give!" serve as soon as you see that the dog is trying to drag the "criminal" into the car.

Warning. Always keep your dog on a leash in public places. Even in those cases when it is in the car.

Remember that in public places you are the center of attention. We have there is even a sign that we put up: "Don't worry, the dog is being trained." After all, it may happen that people do not understand what is happening and call the police.

If you are training at home or in the yard, warn the neighbors in advance. Otherwise, they may decide that you are in real danger and, again, everything will end with the appearance of a patrol car with armed policemen.

Stick work
At this stage охранной дрессировки палка нужна лишь для того, чтобы производить шум. It should not be used as a weapon. For the time being, we are working on the defense technique with the dog, and we must be careful not to stress it too much and force it to seek refuge in flight. The real stick work is ahead.

Chapter fifteen
security training — уровень III
К этому времени с собакой занимаются серьезной охранной дрессировкой уже 4-6 months, и она должна чувствовать себя уверенно. From now on, tougher training begins, including the movements of the “criminal”, blows with a stick and a leg, distractions that affect vision and hearing, etc.

Degree 1. Bite on the body and knock down (on a leash)

Now the helper, playing the role of the “criminal”, must expose the dog to bite different parts of the body so that he learns to diversify the prema of the attack. You can, for example, substitute your shoulder by simply making a half turn. Since the shoulder is high, the dog, as soon as it grabs, must be raised, then lowered so that the dog


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