Message: #351984
Ольга Княгиня » 06 Jun 2018, 00:13

Puppy in your house. Vladimir Gavrilovich Gusev

not always indicative, since in sleep and in the first minutes after sleep, the nose is dry and hot in all dogs, and sometimes remains cold in the first hours of the rise in temperature.

When signs of a disease appear, the dog needs, first of all, a sparing regimen, warmth, nutritious, easily digestible bulky food. When keeping a dog outside in the cold season, care should be taken to protect it from the wind and put more bedding in the booth.

It is necessary to measure the temperature of a sick dog twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. For этого обычный медицинский термометр слегка смазывают вазелином либо маслом и вводят собаке в задний проход на 3–4 см. Придерживая термометр в нужном положении и успокаивая собаку, его оставляют так на 5 минут. After measuring the temperature, do not forget to praise and caress the dog, and if he retains his appetite, it is even useful to treat him with something tasty.

If you have a fever or other serious symptom, you should consult a veterinarian, but this does not mean that the dog should be taken to the veterinary clinic at the slightest ailment. After all, a slight indigestion can be the result of overfeeding or eating unusual food that has a laxative effect (for example, milk), or, conversely, causing constipation (feeding the bones). Sometimes a dog refuses to eat during the day, arranging a voluntary fast for himself, useful with abundant food and insufficient walks, as this is often the case in urban content. In these and a number of other similar cases, malaise can be easily eliminated by clarifying its cause and slightly changing the mode of detention.

Proper treatment of a sick dog should only be done by a veterinarian, but an elementary acquaintance with the most common dog diseases is necessary for every dog ​​breeder.

Among these diseases, first of all, carnivorous plague should be mentioned, which, in addition to dogs, foxes, minks and many other predators are ill. For человека это, как и большинство заболеваний собак, не представляет никакой опасности. The virus of this disease is extremely variable. It causes a number of different forms of disease: intestinal, pulmonary, skin, nervous and mixed.

All of them are characterized by a rise in temperature to 39.5 degrees and above and are accompanied, depending on the course of the disease, by indigestion, inflammation of the respiratory organs and outflow from the eyes and nostrils, the appearance of pustules on the abdomen or seizures, muscle pain and paralysis in the most severe nervous form..

The disease affects dogs at any age, but since more or less stable immunity is developed after it, young animals suffer from it first of all.

The incubation period after infection with plague lasts 4–6 days. The disease in mild cases passes the same period, but with frequent complications, the disease drags on for many weeks and months, often leading to the death of the animal.

A dog that has been ill with distemper especially needs a long, sparing regimen (4-6 weeks after the disappearance of obvious symptoms). At this time, running, playing, training and hunting, bathing and hypothermia are contraindicated for the dog. The food should be light and nutritious. If you refuse to eat (as well as vomiting), it is recommended to give 5-10 minutes before feeding a tablespoon of red wine, which stimulates the appetite and has a slight tonic effect. Violation of the sparing regime after the plague is the main cause of complications, relapse of the disease in a nervous form and death of dogs.

Plague is a contagious disease. It is transmitted not only through direct contact of animals, but also when sick and healthy animals walk in the same territory, through care items. The virus is carried by people on clothing, and is also transmitted by virus-carrying dogs for several weeks after visible recovery. In the room where the sick dog lived, the pathogenic onset at room temperature persists for months, but the virus dies in the sun in a few hours.

Enteritis is a viral gastrointestinal disease of dogs that has become widespread in recent years. Characteristic signs are persistent diarrhea and vomiting, which is often mistakenly diagnosed as a sign of poisoning. In the acute course of the disease, the dog sometimes dies within a day.

During treatment, first of all, it is necessary to compensate for excess moisture loss by the body, which is achieved in two ways: 1st - very frequent infusion of small portions (tablespoon or dessert spoon) of cold boiled water and solutions in it: Ringer-Lock tablets (1 tab. per 0.5 cups of water), glucose (3 ampoules of 40% glucose per 1 cup of water), a weak solution of potassium permanganate; 2nd - subcutaneous injection of saline three to four times a day (for a dog weighing 7-10 kg, 50 ml of saline per injection). For поддержания сердца три раза в день в воду добавляют по 5 капель кордиамина, а лучше — два раза в день делать подкожные инъекции 1,0–2,0 мл. cordiamine.

At the same time, from the very first day, it is necessary to start medical treatment of the disease as prescribed by the veterinarian.

An ill dog needs rest. Walks - only on a leash, and if without it, then definitely - without running around, games, in a word, with minimal stress. Such a sparing regimen should be observed for at least 3-4 weeks.

The virus is transmitted through direct contact with sick dogs, by sniffing their secretions, and is carried on clothes, shoes, and various objects. For дезинфекции применяют 1%-ный раствор формалина, раствора щелочи, хлорной извести, кипячение.

Infectious hepatitis is an equally common plague-like viral disease that is often confused with plague. Recovered dogs need the same sparing treatment as after the plague.

Vaccination of dogs and especially puppies against these diseases significantly reduces their spread and in any case alleviates the course of the disease. In recent years, the anti-plague vaccine has been used very widely in our country, which cannot be said about the vaccine against infectious hepatitis.

Rabies is dangerous to humans and most warm-blooded animals. animal disease, the main transmitters of which are considered to be stray dogs, wolves and foxes.

The usual route of infection is the bite of a sick animal. The incubation period is very long - from several weeks to a year (in humans).

In view of the extreme danger of the disease, each animal that has bitten a person is considered potentially dangerous and is subject to observation for two weeks, since it becomes virulent during the incubation period 10–15 days before the obvious manifestation of signs of the disease.

In all cases of human bites by dogs and other animals, the victim must immediately contact the nearest Pasteur station.

Ear disease - especially common in long-eared (spaniels, hounds, cops).

The onset of the disease is characterized by itching inside the ears. The dog combs his ears with his hind legs and often shakes his head. If the cause of the itching is not eliminated in time, scratching and shaking the ears cause redness of their inner part, and in advanced cases, inflammation of the middle and inner ear, accompanied by acute pain on contact, as well as the outflow of purulent, foul-smelling fluid from the ears. In most cases, the cause of the disease is the clogging of the ears with their secretions - the so-called sulfur, sand and dust. Much less often, the disease causes ear mites. For устранения зуда от механического засорения ушей достаточно очистить их несколько раз при помощи тонких деревянных палочек, обернутых ватой и смоченных 2%-ной перекисью водорода, раствором борной кислоты (чайная ложка на стакан воды) или крепким чаем. At the same time, the auricle is carefully cleaned of sulfur and dirt within sight, changing sticks with cotton wool as they get dirty. Under normal conditions, it is enough to clean the ears every other day two or three times.

It is more difficult to cure ear mites, which can be detected in a swab taken from the ear with a strong magnifying glass (10-20x). For лечения ухо предварительно очищают, а затем слегка смазывают тепловатой (40–50 градусов) смесью из трех частей рыбьего жира и одной части 4-хлористого углевода, либо 4–5 капель хлорофоса на 15 г. камфорного масла. The procedure is repeated 3-4 times in 3-5 days.

Worm diseases. With a strong infection, the dog loses weight, eats poorly, digestion is disturbed, frequent vomiting is observed, the coat grows dull and ruffled.

More often Other puppies have roundworms - ascaris, with which they become infected even in the womb. This is a specific type of "dog roundworm".

For лечения применяют большей частью пиперазин. The medicine is given at the rate of 0.2 g per kilogram of the dog's weight half an hour after feeding. If the dog is sick after the medicine, it is given on an empty stomach in parts of 3-4 doses in half an hour, and the food is given 5-6 hours after giving the medicine. Treatment is carried out in two cycles of 3-4 days with an interval between cycles of half a month.

Tapeworms - tapeworms, tapeworms, tapeworms and ichinococci are obtained by dogs by eating raw meat, brains and entrails of animals affected by the larval forms of these parasites. When slaughtering domestic animals for meat, doctors check it for infection. Therefore, purchased meat only rarely serves as a source of infection. More often охотничьи собаки заражаются при поедании внутренностей диких животных. They can only be given boiled, especially liver and brains. For изгнания паразитов следует обращаться к ветврачу.

External parasites - lice, blocks, ticks - are very disturbing, and in large quantities they exhaust the dog.

Fleas parasitize adult dogs, and their eggs

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