Message: #352364
Ольга Княгиня » 07 Jun 2018, 01:40

A child and a dog. Brian Kilcommons, Sarah Wilson

на day или два. It will help mediocre dogs become good, and good dogs become better.

Too friendly dog ​​and nervous dog

Work with этими собаками, как с обычной средней собакой, постепенно приучая их к отвлекающим объектам. If inы вынуждены прибегнуть к коррекциям, используйте те же самые отвлекающие объекты, кроме тех моментов, которые вы осуществляете сами. After one or two “place” commands have been executed without your distractions, you can enter them again. Bring your dogs to an acceptable level of command as described in the section on the average average dog. Чтобы команда «место» была лучше усвоена, продлите обучение на day или два.

Two dog owners teaching their pets the "sit-place" command while being 2 meters away from them

Please note that if the dogs are of different sizes, then the length of the raised leash is different
wayward dog

Work with this dog in the same way as with a normal medium dog, making hard corrections if necessary. If inаша собака оглядывается на находящийся позади нее объект, отвлекающий внимание, проведите коррекцию, устроив небольшую пробежку. Make sure your dog has a good understanding of the "stay" command before moving on to the more difficult "down" command.

Timid shy dog

Work with этой собакой точно так же, как с обычной средней собакой, но не форсируйте обучение и не скупитесь на похвалу, когда она этого заслуживает.

shy biting dog и агрессивная собака

Work with this dog in the same way as with a normal medium dog, except that the first two times the “place” command will be executed at a distance of at least 6 m from the distracting object. Work with собакой до тех пор, пока она не сможет выполнять команду на расстоянии 1,5 м от объекта и иметь результат такого же уровня, как и у обычной средней dogs. It is very important that these dogs work at the level described in the section on the average average dog before you try to teach them the next command, "down". When leaving him to execute the “place” command, make sure that your dog is between you and the distracting object, so that in case he violates the command, he would not be able to make contact with him.

When your dog learns to follow a command well "sit-place" at a distance of 1.5 m from a distracting object, she will be ready to execute the most difficult command for both her and you: the command "down".

Fifth week: learning the down command
The "down" command would be a special command that tells your dog that you want him to lie on the ground. It will be used in conjunction with the "stay" command, and the "down-stay" command will be most effective when the dog's behavior needs to be completely under your control, such as when the dog is extremely agitated or in danger. Since the lay-in position is very comfortable, your dog can stay in it for a very long time.

The “down” command is the most difficult for dogs. The reason is that the dog considers the lying position as a form of complete submission to his opponent. IN драке между собаками потерпевший поражение часто спасает себя от дальнейших повреждений или даже смерти тем, что ложится и тем самым признает свое полное поражение перед противником. Обычно противник и затевает эту жестокую драку для того, чтобы потерпевшая поражение собака легла перед ним таким way. So when you tell your dog to lie down, you are asking for more than meets the eye.

To train a dog to obey the “down” command, you need to use special techniques. The authors of this book have found such techniques that are most effective and, from the point of view of the dog, carry the least amount of punishment. When you tell your dog to "down", it means to him that you want him to lie down immediately. To avoid ambiguity and confusion in her mind and to make the command as easy to understand as possible, give the "down" command only when you really want her to lie down, and not when you need her to jump off the couch or stop jumping on someone.. For such cases, there is a command "fu!". Thus, the “down” command will not sound like a reprimand, but will simply be another command that it will not be so offensive to obey.

Teaching the “down” command will be carried out in two stages. The first part will be to get the dog to physically lie down while calling the dog by its name and giving the command "down". INторая часть будет состоять в применении коррекции за то, что она не ложится, и in order to let her know that if she refuses to lie down, you can not only correct her behavior, but also physically knock her to the ground, and do this every time she does not obey.

There are many different methods for teaching dogs the down command. Different trainers use their own methods. Most of these methods involve pulling the leash down with the hand or foot and gradually increasing the tension when the command to "down" is given until the dog stops resisting and lies down. The punishment that is given to some dogs when they resist using this method is unreasonably high, especially when dealing with a stubborn dog. Some dogs are more difficult to teach the “down” command than others, but the punishment applied to them can be minimized using the method suggested below.

Since we have to overcome the dog's natural tendency to resist us, we need a training method that will be most enjoyable for him. Not может быть такого, что собаке будет приятно или хотя бы приемлемо для нее, если кто-то наступит на поводок или будет рукой притягивать ее к земле. IN противовес этому методу мы делаем по-другому: легонько положив левую руку на спину dogs, а правой рукой держа ее за передние лапы, заставьте собаку лечь и не скупитесь на похвалу, когда она ляжет. It will take you five days to train this dog. During this time, the dog will understand what the “down” command means even before you start correcting him for not lying down. When it comes to corrections, they will be very harsh, for example, she will be knocked down to lie down. There are other methods where the dog is kept in the supine position for 10-15 minutes and the correction is made by pulling the leash up each time the dog refuses to obey.

Reach behind the dog's right front paw to grab the dog's left front paw. Raise both paws and push them forward

The dog following the “down” command soiled the leash. When this happens, grab the leash near your neck and back away. When you go, release the leash and take it properly

Start correcting the dog by keeping your hands close to the muzzle, making the most effective jerk.

A jerk in the downward direction will topple dog on the ground
You may be wondering, “Isn’t that how the correction is made when we practice the “sit” command? Not подумает ли моя собака, что я хочу, чтобы она села, и тем самым сбиваю ее с толку. And the answer is yes, which is why we pull the leash down when correcting. The dog will clearly understand what is expected of him, now let's start teaching the dog the “down” command.

First day
average dog

Come to the playground with your dog. Make sure there is nothing to distract her attention. Start by practicing all the commands (“sit-place”, “next”, etc.). Stop after your workout.

How только собака автоматически выполнит команду «сидеть», заставьте ее лечь следующим способом. Holding the leash in your right hand, place your left hand on her head as if to praise her. INыпустите поводок из правой руки, бросьте его перед собой, где вы легко можете наступить на него или схватить, если будет нужно. Stroke the dog's neck with your left hand in the direction of the back, keep your hand on the back. Then lean forward and bring your right hand under her front legs. Причем ваша ладонь повернута кверху, большой палец направлен в сторону dogs. Подводите правую руку под ближайшую к вам переднюю ногу и захватывайте вторую, т. е. левую переднюю ногу dogs.

Then lift your front legs slightly and push them forward, at the same time pressing down on the dog's back with your left hand. When the dog lies down, give the command "Dream, lie down." The emphasis should be on the word "lie down", which should be pronounced louder and more drawn out than the previous word. How только собака легла, приласкайте her. Then grab the leash near the neck with your right hand and walk, giving the command “near” and taking the leash in your hand.

Train your dog to "down" on a soft surface, such as a living room carpet or a soft lawn. Not проводите занятие на цементном полу, что вызовет у dogs сопротивление и опасения. Training must be carried out quickly and reliably. Not разрешайте собаке уползать от вас.

Dogs are naturally very good at understanding body language and movement. They know what animal and human movements mean. If inы хотите, чтобы ваша собака доверяла вам и тому, что вы делаете, вы должны двигаться спокойно и уверенно и вселять тем самым в собаку уверенность в том, что действительно уверены в себе. To achieve this, you must carefully familiarize yourself with the movements that you are required when you force the dog to lie down. Study the techniques carefully and try to visualize certain points before you actually start applying the training techniques to the dog.

Use the described method with all breeds of dogs, except for the smallest, dwarf ones. For these dogs, the procedure will be slightly different. INместо того,


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