Message: #352388
Ольга Княгиня » 07 Jun 2018, 01:49

Chihuahua. Linisa Zhuvanovna Zhalpanova

Mexico, as a sign of admiration for the talent of the famous singer Adeline Patti, presented her with a bouquet of flowers, in which a tiny chihuahua was hidden. The original gift of a high-ranking person could not go unnoticed by the general public, which greatly contributed to the growth of the popularity of these wonderful animals throughout Europe.

Evidence has been preserved dating back to the end of the 18th century that several individuals of miniature animals were found in the dwellings of peasants who were not far from the ruins of the ancient castle of Emperor Montezuma, the last of the Aztec monarchs.

Subsequently, animals were found in other areas of the country.

Dogs had some characteristic features (preserved in modern Chihuahuas): the presence of a fontanel, large eyes and long toes.

These dogs were discovered in Mexico and in the 9th century. Te-chi-chi were mute, small in stature and had long hair.

There were few differences between them and modern dogs.

Some researchers of the origin of the breed believe that modern Chihuahuas were obtained by crossing te-chi-chi with small dogs that did not have a coat, which were brought from China. They suggest that the breed got its name in accordance with the name of one of the northwestern Mexican provinces of Chiwawa, or Shiwawa (this is the word for Chihuahua in English pronunciation), which is located near the Rio Grande, in the Gran Highlands.

Gradually, miniature animals spread to North America and Europe. The Chihuahua breed has had a significant impact on the formation of other dwarf breeds.

The appearance of the animals was not uniform: there were both smooth-haired and long-haired representatives of the Chihuahua. Their popularity grew all over the world.

In Philadelphia, in 1884, a dog show was held, where surprised visitors were able to see such a tiny animal for the first time.

The beginning of the official history of the mini-dog can be considered 1904, when the first smooth-haired representative of the Chihuahua was registered in the stud book in the United States. It was a dog named Midget. Here, as a result of the work of specialists, it was possible to breed long-haired chihuahuas.

Then, from 1907, and in England began to track the breeding lines of this breed. The first standard was developed in 1923. The formation of the American Chihuahua Club can be attributed to the same time.

A few years later, in 1949, the British Chihuahua Club appeared, in which the first 9 long-haired animals were registered in 1954. The British, together with their American colleagues, developed the second breed standard.

In 1956, the long-haired and short-haired varieties of the Chihuahua emerged and began to exist separately.

Currently, decorative mini-dogs are popular in almost all countries of the world, but this breed is most common in the USA, Latin America, England and Canada.

In Switzerland, the first representative of this breed was registered in 1953, in Germany - in 1956.

Chihuahuas first appeared in Russia only in 1959. The first owner of a pair of long-haired animals was Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, who received them as a gift from Cubans. Breeding of the breed in our country began with these dogs. In connection with this period, the name of E. Zharova, who directly dealt with these individuals, is mentioned. Some time later (in the 1960s) another pair of dogs arrived in Russia from Algeria. After 10 years, a long-haired male was delivered from foggy Albion, and two more individuals were brought from Mexico.

Fidel Castro presented the head of the Soviet state with chihuahua dogs, whose names were Duke and Duchess. Soon Khrushchev renamed them, and exotic animals were nicknamed Mishka and Mashka.

For a long time, domestic breeders were content only with these animals that participated in the breeding process.

Now the situation has changed, and Chihuahua breeders have got great opportunities for breeding work.

For several years, many elite dogs were brought to Moscow from different countries (Hungary, Czech Republic, England, USA, France, Yugoslavia, Germany, Holland, Mexico), among which were both long-haired and short-haired individuals.

As a result of intensive breeding work, a domestic Chihuahua population was created that meets the requirements of the FCI world standards.

Significant work has been done to unite numerous societies, clubs and nurseries that are part of the RKF system, in which specialists, enthusiasts and lovers of the Chihuahua breed are working. In March 1996, a single central club was created with a common data bank - the Russian National Chihuahua Breed Club.

The number of animals of this breed began to grow rapidly. On April 12, 2002, the club held the First National Dog Show, in which 52 Chihuahuas participated. They had a qualitative difference (more squat and balanced in character) from animals obtained at the initial stage of development of selection work.

This event put domestic breeding work to a new level, as it became possible to coordinate breeding work, exchange breeding animals for material from foreign nurseries.

The modern Chihuahua breed has a standard that was approved by the FCI on February 14, 1998 n 218 / D. It should be assigned to the ninth FCI group, which means "decorative dogs".

The official country of origin is Mexico. The modern standard of this breed implies a complex of the following features and qualities.

Chihuahua is a small elegant dog (exact height is not indicated), with a round large head, strong structure, harmonious proportions, proud posture. The animal is cheerful, bold, neat, graceful. Has a sly and good-natured expression of the muzzle.


Long haired bicolor chihuahua

Chihuahua moves gracefully and easily, very energetically, agile. He has an elastic, wide and energetic step, good movement of the forelimbs forward, a strong drive from the hindquarters.

When moving, the head is held high.

Movement, не соответствующее описанию, считается пороком.

Usually the weight of this breed varies from 450 g to 2.7 kg.

Fluctuations are possible from 900 g to 3.5 kg, but it is advisable to take into account that 1.3-1.8 kg is considered the best weight.

If the weight exceeds 2.7 kg, this is a disqualifying sign. Too little weight is also not welcome. Animals weighing 400-600 g are usually not allowed to breed. Breeders predominantly use males that weigh about 1.3 kg, while females must weigh at least 1.5 kg.

The standard does not regulate the growth of a Chihuahua, but in harmoniously built adult animals with optimal weight, it reaches 18-23 cm in height. withers (in some cases it can be 15 cm). A shorter height is preferable.

Head у чихуахуа очень характерной формы, довольно крупная по отношению к телу. The frontal part is voluminous, the eyebrows are protruding, the skull is round, wide between the ears, apple-shaped, the width and height are almost equal. On the parietal part, you can find a fontanel that is not covered by bone tissue.

The forehead is convex. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is pronounced (stop).

The characteristic high-set ears should be hanging and large, wide at the base, tapering slightly and rounded at the ends. In a state of alertness, the ears take a vertical position, the distance between them is reduced. Usually they are located at an angle of 45 ° to the axis of the skull.

If the animal feels danger or fear, then lowers its ears down or folds them in a fan.

Experts note that black is preferred, although the standard allows any options.

Should be short and full, slightly narrowed towards the nose. Cheekbones are not expressed.

Lips, according to the standard, should tightly close the teeth, have a rounded shape, be dry and tight.

They should be large, expressive, but not very protruding, round, widely spaced, the color of the eyes should be well defined. Color - dark or corresponding to the color of the dog. Light eyes are undesirable, although acceptable.

There are ruby ​​eyes. A deep groove should lie between the eyes (according to legend, the Maya Indians tied a small grain to the dog's forehead to form it). Modern Chihuahuas have inherited this distinctive trait.

Position of the nose and eyes
When viewed from the front, the nose and eyes of a Chihuahua, according to the standard, should form an equilateral triangle. The nose may be slightly upturned.

The bite in dogs must be pincer-shaped or scissor-shaped, straight is allowed. The number of teeth does not matter. Overshot or undershot is not allowed and is considered a disqualifying fault.

Should be elongated (its length exceeds the height at the withers), of strong construction, harmonious, with a deep chest, rounded up to the elbow, well developed, but not barrel-shaped.

The back is flat, straight. The croup is wide, sloping. The withers are almost not expressed. The abdomen is tucked up. In males a more square format is preferred, in bitches a more extended one is acceptable.

She's set pretty high. The line of the upper part of the neck has a slight bend. Its shape in males has a more filled volume than in females. Should pass smoothly into the body. There is no hanger. Neck чихуахуа не должна быть длинной.

Should be strong, dry, stable, even, not long, set straight. Articulation angles in the joints are well expressed. The lower leg is short. The muscles are well developed. Paws are covered with wool.

The forelimbs (viewed from the side) stand upright, the elastic pastern is set slightly obliquely. The elbows are firmly pressed to the body. The set of the hind limbs is vertical, they are parallel to each other. There should not be a narrow setting. Weak limbs are considered a disadvantage. Feet very small, oval, prehensile long toes well defined, separated but not spread. Nails moderately long, neat. The pads are soft. Dewclaws should be removed.

According to the standard, the tail should be of medium length, set high and carried. Can be placed along the back

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