Message: #277563
Ольга Княгиня » 11 Dec 2017, 21:08

To the sharecropper. V.Ya.Chudnovsky, A.K.Nikolsky

into it. Then его охлаждают на воздухе, а если нет времени, то в холодной воде. Old potatoes are peeled, leaving the peel in several places with wrapped edges - this way the fish bite better.

Fishing эту насадку хранят в жесткой таре, чтобы не помять. Large potatoes are cut into pieces before fishing. Hooks needed No. 6-9. It is better to pierce a piece of potato with a hook in two places. It is more expedient to remove the weather, pull it through the nozzle with a wire, tighten or deepen the hook completely into its mass and then fasten the leash to the fishing line.

And here is another way. A piece of potato is pierced closer to one edge and the hook is passed to the head, and then it is rotated 180 ° and the tip with underwear is heated in the mass of the nozzle. To prevent the hook from coming out, the following method is used. From the side of the undergarment, on a piece of potato, a notch is made with a size of 15xbxb mm and a piece of fat is cut out of the same size, which is put on the undergarment. INставленное в выемку сало предупреждает прорезание массы насадки.

Mashed potatoes are a good addition to many vegetable baits. IN частности, он употребляется в смеси с непросеянной ржаной мукой.

Carp, carp, barbel, less often roach are caught.

Potatoes are also used as a bait and bait, and when fishing for potatoes, bait is required.

Carrot. Washed carrots are boiled in salted water until they are not fully cooked, but so that they soften and have the ability to stay on the hook. It is dried in the air and stored in canvas bags or in a rag. They are hung on a hook in slices in the same way as potatoes. With its help, non-predatory fish are caught on bottom gear.

Macaroni and vermicelli. INарят на слабом огне до состояния мягкой резины Откидывают на решете и подсушивают на бумаге. Cut into pieces and flavored with unrefined sunflower oil. Store in a clean cloth.

On small pieces of vermicelli they catch roach, silver bream, scavengers. Hooks No. 3-5 should be with a thin shank and very sharp. Catch with a float rod.

On slices pasta up to 60 mm long, mounted on hooks No. 4–7, catch larger fish and mainly with bottom gear (Fig. 22, a).

Dumplings. For nozzles, ordinary dumplings prepared for the table are used. They are scalded with boiling water, dried and strengthened on a hook like dough.

Cakes (Fig. 22, b). Their various types are used both for baits and as additives to other baits, baits and baits. For nozzles, fresh hemp cake is often used, which is boiled over low heat with a small amount of flour and kneaded to a doughy state, and then balls of various sizes are rolled, usually with a nut.


Figure 22. Planting pasta and vermicelli (a), cake (b) and silkworm (c)

You can also use dry cake, sawing cubes out of it, they are tied several times with a thread and for it the cube is attached to hook No. 6 (you can also use No. 7). IN воде жмых медленно размокает. Carp and carp are caught on it with bottom fishing rods.

But the "delicacy" nozzles, rarely used, the description and methods of use of which are borrowed from a book addressed to sports anglers.

Buckwheat buns. They are prepared from buckwheat flour, ground from unpeeled buckwheat or from buckwheat. Having added a little crushed cake to the flour, knead a stiff dough, which is then thoroughly kneaded. Small koloboks of the right size are made from the dough (depending on the size of the fish being caught). The koloboks are dipped into boiling water. When they emerge, they are taken out and dried in the shade, and then a groove is made on each and a bun is tied around it with a thread. The hook is threaded under the thread, and its sting is masked with a piece of a worm. Carp fish are caught on such a nozzle.

Omelette. take куриное яйцо, отделяют желток от белка и выливают его в чайную чашку. Then в белок кладут маленький кусочек сливочного масла, щепотку сахару и немного белой муки и все тщательно растирают в однородную массу, которой наполняют до краев пустой спичечный коробок. The closed box is tied up and down with a thread, lowered into a pot of boiling water and boiled over low heat for about 20 minutes.

The finished "brick" of the omelet is stored in a cold place. Перед ужением нарезают кубики размером около 3 мм³. This nozzle is used to catch bream, silver bream, ide and other non-predatory fish from the bottom.

Fritters. Made from wheat flour with yeast. INажно, чтобы они были пористыми, хорошо baked and toasted. Cut into pieces, they serve as an excellent bait when catching non-predatory fish with bottom rods - for example, bream. The peculiarity of this little-known bait is that, due to its lightness, it floats a little above the bottom and attracts fish.

Shelkovnik. These are thread plants of a bright green color, similar to strands of thin silk threads. Silkberry grows in water (with weak and moderate currents) on stones, snags, piles, sunken trees, on wooden rows and on the underwater part of hydraulic structures.

For nozzles, young, not very long threads are used. They are torn off, washed from mucus and silt, trying not to remove living organisms that hold on to the threads. Fishing хранят в проточной воде связанными в небольшие пучки.

From a twisted strand of silk we make a figure eight or a loop and put it on hook No. 3-4, leaving the sting open. The end hanging from the hook should not be longer than 20 mm (Fig. 22, c).

IN тех местах, где до шелковника не добраться, его срывают крючком с помощью заброса снасти, протаскивая по растениям. Hooked algae are corrected on the hook, and if they are short enough, then they are caught directly on them - always in the course and where the silkworm grows. Slowly floating greenery always attracts fish, and they greedily swallow it.

Before you start fishing with silkworm, you need to make sure that the fish feeds on it. To do this, it is enough to squeeze the first fish caught a little, and if greenery appears from the anus, then it's time to fish on this green grass with a float fishing rod - swimming and wiring. Most often comes across roach.

Some рыболовы собирают шелковник и сушат. Dough is kneaded on its broth, which, having acquired the smell of algae, well lures roach and rudd both in summer and in winter.

Berries. IN качестве насадки используются вишня, черешня, смородина, а также некоторые лесные ягоды. You can plant and steamed raisins. Berries are used in areas where they grow in abundance, and always with affection, since fish must be accustomed to berries. More readily than other fish, chubs get used to them, and carp is also suitable for raisins.


Mixed baits

When there is no bite on natural baits, the angler begins to experiment in an attempt to tempt the fish with some unusual food, including including various combinations of natural baits. This often brings success.

As established by practice, mixed nozzles are divided into "sandwiches" and mechanical mixtures.

"Sandwiches" is a nozzle consisting of two feeds placed on one hook. INот наиболее часто применяемые.

Bloodworm with maggot. INначале на крючок насаживается опарыш, а на жало — мотыль. A well-proven tool for catching roach, bream, crucian carp and some other cyprinids. Suitable for fishing from under the ice.

Burdock larva with bloodworm head. On a racing hook, the larva moves to the underwear, and the bloodworm head remains on the sting.

Dung worm with bread crumb. The worm is baited in the usual way with an open sting, on which a piece of bread crumb or dough the size of a pea is planted.

Small dung worm with canned peas. Having planted a worm, one canned pea is placed on the sting.

Maggot with dough. INначале насаживается опарыш, а жало крючка прикрывается кусочком теста величиной с горошину.

Flakes "Hercules" with dough. The steamed flakes of "Hercules" are shifted to the underhook of the hook so that their edges bulge to the sides. A piece of dough is placed on the sting. The nozzle is good for catching carp.

Mechanical mixtures are those that consist of two or more types of feed in different proportions, planted on the hook in one lump.

Bread and blood mixture. A crumb of white bread is soaked in fresh animal blood. This is then mixed with pure soft bread or whole wheat flour to give the right viscosity. The pulp acquires a reddish color. The smell and color attract fish. You can catch all carp fish both in summer and in winter.

Bread with honey. Any fresh bread will do. Honey binds mashed bread well, it becomes sweet and has a pleasant smell. Treats for fish.

Bread or dough with bloodworms. IN хлебе или тесте разминают мелкого мотыля до однородной массы. Good bait for carp fish. INместо мотыля можно использовать личинки других насекомых.

Porridge and dough with dill. Fresh dill is chopped very finely, and dried dill is ground into powder. Dill is added to the dough or porridge during their preparation and everything is kneaded well until a homogeneous mass is formed. The nozzle acquires a greenish tint and a corresponding smell.

Bread with potato puree. Puree from new potatoes is mixed with bread crumb in a ratio of 1: 1, and the nozzle is well kept on the hook. INместо картофеля можно использовать толченую морковь.

Shell meat with dough and cereals. Finely chopped shell meat is rolled into dough


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