Message: #293510
Ольга Княгиня » 27 Jan 2018, 00:13

Zone Trading. Beating the market through confidence, discipline and a mindset for success. Mark Douglas

consistently earn money from events with a random outcome? They know that with large series, the casino always has advantage. They also know that in order to implement it, they need to participate in every hand. They do not have the choice of blackjack hands and craps or roulette, and they are not concerned with the problem of predicting the outcome of each individual game event.

INера в пять фундаментальных истин и в то, что трейдинг - это вероятностная игра поможет выполнить упражнение без видимых усилий, потому что ваше намерение пройти весь объем выборки и вера в вероятностную сущность трейдинга будут полностью гармонировать друг с другом. As a result, there will be no fear, no resistance, no distracting thoughts. What can prevent you from doing what you need without any reservations and hesitation? Nothing!

On the other hand, perhaps you have not yet guessed that this exercise is to organize a head-on collision of the desire to think objectively in terms of probabilities with all the internal forces that oppose it. Масштаб трудностей, с которыми придется столкнуться в процессе его выполнения, прямо пропорционален интенсивности присущих вам внутренних conflicts. IN той или иной степени вы испытаете прямо противоположное тому, что было описано в предыдущем параграфе. Don't be surprised if your first few attempts at an exercise fail.

How to deal with these conflicts? Practice self-observation and use the method of self-discipline to reorient the goal. Write down a list of the five fundamental truths and the seven principles of stability on a piece of paper and keep it in front of you at all times while trading. Repeat them tirelessly like a mantra, with a sense of inner conviction. Every time you notice that you think, say or do something that is not in accordance with the above truths and principles, acknowledge the conflict. Don't try to deny the existence of opposing forces. They are part of your psyche and strive to defend their version of the truth.

Having achieved this, redirect the vector of attention to what you are trying to achieve. If your goal is to be able to think objectively, break the associative link (this will allow you to stay in the stream of momentary opportunities), step over the fear of making a mistake, losing money, missing an opportunity to enter the market or take profits. This will stop making mistakes and gain confidence in your own abilities - and then you will know exactly what to do. Try to more carefully follow your own established rules and trading system. Accurate implementation of all the rules and concentration on the five fundamental principles will sooner or later resolve all internal conflicts regarding the essence of trading.

Each action that affirms any of the five fundamental truths saps energy from conflicting beliefs, and in so doing not only adds strength to her belief in the probabilistic nature of trading, but also strengthens her ability to achieve consistent results. IN конечном итоге новые убеждения обретут мощь и позволят без сознательных усилий думать и действовать сообразно поставленным goals.

INы непременно достигнете знания о том, что мышление категориями вероятностей является функциональной частью вашей идентичности, когда сможете пройти через объем выборки в 20 и более сделок без каких-либо сложностей, сопротивления и конфликтующих мыслей, отвлекающих внимание от действий, совершения которых требует механическая система. Only then will you be ready to move on to the more advanced subjective or intuitive stages of trading.

Final note
Try to avoid jumping to conclusions about how long it will take to go through at least one sample size exactly as planned, without any deviation, confusing thoughts or hesitation. This will take as long as it takes.

A professional golfer may need to hit the ball ten thousand strokes until the exact combination of swinging movements is stored in muscle memory, after which the stroke will be thrown unconsciously.

By relentlessly hitting the ball in practice, you are not playing a match with an opponent and are not participating in a big tournament. INы совершаете эти действия, так как верите в то, что овладение навыками и практика поможет выигрывать. The process of training a stability trader is essentially no different from sports training.

I wish you prosperity. I wish you luck, but you won't need it if you work hard to acquire the proper skills.

Your opinion on trading
1. In order to make money by trading, you need to know exactly how the market will behave in the future.

Agree Disagree

2. Sometimes I catch myself thinking that there must be some other way to break even.

Agree Disagree

3. The main purpose of market analysis for a trader is to make money.

Agree Disagree

4. Losses are inevitable part of trading.

Agree Disagree

5. Before making a trade, I always calculate the risk.

Agree Disagree

6. There is a price to pay to find out what the market is going to do next.

Agree Disagree

7. I will never open a deal if I am not sure of its successful outcome.

Agree Disagree

8. The more a trader learns about the market and about the peculiarities of its behavior, the easier it becomes to make transactions.

Agree Disagree

9. My trading system gives clear signals to enter and exit the market.

Agree Disagree

10. Even if there is a clear signal to reverse the position, it is difficult for me to exit the trade and enter a new trade.

Agree Disagree

11. Periods of stable success alternate with sharp drops in my trading account balance.

Agree Disagree

12. When I first started trading, my actions were completely unsystematic and chaotic - random successes alternated with serious failures.

Agree Disagree

13. Sometimes I find myself thinking that the market has something against me personally.

Agree Disagree

14. Despite my best efforts, I find it difficult to let go of negative experiences and heal emotional wounds.

Agree Disagree

15. I adhere to the principle of money management, according to which I always take profits as soon as the market allows it.

Agree Disagree

16. The trader's job is to identify patterns (price patterns) in the market that present an opportunity to trade, and then determine the risk that will have to be taken in order to find out if they will work as well this time as they did. in past.

Agree Disagree

17. Sometimes I feel like a victim of the market.

Agree Disagree

18. When I trade, I try to focus on a single time frame of price charts.

Agree Disagree

19. Successful trading requires a flexible mindset that most people don't have.

Agree Disagree

20. Sometimes I feel good about the rhythm of the market flow, but I find it difficult to act in accordance with my feelings.

Agree Disagree

21. Many times it happened that I kept a profitable trade, and even when it became clear that the movement was ending, I could not take profits.

Agree Disagree

22. Regardless of the amount of profit on the transaction, the result rarely brings me satisfaction, and I do not leave the feeling that I could have earned more.

Agree Disagree

23. When making a deal, I am full of enthusiasm and I am overwhelmed with positive thoughts about future profits, whatever they may be.

Agree Disagree

24. INажнейшая составляющая успеха в трейдинге - убеждение в собственной способности работать стабильно.

Agree Disagree

25. If you had the opportunity to instantly master any trading skill, what would you choose?

26. I часто провожу беспокойные бессонные ночи, думая о рынке.

Agree Disagree

27. Have you ever entered a market just because you were afraid of missing a move?

Not really

28. I like to feel the perfection of my trades, but this does not happen often. When I do well, I am so full of joy and enthusiasm that this positive completely covers subsequent failures.

Agree Disagree

29. Do you happen to plan trades that will never be executed and execute trades that you did not plan?

Not really

30. IN нескольких предложениях выразите свои мысли относительного того, почему, на ваш взгляд, большинство трейдеров не могут заработать деньги на рынке или не в состоянии сохранить заработанное.

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