Message: #395548
Ольга Княгиня » 08 Oct 2018, 14:07

Good Trader Rules. Elena Tau


- To me – аренду оплатить! Alexander said.

- I want a golden ring! Pavel's voice came again.

They could list their needs and desires endlessly, referring first to one, then to another. AND им всегда было мало: мало еды, мало выпивки, мало женщин, мало машин, мало одежды, мало денег. None of them even thought about what this greed could lead to! finished the story.

– AND что было дальше?

– Think! he replied.

He read this story on the pages of some press and now he was trying to surprise me:

– Did they go bankrupt?

– Notт, – ехидно заметил он.

– INоплотили все мечты в жизнь!

– Notт, в казино это нереально, ты же знаешь!

- They gave up this business and began to live each in their own way? I tried to find an answer.

- Wow, it's getting closer. Notт, они вложили деньги в новый более доходный бизнес, – быстро дал он ответ и стал дальше ковыряться в смартфоне.

- What was the title of the article? I asked incredulously.

– Think and grow rich in Russian!

Хохот разразил нас на всю комнату, так, что Lucy забежала в волнении узнать, что же случилось:

– INсё хорошо, крошка! I noted.

She brought a tray with cups of tea and cookies, inviting us to eat. So we sat all day, talking amusingly on the topics of investments, business, gambling. Even communication itself has now become a pleasant game for us, where everyone offered options for surviving in a world of eternal struggle for power.

Magic in Forex
Scientists and astronomers know that a person's life and his actions depend on natural components, including the phases of the moon. Full moon, new moon, waxing and waning moon - everything affects the psyche of people, including on the stock exchange. It's paradoxical, but that's the way it is. The growth of the moon is usually accompanied by market falls, and the waning moon is accompanied by growth. At first glance, it is difficult to understand how this is possible, but the explanation is simple: on the growth of the moon, the forces of the players are depleted, the market falls - and vice versa, when people are fed by the energy of the planet and it enters the phase of decline, the market grows. The asymmetry of these components is noticeable.

These troubles took me by surprise, and I drained the deposit because, after two weeks of stable work, both the psyche and the mind were tired, the phase of overwork had begun. I gave up and panicked, and the panic was followed by rash actions, decisions, stupid actions. AND терял счёт, к тому времени, когда он снова разворачивался вверх. Who is guilty? I am myself. It is impossible to follow the market in such a state - to make sober decisions too. It is better to leave everything as it is for a while and switch attention to other things. Notобходимо приземляться вовремя. Я поделился знанием с Lucy, и она где-то вычитала, что луна способна влиять на направление движения биржи.

She noticed a peculiarity behind herself, which is the way it is: her mood and strength depended on the moon, and if she implemented them incorrectly, then she lost her deposit. The most important thing is to understand that the exchange should not suck and absorb you, it should not become everything in your life, but should only support you from time to time. Therefore, it is necessary to have a large account, on which it is enough to make deliberate bets a couple of times a week and receive planned income, and not sit all day and week, following the charts. But such a skill is given only to a few. ANDспытайте себя, входите ли вы в эти единицы или же нет. If there are doubts, then leave the idea to others, it is not yours. Everyone is given their own, and this is their own - a chance for their own success, and not stealing from others.

As you can see, from the above, magic exists even on the stock exchange. If there were no soothsayers and magicians in your family, then testing your strength is the same excitement that ends sadly. Because any magical knowledge is a path for prepared and strong-willed individuals.

INаши правила
When a person asks himself how to continue to live, and what to do with the problems that surround him everywhere, he begins to intuitively look for a way out of the situation, sorting through different ways of managing your own life, turning it into your own story, with a mysterious ending. INо всех своих ошибках, виноват сам человек, а никто либо другой. If a person does not have rules, values, priorities, he will suffer until the end of his days. If a person is poorly oriented in the surrounding space, he will never find the way back, not to mention the way to the home of his soul. INселенная, земля, жизнь состоят из правил и законов, которые влияют на людей, если человек не знает, плохо понимает эти законы, он будет болеть и страдать до тех пор, пока не осознает всю истину собственного существования:

– Я снова слила счёт, – сказала Lucy, на её глаза наворачивались слёзы разочарования и боли, – это были мои последние деньги! What should I do? She buried herself in her pillow and wept bitter tears.

I was her man, friend. AND как-бы мне не было её жалко, не мог ей помочь, потому что сейчас она страдала за собственные ошибки. And the exchange brings up the best qualities in a person, which means that she will still learn to be more accurate, more attentive, more responsible for her life. Hope for this was born in my soul with each of her new sobs:

“Oh,” I sighed deeply, “I’m no better myself!”

Although I was losing count, I have now learned to be sober and critical of myself. And the score became for me not a game - but a teacher, a means of educating the spirit and mind. And life, as you know, is given to us for enlightenment. The better and clearer you develop the rules for yourself, the clearer and better your success will be. Nobody has the power to do it for you. INся ваша жизнь – это только ваши правила и результат их работы. What is the result, such were the rules. The rules are laid down by parents from the values ​​of culture and family, if your parents have not brought up these rules in themselves and you, you will develop and work them out yourself.

The most important rule is that money should work for you, not you for money. They must have a turnover, flow from one state to another, they must move, and not lie like a dead weight on a card or passbook. They must collect energy through your contacts, decisions, deeds, actions, they must become alive in order to be always in your hands, and each time to swim towards you, and not towards your uncle.

Money, like everything else in the world, is a reflection of your life energy. If there is a lot of energy, then there will be enough money. If it is not enough, then there will be little money. Therefore, it is necessary to turn on the head: to have several sources of income and self-expression that can bring additional income. Having experienced a short period of life in a new activity, having gained knowledge, experience, and understanding of myself, I have developed rules for everyone who is going to or has already encountered work in gambling establishments. The goal of my experience was the rules: the rules of the good trader. They will help you think about whether to jump in and spend your money where the chance of losing it is much higher.

Rules of a good trader:

1. We are not eternal and mortal, think deeply to whom you will give the accumulated! People tend to die. If the body is young and healthy, and you are a trader or a broker, you have a chance to realize many desires and even help others to do it. If you do not have children, but have enough money, you can be creative within the country or planet. If you are old and sick, and life has pushed you into forex, options, you get a chance to pay your own pension! To increase investments in order to realize itself is the main direction of a “successful” trader.

2. If you were born in the family of an ordinary "hard worker", the chance of becoming a millionaire is drastically reduced. Because you will have to go through several stages of your own development and lay down your own rules in life that your father or mother did not lay down. INам потребуется менять мировоззрение, менталитет, наращивать духовность, постоянно развиваться, делать всё, что не сделал ваш отец. At the same time, to have a minimum capital and a warm house. Also, have an educated partner around who can push and support you. AND после всего этого, суметь выработать умение сохранить наработанный капитал, не растратив его по случайной глупости. As happened with your working parents.

3. You have to pay for everything, especially for your mistakes! INсё что происходит с человеком – все происходит по его же воли. Thought is material, energy has the ability to transform. Money is energy. We pay for our own mistakes! For bad thoughts, negative mood, fears, emotions, for the pain caused to others and nature.

4. Money is a part of life, but not the goal itself! Money cannot be an end, it is a means to an end. First you need to figure out the goals. money through achievement of

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