Message: #279282
Ольга Княгиня » 15 Dec 2017, 20:40

Business Path: Jack Welch. 10 secrets of the world’s greatest management king. Stuart Kreiner

firms tend to spend their time developing strategies rather than mundane conversations about how much money is currently available. В действительности же в больших корпорациях денежную наличность зачастую недооценивают и как следствие - плохо отслеживают ее движение.

Jack Welch возвращает денежные потоки на центральное место. “Too often we count everything, but we don’t understand anything. There are three main aspects you need to control in a business: first and second, you need to know how satisfied the customer and the company's employee are, and thirdly, you need to have an idea of ​​the company's cash flow. If you improve your customer experience, your global market share will definitely increase. Satisfaction of your employees increases the quality of their work, pride and creative motivation. А денежная наличность - это жизненный пульс, это ключ к сердцу companies." Cash flows are related to cash means. «Наличные - это факт, выгода - это мнение», - говорит Альфред Раппапорт из школы менеджмента Келлог в Северо-Западном университете.

Welch attaches great importance to the issue of cash, and this goes against some principles of corporate life. This obviously raises the question of the accounting model that operates in the corporation. Эрвин Шолц из колледжа менеджмента Эшриджа - один из тех, кто порицает традиционную бухгалтерскую модель, где ценностью считается скорее прибыль, чем денежная наличность. Scholz believes that this accounting model is imperfect (because it does not reflect the full cost of capital); complicated; inconsistent (creates conflict moments); incorrect and inefficient (because it often contradicts business management systems).

Welch touched on everyday but vital issues. Cash. Products in warehouses. «В сфере производства игроки высшей лиги считают скопление товара на складах негативным явлением, с которым надо бороться», - заявлял он в письме к сотрудникам GE в ежегодном отчете 1997 г.

Summary: Run a shop

• Keep track of cash. Businesses of any size need cash flow management. In addition, this direction is clear to everyone.

• Keep the parameters for measuring business success simple. Nothing intricate. Welch focuses on simple criteria. He does not refer to the return of capital or other fashionable theories. Его параметры успеха - это наличность, сервис и такие базовые категории бизнеса, как запасы товара на складах.

• Управление - это управление. Whether you run a grocery store or a conglomerate of businesses, the fundamentals are the same. Не думайте о различиях - их нет.

Pass the baton

For those who have achieved great success, it is extremely difficult to accept the fact that their strength is running out. Some sports stars are notorious for continuing to perform even though their prowess has long since faded. Another battle, another race, another tournament...

Leaders face the same problem. Winston Churchill was an outstanding military leader, but in times of peace his image has faded. This does not mean that his skills have disappeared, but, as often happens in life, skill that is successfully manifested in some conditions remains unclaimed in others. Харизматические лидеры - те, кто creates a fast-growing, dynamic organization, rarely continue to lead it when the organization becomes a stable multinational giant. Indeed, now the figure of a charismatic leader is everywhere perceived with skepticism. Peter Drucker acknowledges the importance of authority in leadership, but believes that charismatic leaders are often blinded by the illusion of their infallibility. Believing in their infallibility, they cannot adequately respond to change and find it difficult to cope with new conditions.
Many leaders are familiar with such an important factor as lack of time. For some, such as Lord Marshall of British Airways, it is normal and inevitable to be constantly underpowered. «Общая проблема для всех лидеров в любой области - это то, что время, которое они проводят в офисе, отрывает их от реальности. And as a result, they cannot admit their failures and mistakes. Руководители не должны оставаться на посту слишком долго», - говорит Лорд Маршалл, ссылаясь на мнение Роберта Таунсенда, что никто не должен оставаться на одном посту более пяти лет.

Jack Welch возглавлял компанию гораздо дольше. And he, obviously, was quite comfortable in his post. He continued to work through the hard times of the 1980s. and during heart surgery. But it seems that GE's management tradition has allowed Welch to carry the burden of power without much damage. And in turn, the structure of the company turned out to be stable enough so that Welch could not break it and change it "for himself." Уэлч предан компании до кончиков ногтей, но сам он - не GE. And so it has always been.

His successor Geoffrey R. Immelt follows the same course. GE continues to set records. The turmoil in the Asian economy, the collapse of Internet companies and the rise of the dollar do not seem to have affected the company's robust profitability. The prospects for the company are, in principle, very favorable. The great lessons of Jack Welch's career should not be forgotten: change while things are going well. Change now to beat the competition in the future. If you delay, you will be forced to change.

How to manage like Jack Welch

Jack Welch - уникальная личность. His success is unique. But there are still universal rules that can be learned from his career and applied to your business.

1. Make operating instructions to the limit understandable ... and then read them to others

«Моя работа состоит в том, чтобы давать хорошим специалистам больше возможностей для реализации их способностей и вкладывать доллары в нужные места», - говорит Уэлч. Indeed, simple.

2. Make Revolutionary Changes, Don't Try to Roughly Repair a Building

Gradual change looks tempting, but can lead to defeat. Big jump is much better.

3. Constantly change

Self-satisfaction is deadly for a large corporation. Move forward all the time.

4. Think positive

Jack Welch верит в то, что все может быть улучшено. “Productivity is not out of thin air. Продуктивность - следствие глубокой веры в то, что любое задание можно сделать лучше, а потом еще лучше».

5. Surround yourself with the right people

Surrounded by sycophants, you will probably be comfortable. Но Jack Welch окружил себя неуживчивыми исполнителями. Like Gary Wendt of GE Capital and Robert Wright of NBC.

6. Always learn

Проработали ли вы всю жизнь в одной компании или в десятке разных - ваш личный прогресс будет оцениваться приобретенными навыками, а не ростом зарплаты.

7. Keep it simple

Whatever you do, keep it simple. Communicate simply. Set simple goals. Build simple systems.

8. Educate your staff

Educate your employees and your company will educate itself. Continually talk to staff and develop talent.

9. Plan for success

You are in charge of tomorrow.

10. Make mistakes

Any делает ошибки. Either you make mistakes and learn from them, or you forget about them. Пренебрежение ошибками - это путь к провалу.

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